TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.0 • Public • Published

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Util to convert ooxast syntax tree to jast syntax tree, allowing for .docx to JATS XML conversion.


What is this?

When should I use this?


This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 12.20+, 14.14+, 16.0+, 18.0+), install as

pnpm add ooxast-util-to-jast
# or with yarn
# yarn add ooxast-util-to-jast
# or with npm
# npm install ooxast-util-to-jast





toJast(tree: Element | Text | Root, file: VFile, userOptions?: Options): JastRoot;


Name Type
tree Element
file VFile
userOptions? Options



Defined in: lib/ooxast-util-to-jast.ts:50


toJast(tree: Element | Text | Root, userOptions?: Options): JastRoot;


Name Type
tree Element
userOptions? Options



Defined in: lib/ooxast-util-to-jast.ts:51


Const object

    article: () => void;
    body: (j: J, body: Body) => Sec | Body;
    doctype: () => void;
    document: (j: J, node: Document) => Article;
    drawing: (j: J, node: Drawing) => Fig;
    footnote: (j: J, node: Element) => undefined | Text | Bold | FixedCase | Italic | Monospace | NamedContent | Overline | Roman | Ruby | SansSerif | Sc | Strike | StyledContent | Sub | Sup | Underline | AbbrevJournaltitle | Abbrev | Def | Abstract | P | Label | Title | ObjectId | Sec | AccessDate | Ack | KwdGroup | RefList | SubjGroup | Address | Email | Fax | AddrLine | City | Country | ExtLink | Institution | InstitutionWrap | Phone | PostalCode | State | Uri | Alternatives | ChemStruct | IndexTerm | IndexTermrangeend | InlineFormula | InlineGraphic | InlineMedia | MilestoneEnd | MilestoneStart | PrivateChar | AffAlternatives | Aff | Break | Fn | InlineSupplementarymaterial | RelatedArticle | RelatedObject | Target | Xref | Graphic | Table | Array | Code | Media | Preformat | SupplementaryMaterial | TexMath | TextualForm | AltText | AltTitle | Annotation | Anonymous | AnswerSet | Answer | Explanation | Subtitle | BlockAlternatives | BoxedText | ChemStructwrap | DefList | DispFormula | DispFormulagroup | DispQuote | Fig | FigGroup | FnGroup | Glossary | List | Question | QuestionWrap | QuestionWrapgroup | Speech | Statement | TableWrap | TableWrapgroup | VerseGroup | AppGroup | App | Permissions | SecMeta | LongDesc | Attrib | Tbody | ArticleCategories | SeriesText | SeriesTitle | ArticleId | ArticleMeta | Isbn | ArticleVersion | ArticleVersionalternatives | AuthorNotes | Conference | ContribGroup | Counts | CustomMetagroup | ElocationId | Fpage | FundingGroup | History | Issue | IssueId | IssuePart | IssueSponsor | IssueTitle | IssueTitlegroup | Lpage | PageRange | Product | PubDate | PubDatenotavailable | PubHistory | SelfUri | Supplement | SupportGroup | TitleGroup | TransAbstract | Volume | VolumeId | VolumeIssuegroup | VolumeSeries | ArticleTitle | Article | Body | Front | Back | FloatsGroup | ProcessingMeta | Response | SubArticle | AuthorComment | Corresp | AwardDesc | AwardGroup | AwardId | AwardName | FundingSource | PrincipalAwardrecipient | PrincipalInvestigator | SupportSource | Bio | Notes | SigBlock | Caption | ChapterTitle | CitationAlternatives | ElementCitation | MixedCitation | NlmCitation | Colgroup | Col | CollabAlternatives | Collab | OnBehalfof | Role | Comment | CompoundKwdpart | CompoundKwd | CompoundSubjectpart | CompoundSubject | ConfAcronym | ConfDate | ConfLoc | ConfName | ConfNum | ConfSponsor | ConfTheme | Contrib | ContribId | Name | Degrees | NameAlternatives | StringName | ContributedResourcegroup | ResourceGroup | SupportDescription | CopyrightHolder | CopyrightStatement | CopyrightYear | Count | EquationCount | FigCount | PageCount | RefCount | TableCount | WordCount | CustomMeta | MetaName | MetaValue | DataTitle | DateIncitation | Day | Era | Month | Season | Year | Date | DefHead | DefItem | Term | TermHead | Edition | Series | Size | Etal | Gov | Issn | IssnL | PartTitle | Patent | PersonGroup | PubId | PublisherLoc | PublisherName | Source | Std | StringDate | TransSource | TransTitle | Version | EventDesc | Event | ExtendedBy | FrontStub | JournalMeta | FundingStatement | OpenAccess | GivenNames | GlyphData | GlyphRef | Hr | See | SeeAlso | InstitutionId | IssueSubtitle | TransTitlegroup | JournalId | JournalTitlegroup | Publisher | JournalSubtitle | JournalTitle | Kwd | NestedKwd | LicenseP | Price | License | ListItem | Prefix | Suffix | Surname | TimeStamp | Note | Option | OverlineEnd | OverlineStart | RestrictedBy | QuestionPreamble | Rb | Ref | ResourceName | ResourceWrap | ResourceId | Rp | Rt | Sig | Speaker | StdOrganization | StringConf | Subject | Tr | Tfoot | Thead | TableWrapfoot | Td | Th | TransSubtitle | UnderlineEnd | UnderlineStart | UnstructuredKwdgroup | VerseLine | X;
    footnotes: (j: J, node: Footnotes) => void;
    instrText: (j: J, citation: T, parent: Parent<Node<Data>, Data>) => any;
    instruction: () => void;
    p: (j: J, p: P, parent: Parent<Node<Data>, Data>) => Text | Bold | FixedCase | Italic | Monospace | NamedContent | Overline | Roman | Ruby | SansSerif | Sc | Strike | StyledContent | Sub | Sup | Underline | AbbrevJournaltitle | Abbrev | Def | Abstract | P | Label | Title | ObjectId | Sec | AccessDate | Ack | KwdGroup | RefList | SubjGroup | Address | Email | Fax | AddrLine | City | Country | ExtLink | Institution | InstitutionWrap | Phone | PostalCode | State | Uri | Alternatives | ChemStruct | IndexTerm | IndexTermrangeend | InlineFormula | InlineGraphic | InlineMedia | MilestoneEnd | MilestoneStart | PrivateChar | AffAlternatives | Aff | Break | Fn | InlineSupplementarymaterial | RelatedArticle | RelatedObject | Target | Xref | Graphic | Table | Array | Code | Media | Preformat | SupplementaryMaterial | TexMath | TextualForm | AltText | AltTitle | Annotation | Anonymous | AnswerSet | Answer | Explanation | Subtitle | BlockAlternatives | BoxedText | ChemStructwrap | DefList | DispFormula | DispFormulagroup | DispQuote | Fig | FigGroup | FnGroup | Glossary | List | Question | QuestionWrap | QuestionWrapgroup | Speech | Statement | TableWrap | TableWrapgroup | VerseGroup | AppGroup | App | Permissions | SecMeta | LongDesc | Attrib | Tbody | ArticleCategories | SeriesText | SeriesTitle | ArticleId | ArticleMeta | Isbn | ArticleVersion | ArticleVersionalternatives | AuthorNotes | Conference | ContribGroup | Counts | CustomMetagroup | ElocationId | Fpage | FundingGroup | History | Issue | IssueId | IssuePart | IssueSponsor | IssueTitle | IssueTitlegroup | Lpage | PageRange | Product | PubDate | PubDatenotavailable | PubHistory | SelfUri | Supplement | SupportGroup | TitleGroup | TransAbstract | Volume | VolumeId | VolumeIssuegroup | VolumeSeries | ArticleTitle | Article | Body | Front | Back | FloatsGroup | ProcessingMeta | Response | SubArticle | AuthorComment | Corresp | AwardDesc | AwardGroup | AwardId | AwardName | FundingSource | PrincipalAwardrecipient | PrincipalInvestigator | SupportSource | Bio | Notes | SigBlock | Caption | ChapterTitle | CitationAlternatives | ElementCitation | MixedCitation | NlmCitation | Colgroup | Col | CollabAlternatives | Collab | OnBehalfof | Role | Comment | CompoundKwdpart | CompoundKwd | CompoundSubjectpart | CompoundSubject | ConfAcronym | ConfDate | ConfLoc | ConfName | ConfNum | ConfSponsor | ConfTheme | Contrib | ContribId | Name | Degrees | NameAlternatives | StringName | ContributedResourcegroup | ResourceGroup | SupportDescription | CopyrightHolder | CopyrightStatement | CopyrightYear | Count | EquationCount | FigCount | PageCount | RefCount | TableCount | WordCount | CustomMeta | MetaName | MetaValue | DataTitle | DateIncitation | Day | Era | Month | Season | Year | Date | DefHead | DefItem | Term | TermHead | Edition | Series | Size | Etal | Gov | Issn | IssnL | PartTitle | Patent | PersonGroup | PubId | PublisherLoc | PublisherName | Source | Std | StringDate | TransSource | TransTitle | Version | EventDesc | Event | ExtendedBy | FrontStub | JournalMeta | FundingStatement | OpenAccess | GivenNames | GlyphData | GlyphRef | Hr | See | SeeAlso | InstitutionId | IssueSubtitle | TransTitlegroup | JournalId | JournalTitlegroup | Publisher | JournalSubtitle | JournalTitle | Kwd | NestedKwd | LicenseP | Price | License | ListItem | Prefix | Suffix | Surname | TimeStamp | Note | Option | OverlineEnd | OverlineStart | RestrictedBy | QuestionPreamble | Rb | Ref | ResourceName | ResourceWrap | ResourceId | Rp | Rt | Sig | Speaker | StdOrganization | StringConf | Subject | Tr | Tfoot | Thead | TableWrapfoot | Td | Th | TransSubtitle | UnderlineEnd | UnderlineStart | UnstructuredKwdgroup | VerseLine | X | (Text | Bold | FixedCase | Italic | Monospace | NamedContent | Overline | Roman | Ruby | SansSerif | Sc | Strike | StyledContent | Sub | Sup | Underline | AbbrevJournaltitle | Abbrev | Def | Abstract | P | Label | Title | ObjectId | Sec | AccessDate | Ack | KwdGroup | RefList | SubjGroup | Address | Email | Fax | AddrLine | City | Country | ExtLink | Institution | InstitutionWrap | Phone | PostalCode | State | Uri | Alternatives | ChemStruct | IndexTerm | IndexTermrangeend | InlineFormula | InlineGraphic | InlineMedia | MilestoneEnd | MilestoneStart | PrivateChar | AffAlternatives | Aff | Break | Fn | InlineSupplementarymaterial | RelatedArticle | RelatedObject | Target | Xref | Graphic | Table | Array | Code | Media | Preformat | SupplementaryMaterial | TexMath | TextualForm | AltText | AltTitle | Annotation | Anonymous | AnswerSet | Answer | Explanation | Subtitle | BlockAlternatives | BoxedText | ChemStructwrap | DefList | DispFormula | DispFormulagroup | DispQuote | Fig | FigGroup | FnGroup | Glossary | List | Question | QuestionWrap | QuestionWrapgroup | Speech | Statement | TableWrap | TableWrapgroup | VerseGroup | AppGroup | App | Permissions | SecMeta | LongDesc | Attrib | Tbody | ArticleCategories | SeriesText | SeriesTitle | ArticleId | ArticleMeta | Isbn | ArticleVersion | ArticleVersionalternatives | AuthorNotes | Conference | ContribGroup | Counts | CustomMetagroup | ElocationId | Fpage | FundingGroup | History | Issue | IssueId | IssuePart | IssueSponsor | IssueTitle | IssueTitlegroup | Lpage | PageRange | Product | PubDate | PubDatenotavailable | PubHistory | SelfUri | Supplement | SupportGroup | TitleGroup | TransAbstract | Volume | VolumeId | VolumeIssuegroup | VolumeSeries | ArticleTitle | Article | Body | Front | Back | FloatsGroup | ProcessingMeta | Response | SubArticle | AuthorComment | Corresp | AwardDesc | AwardGroup | AwardId | AwardName | FundingSource | PrincipalAwardrecipient | PrincipalInvestigator | SupportSource | Bio | Notes | SigBlock | Caption | ChapterTitle | CitationAlternatives | ElementCitation | MixedCitation | NlmCitation | Colgroup | Col | CollabAlternatives | Collab | OnBehalfof | Role | Comment | CompoundKwdpart | CompoundKwd | CompoundSubjectpart | CompoundSubject | ConfAcronym | ConfDate | ConfLoc | ConfName | ConfNum | ConfSponsor | ConfTheme | Contrib | ContribId | Name | Degrees | NameAlternatives | StringName | ContributedResourcegroup | ResourceGroup | SupportDescription | CopyrightHolder | CopyrightStatement | CopyrightYear | Count | EquationCount | FigCount | PageCount | RefCount | TableCount | WordCount | CustomMeta | MetaName | MetaValue | DataTitle | DateIncitation | Day | Era | Month | Season | Year | Date | DefHead | DefItem | Term | TermHead | Edition | Series | Size | Etal | Gov | Issn | IssnL | PartTitle | Patent | PersonGroup | PubId | PublisherLoc | PublisherName | Source | Std | StringDate | TransSource | TransTitle | Version | EventDesc | Event | ExtendedBy | FrontStub | JournalMeta | FundingStatement | OpenAccess | GivenNames | GlyphData | GlyphRef | Hr | See | SeeAlso | InstitutionId | IssueSubtitle | TransTitlegroup | JournalId | JournalTitlegroup | Publisher | JournalSubtitle | JournalTitle | Kwd | NestedKwd | LicenseP | Price | License | ListItem | Prefix | Suffix | Surname | TimeStamp | Note | Option | OverlineEnd | OverlineStart | RestrictedBy | QuestionPreamble | Rb | Ref | ResourceName | ResourceWrap | ResourceId | Rp | Rt | Sig | Speaker | StdOrganization | StringConf | Subject | Tr | Tfoot | Thead | TableWrapfoot | Td | Th | TransSubtitle | UnderlineEnd | UnderlineStart | UnstructuredKwdgroup | VerseLine | X)[];
