
1.3.4 • Public • Published

Open Github Teams Server

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The github team api is private.

All actions against teams require at a minimum an authenticated user who is a member of the Owners team in the :org being managed. Additionally, OAuth users require the "read:org" scope.

This is awesome if you have a private organization but it complicates running an open organization like NodeSchool.

open-github-teams to the rescue!!!

open-github-teams is a small Node.js server that takes a little configuration and makes the teams accessible via JSON and HTML.

Get started!

  1. Install with $ npm i open-github-teams -g (you might need to prefix sudo)
  2. Get a private token from the github settings. The required permissions are read:org and admin:org_hook. Get a private token
  3. Start it with
    $ env GITHUB_TOKEN="<your-token-here>" GITHUB_ORG="<your-org-here>" open-github-teams
  4. Open the url in the browser after it says its connected. Enjoy.


It is also possible to start the server with docker!

$ docker run martinheidegger:open-github-teams


By default, the server will be started on the 80 port in http mode and Additionally at the 443 port if https is required. You can change those two values by specifying a HTTPS_PORT and HTTP_PORT.

$ env GITHUB_TOKEN="<your-token-here>" \
     GITHUB_ORG="<your-org-here>" \
     HTTPS_PORT=8443 \
     HTTP_PORT=8000 \

Immediate update

By default the system caches the team-data in memory on the server and re-loads it only every 20 days! To have immediate updates it is possible to setup Github hooks that invalidate the cache.

Since its not a good idea if others can invalidate the cache you need to create a SECRET that verifies that github is the one updating. To avoid that other people know this code the server has to run via https. open-github-teams automatically starts a free-ssl server using letsencrypt. Because it is free you need to provide a email address and a pro-forma I-agree-with-the-Terms-of-Service field that signs that you confirm with the tos.

$ env GITHUB_TOKEN="<your-token-here>" \
     GITHUB_ORG="<your-org-here>" \
     HTTP_PORT=8000 \
     SECRET="<your-secret-here" \
     HTTPS_EMAIL="<your-email-here>" \
     HTTPS_AGREE="yes" \
     HTTPS_PORT=8443 \

Note: By default the server will start with https if you pass in. You can explicitly prevent that from happening by setting the environment variable HTTP_ONLY to true.

How to generate a good secret

Generate a good secret key on Mac/Linux with

$ head -n 4096 /dev/urandom | shasum -a 256


PR's and suggestions are always welcome! Please follow or open an issue if you have any problem.



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  • leichtgewicht