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0.1.2 • Public • Published

OTP Authentication

This package simplifies the integration of one-time password (OTP) functionality into your Node.js project. It consists of three main components:

  • OTP Generator: Generates one-time passwords.
  • Cache Service: Manages the storage of OTPs.
  • Delivery Service: Sends OTPs via email or SMS.

By default, it utilizes the otp-generator package for OTP generation, Redis for caching, and Nodemailer and Twilio for email and SMS delivery, respectively. However, you can also implement custom solutions using abstract classes provided.



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The default configuration includes settings for Nodemailer, Twilio, and Redis. For Nodemailer and Twilio, additional properties are available for email and SMS body templates, as explained below.


class EmailOTPAuthentication extends OTPAuthentication {
    constructor(redisOptions: RedisCacheServiceOptions, deliveryServiceOptions: {
        nodemailerOptions: NodemailerDeliveryServiceOptions;
        mailOptions: MailOptions;

The default implementation for email delivery uses the otp-generator package to generate the OTP code, the Redis package for the cache service and the Nodemailer package as the delivery service.

Cache Service Configuration

type RedisCacheServiceOptions = RedisClientOptions<RedisModules, RedisFunctions, RedisScripts> & {
    prefix?: string;

You can configure the cache service using default Redis settings, with an optional prefix for keys

Delivery Service Configuration

type NodemailerDeliveryServiceOptions = SMTPTransport.Options;

Configuration for Nodemailer follows its default settings.

type MailOptions = {
    from: string;
    subject: string;
    html: string;
    text?: string;

Mail options are used to construct the email that will be sent.

Property Description
from The sender's email address. Example: Carlos Pinho <cpinho@imaginarycloud.com>
subject The email subject.
html HTML template where {{otp}} or {{OTP}} will be replaced with the generated OTP code.
text Plain text template where {{otp}} or {{OTP}} will be replaced with the generated OTP code.
const otpAuth = new EmailOTPAuthentication(
        socket: {
            host: Env.REDIS.HOST,
            port: Env.REDIS.PORT,
        nodemailerOptions: {
            host: Env.SMTP.HOST,
            port: Env.SMTP.PORT,
            secure: Env.SMTP.PORT === 465,
            auth: {
                user: Env.SMTP.AUTH.USER,
                pass: Env.SMTP.AUTH.PASS,
        mailOptions: {
            from: 'Carlos Pinho <cpinho@imaginarycloud.com>',
            subject: 'OTP Code',
            html: '<b>OTP:</b> {{OTP}}',
            text: 'OTP: {{otp}}',


class SMSOTPAuthentication extends OTPAuthentication {
    constructor(redisOptions: RedisCacheServiceOptions, deliveryServiceOptions: {
        accountSid: string;
        authToken: string;
        opts: TwilioOpts;

The default implementation for SMS delivery uses the otp-generator package to generate the OTP code, the Redis package for the cache service and the Twilio package as the delivery service.

Cache Service Configuration

type RedisCacheServiceOptions = RedisClientOptions<RedisModules, RedisFunctions, RedisScripts> & {
    prefix?: string;

The cache service configuration follows default Redis settings with an optional key prefix.

Delivery Service Configuration

type TwilioOpts = ClientOpts & InnerOpts;

The delivery service configuration uses the default configuration of the Twilio package. Therefor the accountSid and authToken properties are related with the Twilio package.

type InnerOpts = {
    smsTemplate: string;
    from: string;

The inner options are used to construct how and were the SMS is sent..

Property Description
smsTemplate Plain text template where {{otp}} or {{OTP}} will be replaced with the generated OTP code.
from The SMS sender's number.
import { SMSOTPAuthentication } from 'otp-authentication';

const otpAuth = new SMSOTPAuthentication(
        socket: {
            host: Env.REDIS.HOST,
            port: Env.REDIS.PORT,
        accountSid: Env.TWILIO.ACCOUNT_SID,
        authToken: Env.TWILIO.AUTH_TOKEN,
        opts: {
            smsTemplate: 'OTP: {{otp}}',
            from: '+12563848581',


Below is an example of how to use this package in an Express.js application, regardless on the chosen implementation.

Request OTP code

Method signature:

request(to: string, ttl?: number) => Promise<void>;

The cache Time-To-Live (TTL) can be leveraged as a security measure for expiring OTPs. By setting an appropriate TTL, you can ensure that OTPs become invalid after a certain period, enhancing the security of your authentication system.


app.post('/api/auth', async (req, resp) => {
    const {
        body: { to },
    } = req;
    if (typeof to !== 'string') {
        return resp.status(400).send({ error: 'to string is mandatory' });

    await otpAuth.request(to);

    return resp.sendStatus(200);

Verify OTP code

Method signature:

verify(to: string, otp: string) => Promise<boolean>;


app.post('/api/auth/verify', async (req, resp) => {
    const {
        body: { to, otp },
    } = req;
    if (typeof to !== 'string') {
        return resp.status(400).send({ error: 'to string is mandatory' });
    if (typeof otp !== 'string') {
        return resp.status(400).send({ error: 'OTP string is mandatory' });

    const verified = await otpAuth.verify(to, otp);
    if (!verified) {
        return resp.status(401).send({ error: 'Invalid OTP' });

    return resp.status(200).send({
        access: 'access-token',
        refres: 'refresh-token',

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