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# Override Console Log

  • Author: Shammi Hans | Smi0001 https://github.com/orgs/IYAHU/people/Smi0001
  • Dependency: JavaScript (ES06)
  • Description: Overriding console.log to customize the log with current time along with passed log arguments
  • License: GPL-3.0

   ___                      _     _       
  / _ \__   _____ _ __ _ __(_) __| | ___  
 | | | / / _ '__| '__| |/ _` |/ _ \
 | |_| |V /  __/ |  | |  | | (_| |  __/
  \___/  \_\___|_|  |_|  |_|\__,_|\___|  
  ____                      _         _                
 / ___|___  _ __  ___  ___ | | ___   | |    ___   __ _
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 \____\___/|_| |_|___/\___/|_|\___|  |_____\___/ \__, |


  • Shorthand names available, just use log / logD / logE / logI
  • Stop all Fns from executing, there is no need of finding & commenting / deleting each Fn calls configure 'stopLogging'
  • Enable / disable any particular Fn or all Fns configure 'enableAll' / 'enableLog' / 'enableLogI', 'enableLogD' / 'enableLogE'
  • Enable or disable date-time logging configure 'logDate'
  • Customize log-type tag (replace INFO/DEBUG/ERROR with your own custom string as prefix) configure 'logDateThenPrefix'
  • set the order of appearance for date-time and prefix-tag configure 'logDateThenPrefix'
  • Customize Date/Time format
  • New 14 configurable options


var { log, logI, logD, logE, logConfig } = require(<url_path_of_overide-console-log-package>);


import { log, logI, logD, logE, logConfig } from <url_path_of_overide-console-log-package>;


console.log('Original logging');     // [2018-4-5 16:43:23] Original logging
console.logI('info format');         // [2018-4-5 16:43:23] INFO info format
console.logD('debug fromat');        // [2018-4-5 16:43:23] DEBUG debug fromat
console.logE('Error format');        // [2018-4-5 16:43:23] ERROR Error format


log('Original logging');     // [2018-4-5 16:43:23] Original logging
logI('info format');         // [2018-4-5 16:43:23] INFO info format
logD('debug fromat');        // [2018-4-5 16:43:23] DEBUG debug fromat
logE('Error format');        // [2018-4-5 16:43:23] ERROR Error format

Configurable options

  1.  logDate: true
     // set 'true' or 'false' to enable or disable logging of date-time
  2. logDateFormat: 'toLocaleString'
    // set date format with the format-function-name in which user wants to convert the date
    // Use 'toLocaleString' => '12/07/2018, 22:47:23',
    // 'toDateString'  => 'Thu Jul 12 2018',
    // 'toGMTString'  => 'Thu, 12 Jul 2018 17:17:23 GMT',
    // 'toISOString'  => '2018-07-12T17:17:23.031Z',
    // 'toJSON' => '2018-07-12T17:17:23.031Z',
    // 'toLocaleDateString'  => '12/07/2018',
    // 'toLocaleTimeString'  => '22:47:23',
    // 'toString'  => 'Thu Jul 12 2018 22:47:23 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)',
    // 'toTimeString'  => '22:47:23 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)',
    // 'toUTCString' => 'Thu, 12 Jul 2018 17:17:23 GMT'
  3. enableAll: true
    // set 'true' or 'false' to enable or disable all logging Fns, if disabled all Fns will behave like simple console.log Fn
  4. enableLog: true
    // set 'true' or 'false' to enable or disable 'log' Fn, if disabled it will behave like simple console.log Fn
  5. enableLogI: true
    // set 'true' or 'false' to enable or disable 'logI' Fn, if disabled it will behave like simple console.log Fn
  6. enableLogD: true
    // set 'true' or 'false' to enable or disable 'logD' Fn, if disabled it will behave like simple console.log Fn
  7. enableLogE: true
    // set 'true' or 'false' to enable or disable 'logE' Fn, if disabled it will behave like simple console.log Fn
  8. logCustomPrefix: ''
    // accepts any string of length < 1000, to log with custom prefix
    //     logConfig.logCustomPrefix =
    //    `
    //      ********* LOG ***********
    //    `;
    // use:
    //      log('Hello world');
    //      <date_prefix>
    //      ********* LOG ***********
    //      Hello world
  9. logDateThenPrefix: true,
    // use 'true' to set order of date first then prefix, or false to set order of prefix first then date
  10. debugPrefix: 'DEBUG'
    // set any string for all debug logging
    //      logConfig.debugPrefix = 'debugger-mode';
    // use:
    //      logD('value:', val);
    //      <date_prefix> debugger-mode value: <value_of_val_variable>
  11. infoPrefix: 'INFO'
    // set any string for all debug logging
    //      logConfig.infoPrefix = 'information-mode';
    // use:
    //      logI('Value:', val);
    //      <date_prefix> information-mode Value: <value_of_val_variable>
  12. errorPrefix: 'ERROR'
    // set any string for all debug logging
    //      logConfig.errorPrefix = 'FOUND ERROR-->';
    // use:
    //      logE(error.message);
    //      <date_prefix> FOUND ERROR--> <value_of_error.message_variable>
  13. stopLogging: false
    // set 'true' to stop all logging Fns to execute, set 'false' to let all logging Fns to execute
    //      logConfig.stopLogging = true;
    //      <no_output>
  14. resetLogger(); // reset logger to default options
    console.resetLogger(); // reset logger to default options

Live Sample

See logger.js for functionalities examples. Execute npm run dev or node logger.js

Test Cases

Unit test-cases are written using Mocha. Few test-cases are pending.

Test Command

npm test

Test Logic Story

It took me 4 months to figure out the logic to carry out executing test-cases properly.

First attempt: Initially the logic was to create log file, then redirect stdout logging to that file, then execute log funcationality, then read the output, and then check for correct assertions. But practically it was not possible because once the stdout was bound to the file it writes all the test-cases & execution details of mocha, hence it was complex to read the output texts of file for relevant assertions.

Second attempt: Totally wrong attempt. I tried creating file, executing functions & reading file in setTimeOut function. I thought that may be the creating file function is under progress & the execution of log functionalities executes before hand. I tried variations in setTimeOut & the steps combinations, like sometimes creating file in timeout, sometimes execution in timeout to delay it, sometimes reading file in timeout to delay even more to assure file is created & log functionality is executed. But then the mocha test cases finishes execution before all those executions.

Final attempt: I figured out that there should be one test-case for each of the log functionalities, and each should have separate file created. So in this way, when test-cases are executed for assertions then the files with logs to be read would be available before hand, and no setTimeout would be needed to delay any execution.


  • Possible edge case error check
  • Update mocha test

Give feedback and feel free to contribute on https://github.com/IYAHU/override-console-log


Refering docs to publish / update the NPM package

Took help from MDN Docs

Took help from Stackoverflow Forum

Test-cases written using Mocha Docs

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  • smi0001