
0.0.1 • Public • Published


A lightweight, general purpose, serverless monitoring framework for security, compliance, and best practice issues across an organization. It simplifies wiring arbitrary event streams to logic and notifications.

Patrol is a Node application deployed on AWS, leveraging the following AWS services:

Patrol can consume event streams from non-AWS sources and provides three types of rule triggers:

  • CloudWatch Event Rules
  • Scheduled rules
  • SNS subscriptions

General Anatomy of a Patrol stack


Patrol itself ties together lambda-cfn and repositories containing rulesets (patrol-rules-aws). The patrol repository is an example only, please fork to maintain your own custom Patrol stack.

It requires cfn-config to deploy the javascript CloudFormation template.

Rulesets are added to the patrol/package.json, allowing rulesets to be independently version controlled in their own repositories.

Rules compiled into the Patrol lambda are defined in patrol/cloudformation/patrol.template.js.


lambda-cfn is a reusable framework to generate Lambda functions. It does most of the heavy lifting, creating both the CloudFormation template and the CloudWatch Event Rules.


cfn-config provides a interactive commandline tool to create and update CloudFormation templates. It supports the Javascript CloudFormation templates necessary for Patrol.


Public Patrol rules for monitoring AWS resources and API calls.


streambot provides a wrapper function and a backend to load CloudFormation parameters into a lambda's environment.

Using Patrol

Patrol in action

The disallowedResources.js rule from patrol-rules-aws uses CloudTrail to generate an alert when a policy document grants access to specific resource ARNs.

   | CloudTrail Event |
   |      Stream      |
            |     Patrol managed resources
|           |                               |
|     +-----v-----------+                   |
|     | CloudWatch Rule |                   |
|     +--------+--------+                   |
|              |                            |
|              | Run event against          |     +-----------+
|              |                            |     | Streambot |
|      +-------v-------+                    |     +------^----+
|      | event pattern |                    |            |
|      +-------+-------+                    |            |
|              |                            |            |
|              | on match, trigger          |            |
|              |                            |            |
|      +-------v--------------------+       |            |
|      | Subscribed Lambda function <--------------------+
|      +-------------+--------------+       |      get parameters
|                    |                      |
|                    |                      |
|      +-------------v---------+            |
|      | process event payload |            |
|      +---+-------------------+            |
|          |                                |
|          |                                |
|          | emit message to SNS topic      |
|          |                                |
|          |                                |
|     +----v------+                         |
|     | SNS topic |                         |
|     +---------+-+                         |
|               |                           |
            | PagerDuty |

Rule walkthrough


  1. The rule requires a comma separated list of ARNs, specified during template deployment by the parameter config.parameters.disallowedResourceArns.
  2. The config.eventRule object describes the CloudWatch Event Rule, the source for the rule (CloudTrail), and the rule filter pattern. See CloudWatch Events and Event Patterns for more on the syntax of event patterns.
  3. When the rule pattern is matched, CloudWatch Rules triggers the Patrol Lambda and passes the event to the index.disallowedResources handler.
  4. The rule function defined in module.rule.fn and bound to the index.disallowedResources handler processes the event, and the function emits a message to an SNS topic when appropriate.


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  • 0.0.1
  • 0.0.0

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