
0.4.1 • Public • Published

This is a node.js library that provides access to the One Platform RPC API.



var rpc = require('onep/rpc');, 'info', [{alias: ''}, {}],
  function(err, rpcresponse, httpresponse) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('error: ' + err);  
  } else {
    if (rpcresponse[0].status === 'ok') {
    } else {
      console.log('Bad status: ' + rpcresponse[0].status);


Make a single call to the RPC API., procedure, arguments, callback)
  • auth may be a 40 character client key (e.g. '0808160000000000000000000000000000000000'), or an auth object (e.g. {cik: '0808160000000000000000000000000000000000', client_key: 'e208160000000000000000000000000000000000'}). See the RPC documentation for details.
  • procedure is the procedure name, e.g. 'read' or 'info'.
  • arguments is a list of arguments to pass the call. These are specific to <procedure>. See the RPC documentation for a list of procedures and arguments.
  • callback is a function that takes three parameters: err is null if the call was made successfully (no HTTP or RPC general error). If the call failed, err contains the error message. rpcresponse contains a list containing a single RPC response. httpresponse is the response object.


var rpc = require('onep/rpc');
    [['client', 'dataport'], {}],
    function(err, rpcresponse, httpresponse) {
      if (err) {
        console.log('error: ' + err);
      } else {
        console.log('response: ' + util.inspect(rpcresponse, false, null));
// output: 
response: [ { status: 'ok',
     { client: [ '0808160000000000000000000000000000000000',
         'fdc8160000000000000000000000000000000000' ],
       dataport: [ '7e5c6f0000000000000000000000000000000000' ] } } ]


Make multiple calls to the RPC API.

rpc.callMulti(auth, calls, callback)
  • auth may be a 40 character client key (e.g. '0808160000000000000000000000000000000000'), or an auth object (e.g. {cik: '0808160000000000000000000000000000000000', client_key: 'e208160000000000000000000000000000000000'}). See the RPC documentation for details.
  • calls is a list of calls like this: {procedure: <procedure>, arguments: <arguments>}. See the RPC documentation for a list of procedures and arguments.
  • callback is a function is called when the call completes. It takes three parameters: err is null if the call was made successfully (no HTTP or RPC general error). If the call failed, err contains the error message. rpcresponse contains a list of RPC responses. httpresponse is the response object.


// get listing and info in one request
    {procedure: 'info', arguments: [{alias: ""}, {basic: true}]}
    {procedure: 'listing', arguments: [['client', 'dataport']]},
  function(err, rpcresponse, httpresponse) {
    if (err) {
      console.log('error: ' + err);
    } else {
      console.log('response: ' + util.inspect(rpcresponse, false, null));
// output:
response: [ { id: 0,
    status: 'ok',
     { client: [ '0808160000000000000000000000000000000000',
         'fdc8160000000000000000000000000000000000' ],
       dataport: [ '7e5c6f0000000000000000000000000000000000' ] } },
  { id: 1,
    status: 'ok',
     { basic: 
        { modified: 1374553089,
          subscribers: 0,
          type: 'client',
          status: 'activated' } } } ]


Return the RIDs of all descendants of a client.

rpc.tree(auth, options, callback)
  • auth may be a 40 character client key (e.g. '0808160000000000000000000000000000000000'), or an auth object (e.g. {cik: '0808160000000000000000000000000000000000', client_key: 'e208160000000000000000000000000000000000'}). See the RPC documentation for details.

  • options is an object with the following keys, all optional:

    • depth stop at a given depth from the root client (if omitted, depth is not limited)

    • visit function to call for each resource visited. It is called with rid, type, and depth parameters.

    • types list of type strings. Options are 'dataport', 'datarule', 'dispatch'. If omitted, visits only clients.

    • info if non-null, calls info on each resource with the specified options, e.g., {basic: true}. May also be a function called with rid, type, and depth parameters for each resource. If a function, it should return null or info options for that resource.

  • callback is a function is called when the call completes. It takes the following parameters:

    • err is null if the call succeeded. If the call failed, err contains the error message.

    • tree is the tree. If the call failed, it is undefined.


    depth: 1,
    visit: function (rid, type, depth) {
      console.log(rid + ' (' + type + ') depth:' + depth);
    types: ['dataport', 'datarule', 'dispatch'],
    info: function(rid, type, depth) {
      return type === 'client' ? {basic: true} : null;
  function(err, tree) { 
    console.log(err ? 'Error ' + err : JSON.stringify(tree, null, 2));
// output
30e8a54ef29e55415b444ed72a961be4ea0ec270 (client) depth:0
0affc14ebdf520587b6957170ec6af06b7b6ca2a (dataport) depth:1
cbf6f7731ed8ae0285b2e8f9b437356544332679 (dataport) depth:1
a0ebc3d703c94e9b37bb4a2796e447334d7ffea2 (datarule) depth:1
  "rid": "30e8a54ef29e55415b444ed72a961be4ea0ec270",
  "type": "client",
  "children": [
      "rid": "0affc14ebdf520587b6957170ec6af06b7b6ca2a",
      "type": "dataport"
      "rid": "cbf6f7731ed8ae0285b2e8f9b437356544332679",
      "type": "dataport"
      "rid": "a0ebc3d703c94e9b37bb4a2796e447334d7ffea2",
      "type": "datarule"
  "info": {
    "basic": {
      "modified": 1422061952,
      "subscribers": 0,
      "type": "client",
      "status": "activated"


Make a lot of RPC calls, splitting the calls into evenly sized chunks to avoid timeouts and calling in parallel to go fast.

rpc.batch(auth, calls, options, callback)
  • auth is an RPC auth object or CIK string

  • calls is an array of call objects like this: {procedure: <procedure>, arguments: <args>}

  • options are:

    • chunkSize is the number of calls per request

    • parallelLimit is the maximum number of concurrent requests to run in parallel


Walk the object returned by tree().

rpc.walk(tree, visit);
  • tree is the object returned by calling tree()

  • calls visit(resource, depth, parentRID) on each resource. For the root resource, parentRID is undefined.


Set options for connecting to the One Platform.

  • <options> contains one or more options to update. Default options are as follows:
  host: '',
  path: '/api:v1/rpc/process',
  agent: 'node-onep',
  https: true,
  port: 443,
  strictSSL: true

You may also specify timeout in milliseconds, which defaults to the default for the request module.


$ cp test/config-template.js test/config.js
$ mocha

By default the tests run against the mock 1P server. To make them run against production 1P, modify test/config.js with a production CIK and turn off using the mock server.


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    • danw