    r: (j: J, node: R) => any;
    root: (j: J, node: Root) => Text | Bold | FixedCase | Italic | Monospace | NamedContent | Overline | Roman | Ruby | SansSerif | Sc | Strike | StyledContent | Sub | Sup | Underline | AbbrevJournaltitle | Abbrev | Def | Abstract | P | Label | Title | ObjectId | Sec | AccessDate | Ack | KwdGroup | RefList | SubjGroup | Address | Email | Fax | AddrLine | City | Country | ExtLink | Institution | InstitutionWrap | Phone | PostalCode | State | Uri | Alternatives | ChemStruct | IndexTerm | IndexTermrangeend | InlineFormula | InlineGraphic | InlineMedia | MilestoneEnd | MilestoneStart | PrivateChar | AffAlternatives | Aff | Break | Fn | InlineSupplementarymaterial | RelatedArticle | RelatedObject | Target | Xref | Graphic | Table | Array | Code | Media | Preformat | SupplementaryMaterial | TexMath | TextualForm | AltText | AltTitle | Annotation | Anonymous | AnswerSet | Answer | Explanation | Subtitle | BlockAlternatives | BoxedText | ChemStructwrap | DefList | DispFormula | DispFormulagroup | DispQuote | Fig | FigGroup | FnGroup | Glossary | List | Question | QuestionWrap | QuestionWrapgroup | Speech | Statement | TableWrap | TableWrapgroup | VerseGroup | AppGroup | App | Permissions | SecMeta | LongDesc | Attrib | Tbody | ArticleCategories | SeriesText | SeriesTitle | ArticleId | ArticleMeta | Isbn | ArticleVersion | ArticleVersionalternatives | AuthorNotes | Conference | ContribGroup | Counts | CustomMetagroup | ElocationId | Fpage | FundingGroup | History | Issue | IssueId | IssuePart | IssueSponsor | IssueTitle | IssueTitlegroup | Lpage | PageRange | Product | PubDate | PubDatenotavailable | PubHistory | SelfUri | Supplement | SupportGroup | TitleGroup | TransAbstract | Volume | VolumeId | VolumeIssuegroup | VolumeSeries | ArticleTitle | Article | Body | Front | Back | FloatsGroup | ProcessingMeta | Response | SubArticle | AuthorComment | Corresp | AwardDesc | AwardGroup | AwardId | AwardName | FundingSource | PrincipalAwardrecipient | PrincipalInvestigator | SupportSource | Bio | Notes | SigBlock | Caption | ChapterTitle | CitationAlternatives | ElementCitation | MixedCitation | NlmCitation | Colgroup | Col | CollabAlternatives | Collab | OnBehalfof | Role | Comment | CompoundKwdpart | CompoundKwd | CompoundSubjectpart | CompoundSubject | ConfAcronym | ConfDate | ConfLoc | ConfName | ConfNum | ConfSponsor | ConfTheme | Contrib | ContribId | Name | Degrees | NameAlternatives | StringName | ContributedResourcegroup | ResourceGroup | SupportDescription | CopyrightHolder | CopyrightStatement | CopyrightYear | Count | EquationCount | FigCount | PageCount | RefCount | TableCount | WordCount | CustomMeta | MetaName | MetaValue | DataTitle | DateIncitation | Day | Era | Month | Season | Year | Date | DefHead | DefItem | Term | TermHead | Edition | Series | Size | Etal | Gov | Issn | IssnL | PartTitle | Patent | PersonGroup | PubId | PublisherLoc | PublisherName | Source | Std | StringDate | TransSource | TransTitle | Version | EventDesc | Event | ExtendedBy | FrontStub | JournalMeta | FundingStatement | OpenAccess | GivenNames | GlyphData | GlyphRef | Hr | See | SeeAlso | InstitutionId | IssueSubtitle | TransTitlegroup | JournalId | JournalTitlegroup | Publisher | JournalSubtitle | JournalTitle | Kwd | NestedKwd | LicenseP | Price | License | ListItem | Prefix | Suffix | Surname | TimeStamp | Note | Option | OverlineEnd | OverlineStart | RestrictedBy | QuestionPreamble | Rb | Ref | ResourceName | ResourceWrap | ResourceId | Rp | Rt | Sig | Speaker | StdOrganization | StringConf | Subject | Tr | Tfoot | Thead | TableWrapfoot | Td | Th | TransSubtitle | UnderlineEnd | UnderlineStart | UnstructuredKwdgroup | VerseLine | X;
