Parse a string and returns an integer array.
parseIntArray(str, base = 0]);
- str:string
- base:number/function=0:number
an array of integer.
var parseIntArray = require("parse-int-array");
// The comma separates the numbers.
parseIntArray("0,1,2"); // returns [0,1,2]
parseIntArray("2,0,1"); // returns [2,0,1]
// The delimitor '..' represents a range
parseIntArray("0..2"); // returns [0,1,2]
parseIntArray("10..10000"); // ...
// Combination
"1,5..3,6"); // returns [1,5,4,3,6]
// Usage of user parser
var animals = ["bird","cat","dog"];
function animal2index(animal, base) {
return animals.indexOf(animal);
"cat, bird, dog",
animal2index); // returns [1,0,2]
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