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5297 packages found
A powerful library for interacting with the Discord API
Discord API typings that are kept up to date for use in bot library creation.
The REST API for discord.js
A package that vends constructs to notify about AWS resources via discord
A powerful library for interacting with the API
A set of builders that you can use when creating your bot
Wrapper around Discord's gateway
Helpers for discord interactions
Easy and customizable economy module for your Discord Bot.
- discord
- bot
- discord.js
- economy
- fast
- easy
- easy-eco
- easy-economy
- discord economy
- discord-economy
- discord-economy-super
- discord-js
- discord-eco
- View more
Make configurable canvas easily with Canvafy
- canvacord
- discanvas
- canvafy
- discord
- discord.js
- canvas
- rank
- card
- rankcard
- skia-canvas
- skia
- nodejs
- esm
- es6
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A unofficial discord.js fork for creating selfbots [Based on discord.js v13]
A powerful Discord.js module for simplifying music commands and effortless playback of various sources with integrated audio filters.
Sequential asynchronous lock-based queue for promises
A powerful package to create Discord Bots with built-in string functions.
A stable and updated wrapper around Lavalink
Deconstructs and generates snowflake IDs using BigInts
Create and sync Discord slash commands!
The REST API for discord.js
Create a discord bot with TypeScript and Decorators!
A simple by design lavalink wrapper made for any discord library.