
0.1.2 • Public • Published


A node module to make path manipulation easier. Built on top of the builtin path module.


npm install -S pathlib


var path = require("pathlib");
// find relative path
path("a/b/c").to("a").path   // "../.."
path("a/b/c").from("a").path // "b/c"
// move file tree
    .from("base").mount("other/place").path // "other/place/path/to/file.ext"
// move file
path("path/to/file.ext").move("subdir").path // "path/to/subdir/file.ext"
// get parent directory
path("path/to/file.ext").dir().path // "path/to"
// url join
path("path/to/file").nav("other/").nav("file").path // "path/to/other/file"
// members of original path module are copied.
path.join("a", "b", "c"); // "a/b/c"

API reference

This module exports a createPath function.

createPath(path: string): Path

Create a Path object.

createPath.Path: Path class

createPath.unwrap(path: Path|Array|object|string): Array|object|string

Unwrap a Path object, return its .path property. If calling with an array, return a new array that each element is unwrapped. If calling with an object, unwrap all enumerable properties.

Path: class

constructor(path: string|Path)

A string to initiate the path.

Path.base(): string

Return basename.

Path.ext(): string

Return extension name.

Path.dir(): new Path

Return the path of parent folder.

Path.rename(option: Object|function): new Path

If calling with an object, it looks for root, dir, base, name, ext properties to decide the new name.

.rename({ext: ".txt"})	 // change extension to ".txt"
.rename({name: "file2"}) // change name to "file2"
.rename({root: "D:"})    // change root to "D:"
.rename({name: "hello", ext:".world"}) // rename multiple parts at once

This method also accept a function, which should accept a PathParseResult and return a option object.

Path.isAbsolute(): boolean

Check if it is an absolute path.

Path.mount(...base: string|Path): new Path

Mount current path on base.

Path.extend(...path: string|path): new Path

Concat all path to the current.

Path.normalize(): new Path

Normalize the path separator. Resolve ".." and ".".

Path.parse(): ParseResult

See nodePath.parse().

Path.from(base: string|Path): new Path

Return path relative to base. string|Path): new Path

Return a relative path which can resolves to target from current path.

Path.resolve(...path: string|Path): new Path

Resolve path base on self.

Path.resolveFrom(...path: string|Path): new Path

Resolve, but start from path.

Path.nav(path: string|Path): new Path

URL join. Its behavior depends on .isDir().

Path.isDir(): boolean

Test if the path ends with "/" or "".

Path.trim(): new Path

Trim trailing slash.

Path.move(path: string|Path): new Path

Util method to move file along the path to other folder.

Path.moveTo(path: string|Path): new Path

Util method to move file to other path. It works a slightly different than .move.

path("a/b/c.dat").move("d").path;   // "a/b/d/c.dat"
path("a/b/c.dat").moveTo("d").path; // "d/c.dat"

Path.isRoot(): boolean

Return true if current path is a root path.


  • 0.1.2 (Jan 21, 2017)

    • Add Path.isRoot.
  • 0.1.1 (Jan 18, 2017)

    • Copy original path properties into createPath function.
    • Add Path.moveTo.
  • 0.1.0 (Jan 18, 2017)

    • First release.

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