
2.2.1 • Public • Published


台灣 ( "中華民國自由地區",含台、澎、金、馬 ) 縣市、鄉鎮、村里界圖。含前端繪圖函式 ( 基於 d3.js v4 )


npm install --save pdmaptw

Frontend Usage

pdmaptw depends on following libraries:

  • d3@^4.0.0
  • topojson@^2.0.0
  • d3-geo@^1.0.0
  • d3-geo-projection@^2.0.0

include dependencies:

<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.js"></script>
<script src="https://d3js.org/topojson.v2.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-color.v1.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-interpolate.v1.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-scale-chromatic.v1.min.js"></script>

include main js file:

<script src="path/to/dist/index.js>"></script>

include corresponding map files:

<script src="path/to/dist/county.map.js>"></script>
<script src="path/to/dist/town.map.js>"></script>
<script src="path/to/dist/village.map.js>"></script>

Then, create map object:

var obj = new pdmaptw(opt);
obj.init().then(function() {

Constructor Options

  • root: container for this map
  • `type: 'county', 'town' or 'village'.


  • init(): map initialization, include data fetching / path elements creating. return promise.
  • fit(opt): fit map to the size of container. options:
    • box: bounding box {width, height} for fix size hinting


  • hover: fired when user hovers on geographic paths. with parameters:
    • evt: event for mouseover.
    • data: not null if mouseover path element of map. usually a topojson object with properties member:
      • properties.name - name for this geographic block, like "高雄市左營區"

Class Methods

  • projection(): return a d3js GeoProjection for 台澎金馬地區, as compact as possible.
    • the returned function accepts parameters as an array with [lng, lat] format.
  • normalize(str) - name normalization, e.g., replace '臺' with '台'.

Building Map File

After npm install, Fetch data and build:

npm run build

Alternatively, execute the script manually:

./node_modules/.bin/lsc convert.ls
./node_modules/.bin/lsc filter.ls

What the above commands do:

  • fetch will download and unzip shp files from government website to download folder.
  • convert.ls will process all shp files and convert them to topojson.
    • tweak mw and w for twaking topojson size. be sure to test in major browsers before using. escpecially windows firefox since we encountered an abnormal path before.
  • filter.ls will generate separated county files.
  • build build the utility js twmap for frontend rendering.
  • tool/build.sh will process all shp files and convert them to geojson, topojson and sample svg.
    • for getting topojson, simply use convert.ls directly.


For a sample usage in frontend:

npm start

the script will start a simple server and open the demo page automatically.

meta.json structure

for keeping topojson metadata. lookup with cid/tid/vcode.

{ county: { "county-id": {c: "county-code", n: "county-name"}, ... }, town: { "town-id": {c: "town-code", n: "town-name"}, ... }, village: { "village-code": {n: "village-name"}, ... } }

properties in topojson is then converted to:

{ cid: "county-id", tid: "town-id", vcode: "village-code" }

each field exists only when applicable.


  • 取得 shp files.

  • shp to geojson

    • 使用 npm module: shapefile
      • npm install shapefile
      • shp2json ( -o )
    • ( geojson 的格式說明? )
    • 轉出的geojson 仍需做投影, 而這可以先做, 就不用 runtime 做. 使用 d3-geo-projection
      • npm install d3-geo-projection
      • geoproject 'd3.geoConicEqualArea().parallels([34, 40.5]).rotate([120, 0]).fitSize([960, 960], d)'
        < \
      • geoConicEqualArea 適用於北美加州, 我們可以自已換投影法. 參考
      • 可以用 geo2svg ( from d3-geo-projection ) 先輸出範本 svg ( 但大概會非常大 ):
        • geo2svg -w 960 -h 960 < >
    • Data Join: 利用 ndjson 將 geojson 分 features 切成很多行, 方便後續處理
      • npm install ndjson
      • 切開: ndjson-split 'd.features' < >
      • 轉換: ndjson-map 'd.id = d.properties.GEOID.slice(2), d' < >
      • 串接: ndjson-cat ...
      • join data: ndjson-join ...
      • 轉回 geojson: ndjson-reduce
    • 最佳化: 使用 topojson 格式.
      • npm install topojson
      • geo2topo -n tracts= >
      • toposimplify -p 1 -f < >
      • topoquantize 1e5 < >
    • 合併行政區塊: 使用 topomerge ( in topojson package )
      • topomerge -k 'd.id.slice(0,3)' counties=tracts < >
  • geojson to topojson


Source code: MIT


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