    t: (j: J, parent: Node) => JastContent[];
    tbl: (j: J, tbl: Tbl) => {
        attributes: {};
        children: (Text | Bold | FixedCase | Italic | Monospace | NamedContent | Overline | Roman | Ruby | SansSerif | Sc | Strike | StyledContent | Sub | Sup | Underline | AbbrevJournaltitle | Abbrev | Def | Abstract | P | Label | Title | ObjectId | Sec | AccessDate | Ack | KwdGroup | RefList | SubjGroup | Address | Email | Fax | AddrLine | City | Country | ExtLink | Institution | InstitutionWrap | Phone | PostalCode | State | Uri | Alternatives | ChemStruct | IndexTerm | IndexTermrangeend | InlineFormula | InlineGraphic | InlineMedia | MilestoneEnd | MilestoneStart | PrivateChar | AffAlternatives | Aff | Break | Fn | InlineSupplementarymaterial | RelatedArticle | RelatedObject | Target | Xref | Graphic | Table | Array | Code | Media | Preformat | SupplementaryMaterial | TexMath | TextualForm | AltText | AltTitle | Annotation | Anonymous | AnswerSet | Answer | Explanation | Subtitle | BlockAlternatives | BoxedText | ChemStructwrap | DefList | DispFormula | DispFormulagroup | DispQuote | Fig | FigGroup | FnGroup | Glossary | List | Question | QuestionWrap | QuestionWrapgroup | Speech | Statement | TableWrap | TableWrapgroup | VerseGroup | AppGroup | App | Permissions | SecMeta | LongDesc | Attrib | Tbody | ArticleCategories | SeriesText | SeriesTitle | ArticleId | ArticleMeta | Isbn | ArticleVersion | ArticleVersionalternatives | AuthorNotes | Conference | ContribGroup | Counts | CustomMetagroup | ElocationId | Fpage | FundingGroup | History | Issue | IssueId | IssuePart | IssueSponsor | IssueTitle | IssueTitlegroup | Lpage | PageRange | Product | PubDate | PubDatenotavailable | PubHistory | SelfUri | Supplement | SupportGroup | TitleGroup | TransAbstract | Volume | VolumeId | VolumeIssuegroup | VolumeSeries | ArticleTitle | Article | Body | Front | Back | FloatsGroup | ProcessingMeta | Response | SubArticle | AuthorComment | Corresp | AwardDesc | AwardGroup | AwardId | AwardName | FundingSource | PrincipalAwardrecipient | PrincipalInvestigator | SupportSource | Bio | Notes | SigBlock | Caption | ChapterTitle | CitationAlternatives | ElementCitation | MixedCitation | NlmCitation | Colgroup | Col | CollabAlternatives | Collab | OnBehalfof | Role | Comment | CompoundKwdpart | CompoundKwd | CompoundSubjectpart | CompoundSubject | ConfAcronym | ConfDate | ConfLoc | ConfName | ConfNum | ConfSponsor | ConfTheme | Contrib | ContribId | Name | Degrees | NameAlternatives | StringName | ContributedResourcegroup | ResourceGroup | SupportDescription | CopyrightHolder | CopyrightStatement | CopyrightYear | Count | EquationCount | FigCount | PageCount | RefCount | TableCount | WordCount | CustomMeta | MetaName | MetaValue | DataTitle | DateIncitation | Day | Era | Month | Season | Year | Date | DefHead | DefItem | Term | TermHead | Edition | Series | Size | Etal | Gov | Issn | IssnL | PartTitle | Patent | PersonGroup | PubId | PublisherLoc | PublisherName | Source | Std | StringDate | TransSource | TransTitle | Version | EventDesc | Event | ExtendedBy | FrontStub | JournalMeta | FundingStatement | OpenAccess | GivenNames | GlyphData | GlyphRef | Hr | See | SeeAlso | InstitutionId | IssueSubtitle | TransTitlegroup | JournalId | JournalTitlegroup | Publisher | JournalSubtitle | JournalTitle | Kwd | NestedKwd | LicenseP | Price | License | ListItem | Prefix | Suffix | Surname | TimeStamp | Note | Option | OverlineEnd | OverlineStart | RestrictedBy | QuestionPreamble | Rb | Ref | ResourceName | ResourceWrap | ResourceId | Rp | Rt | Sig | Speaker | StdOrganization | StringConf | Subject | Tr | Tfoot | Thead | TableWrapfoot | Td | Th | TransSubtitle | UnderlineEnd | UnderlineStart | UnstructuredKwdgroup | VerseLine | X)[];
