
1.10.0 • Public • Published

Paradise Bot List API Wrapper

The official NPM Module for interacting with the Paradise API



npm i paradiseapi.js@latest


npm i paradiseapi.js@1.10.0


npm i paradiseapi.js --save

Hard Coded Install

Append the Line below to your package.json

    "paradiseapi.js": "^1.10.0",

• Save and profit


You can POST Server and Shard Count stats once every 5 minutes


[ Error ] 429 : [PBL] (429): Your are being ratelimited, 1 request per 5 mins.

[ Error ] 404 : [PBL] (404): Can't find server_count.

[ Error ] 404 : [PBL] (404): Authorization header not found.

[ Error ] 400 : [PBL] (400): server_count not integer.

[ Error ] 404 : [PBL] (404): Bot not found!

[ Error ] 400 : [PBL] (400): Incorrect authorization token.

[ Error ] 404 : [PBL] (404): Go generate auth token for your bot!

[ Error ] 400 : [PBL] (400): shard_count not integer.

[ Success ] 200 : [200]: Your Stats Has Been Posted.

Posting Stats


PBL(client, token)
Parameter Type Optional Description
token String No The API Auth Token found on your bots page.
client Snowflake No The Client ID for the bot you want to post stats to.

Discord.js v12 Example

const Discord = require("discord.js")
const client = new Discord.Client()
const prefix = "!";
const PBL = require("paradiseapi.js")
const pbl = new PBL(,"bot-auth-token")

client.on("ready", () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}.`)
setInterval(() => {
/* Here is where we Post the stats to the Site (Only use one of these) */ /* Will `POST` server count*/
   // /* Will `POST` shard count*/
   //, client.shard.count) /* Will `POST` server and shard count*/
}, 300000) //5 Minutes in MS

client.on("message", message => {
    if( return
    if(message.content == prefix + "ping"){
        message.reply(`Pong! it took ${}`)


Discord.js v12 Example (Wtih event handler

module.exports = class extends EventClass {
    constructor() {
        super('ready', {
            emitter: 'client',
            event: 'ready'

    exec() {
  const PBL = require("paradiseapi.js")
  const pbl = new PBL("BOT_ID_HERE","AUTH_TOKEN_HERE")
/* Here is where we Post the stats to the Site (Only use one of these) */ /* Will `POST` server count*/
   // /* Will `POST` shard count*/
   //, client.shard.count) /* Will `POST` server and shard count*/

(Discord Akairo) Example

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const { Listener } = require('discord-akairo');
const request = require('superagent');
const fetch = require("node-fetch")
const Client = new Discord.Client()

module.exports = class ReadyListener extends Listener {
    constructor() {
        super('ready', {
            emitter: 'client',
            event: 'ready'

    exec() {
  const PBL = require("paradiseapi.js")
  const pbl = new PBL("BOT_ID_HERE","AUTH_TOKEN_HERE")
/* Here is where we Post the stats to the Site (Only use one of these) */ /* Will `POST` server count*/
   // /* Will `POST` shard count*/
   //, client.shard.count) /* Will `POST` server and shard count*/

Getting Stats


Parameter Type Optional Description
username String Yes The bots username.
botid Snowflake Yes The bots ID.
owner Snowflake Yes The bot owners ID.
additionalOwners String Yes The IDs of all additional owners (if any).
Prefix String Yes The bots listed prefix(s).
shortDescription String Yes The bots short description (Shown on cards).
longDescription String Yes The bots long description (Can be markdown).
votes Number Yes The bots total number of upvotes.
usersVoted String Yes IDs of the last 10 users who voted (May return less).
usersVotedTotal Number Yes Total number of Individual Users who have voted (Each user = 1).
server String Yes Link to the bots support server.
website String Yes Link to the bots website.
github String Yes Link to the bots github.
donate String Yes Link to donate to the bot.
tags String Yes List of the bots tags.
library String Yes The library the bot was made with.
servers Number Yes Number of total servers the bot is in.
shards Number Yes Number of total shards the bot has.


const Discord = require("discord.js")
const client = new Discord.Client()
const prefix = "!";
const PBL = require("paradisebotsapi.js")
const stats = new PBL()
client.on("ready", () => { // ready listenerconsole.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`)}) 
client.on("message", message => { // message listener
    if( return;
    if( !== "text") return;
    if(!message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) return;
    if(message.content == (prefix + "ping")){
        message.reply(`Pong ${}ms`)
     if(message.content == (prefix + "stats")){
        stats.get(, function(data){
        let embed = new MessageEmbed()
        .setDescription(`Vote here:${}`)
        .addField("Total Votes", data.votes);

Example (GET User)

const Discord = require("discord.js")
const client = new Discord.Client()
const prefix = "!";
const PBL = require("paradisebotsapi.js")
const user_stats = new PBL()
client.on("ready", () => { // ready listenerconsole.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`)}) 
client.on("message", message => { // message listener
    if( return;
    if( !== "text") return;
    if(!message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) return;
    if(message.content == (prefix + "ping")){
        message.reply(`Pong ${}ms`)
     if(message.content == (prefix + "stats")){
        user_stats.getUser("SOME_USER_ID", function(data){ // USER ID Should be String
        let embed = new MessageEmbed()
        .setDescription('The info here is fetched from the Paradise Bots API')
        .addField("User ID", data.userID, true)
        .addField("Bio",, true)
        .addField("Certified User?", data.certifiedUser, true)
        .addField("Vote Banned?", data.voteBanned, true)
        .setFooter(`Requested By: ${}`)


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  • toxic-dev
  • paradisebots