
0.9.1 • Public • Published

Web Component Playground

A playground for building apps with Web Components, using the following tech stack:

  • Custom Elements v1
  • Handlebars templates
  • Redux state storage
  • Incremental DOM rendering to Shadow DOM


Components make use of CustomElements (V1) and must be specifically defined and assigned to a tag. There are currently 3 types of component available: Page, Component and Router. Page and Component allow for a template to be specified so that data can be rendered to the user. Whereas a Router is used to navigate between pages on the site.

Here is a small example of rendering a template:

// user-display.js
import template from './template.hbs';

class UserDisplay extends Component {
  get template() {
    return template;

  get data() {
    return {
      name: 'Joe Bloggs'

window.customElements.define('user-display', UserDisplay);

// template.hbs


The above example would render "Joe Bloggs" to the user when the user-display element was added to the DOM as both Page and Component call render via the connectedCallback. By default a Page and Component will render to the shadowRoot of the CustomElement, to change this you can override the render method.


A Page component should be used to connect a web component to a redux store.

You can override the mapState method to tell the Page what data to use from the store. When any data in the mapped state changes the storeUpdated method will be called. Use this to trigger a re-render of the page.

You can override the mapDispatch method to attach actions to the Page. It should return an object where the key is the name of the action you wish to attach:

import { fetchDataIfNeeded } from './actions';

export class HomePage extends Page {
  constructor() {

  mapDispatch(dispatch) {
    return {

When an action is called it is passed the dispatch and getState methods from the store, here is an example action creator that could be attached to a Page:

// ./actions.js
function fetchData() {
  return {
    type: 'REQUEST_DATA'

export function fetchDataIfNeeded() {
  return (dispatch, getState) => {
    if (shouldFetchData(getState())) {
      return dispatch(fetchData())

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