        name: string;
        type: string;
    tc: (j: J, node: Tc) => Td;
    text: (j: J, node: Text) => Text;
    tr: (j: J, tr: Row) => Text | Bold | FixedCase | Italic | Monospace | NamedContent | Overline | Roman | Ruby | SansSerif | Sc | Strike | StyledContent | Sub | Sup | Underline | AbbrevJournaltitle | Abbrev | Def | Abstract | P | Label | Title | ObjectId | Sec | AccessDate | Ack | KwdGroup | RefList | SubjGroup | Address | Email | Fax | AddrLine | City | Country | ExtLink | Institution | InstitutionWrap | Phone | PostalCode | State | Uri | Alternatives | ChemStruct | IndexTerm | IndexTermrangeend | InlineFormula | InlineGraphic | InlineMedia | MilestoneEnd | MilestoneStart | PrivateChar | AffAlternatives | Aff | Break | Fn | InlineSupplementarymaterial | RelatedArticle | RelatedObject | Target | Xref | Graphic | Table | Array | Code | Media | Preformat | SupplementaryMaterial | TexMath | TextualForm | AltText | AltTitle | Annotation | Anonymous | AnswerSet | Answer | Explanation | Subtitle | BlockAlternatives | BoxedText | ChemStructwrap | DefList | DispFormula | DispFormulagroup | DispQuote | Fig | FigGroup | FnGroup | Glossary | List | Question | QuestionWrap | QuestionWrapgroup | Speech | Statement | TableWrap | TableWrapgroup | VerseGroup | AppGroup | App | Permissions | SecMeta | LongDesc | Attrib | Tbody | ArticleCategories | SeriesText | SeriesTitle | ArticleId | ArticleMeta | Isbn | ArticleVersion | ArticleVersionalternatives | AuthorNotes | Conference | ContribGroup | Counts | CustomMetagroup | ElocationId | Fpage | FundingGroup | History | Issue | IssueId | IssuePart | IssueSponsor | IssueTitle | IssueTitlegroup | Lpage | PageRange | Product | PubDate | PubDatenotavailable | PubHistory | SelfUri | Supplement | SupportGroup | TitleGroup | TransAbstract | Volume | VolumeId | VolumeIssuegroup | VolumeSeries | ArticleTitle | Article | Body | Front | Back | FloatsGroup | ProcessingMeta | Response | SubArticle | AuthorComment | Corresp | AwardDesc | AwardGroup | AwardId | AwardName | FundingSource | PrincipalAwardrecipient | PrincipalInvestigator | SupportSource | Bio | Notes | SigBlock | Caption | ChapterTitle | CitationAlternatives | ElementCitation | MixedCitation | NlmCitation | Colgroup | Col | CollabAlternatives | Collab | OnBehalfof | Role | Comment | CompoundKwdpart | CompoundKwd | CompoundSubjectpart | CompoundSubject | ConfAcronym | ConfDate | ConfLoc | ConfName | ConfNum | ConfSponsor | ConfTheme | Contrib | ContribId | Name | Degrees | NameAlternatives | StringName | ContributedResourcegroup | ResourceGroup | SupportDescription | CopyrightHolder | CopyrightStatement | CopyrightYear | Count | EquationCount | FigCount | PageCount | RefCount | TableCount | WordCount | CustomMeta | MetaName | MetaValue | DataTitle | DateIncitation | Day | Era | Month | Season | Year | Date | DefHead | DefItem | Term | TermHead | Edition | Series | Size | Etal | Gov | Issn | IssnL | PartTitle | Patent | PersonGroup | PubId | PublisherLoc | PublisherName | Source | Std | StringDate | TransSource | TransTitle | Version | EventDesc | Event | ExtendedBy | FrontStub | JournalMeta | FundingStatement | OpenAccess | GivenNames | GlyphData | GlyphRef | Hr | See | SeeAlso | InstitutionId | IssueSubtitle | TransTitlegroup | JournalId | JournalTitlegroup | Publisher | JournalSubtitle | JournalTitle | Kwd | NestedKwd | LicenseP | Price | License | ListItem | Prefix | Suffix | Surname | TimeStamp | Note | Option | OverlineEnd | OverlineStart | RestrictedBy | QuestionPreamble | Rb | Ref | ResourceName | ResourceWrap | ResourceId | Rp | Rt | Sig | Speaker | StdOrganization | StringConf | Subject | Tr | Tfoot | Thead | TableWrapfoot | Td | Th | TransSubtitle | UnderlineEnd | UnderlineStart | UnstructuredKwdgroup | VerseLine | X;
    xml: () => void;

Type declaration

Member Type
article () => void
body (j: J, body: Body) => Sec
doctype () => void
document (j: J, node: Document) => Article
drawing (j: J, node: Drawing) => Fig
footnote (j: J, node: Element) => undefined
footnotes (j: J, node: Footnotes) => void
instrText (j: J, citation: T, parent: Parent<Node<Data>, Data>) => any
instruction () => void
p (j: J, p: P, parent: Parent<Node<Data>, Data>) => Text
r (j: J, node: R) => any
root (j: J, node: Root) => Text
t (j: J, parent: Node) => JastContent[]
tbl (j: J, tbl: Tbl) => { attributes: {}; children: (Text
tc (j: J, node: Tc) => Td
text (j: J, node: Text) => Text
tr (j: J, tr: Row) => Text
xml () => void

Defined in: lib/handlers/index.ts:17





Defined in: lib/types.ts:38



Defined in: lib/types.ts:33


"endnote" | "mendeley" | "word" | "citavi" | "zotero"

Defined in: lib/types.ts:44



Type declaration


(citation: any, index: string | number): any;


Name Type
citation any
index string



Defined in: lib/types.ts:46



Defined in: lib/types.ts:39



Defined in: lib/types.ts:31



    name: string;
    options?: string[];
Type declaration
Member Type
name string
options? string[]

Defined in: lib/types.ts:40



Index signature
Type declaration

Defined in: lib/types.ts:30


"emph" | "textit"

Defined in: lib/types.ts:37



Defined in: lib/types.ts:32



Type declaration


(citation: any): any;


Name Type
citation any



Defined in: lib/types.ts:45



Defined in: lib/types.ts:35



Index signature
Type declaration

Defined in: lib/types.ts:47



Defined in: lib/types.ts:36



Defined in: lib/types.ts:34

Syntax tree







GPL-3.0-or-later © Thomas F. K. Jorna


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    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Published
  • 0.1.0

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252 kB

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