
1.0.0 • Public • Published


ok-peerhub is a websocket-implemented peer-to-peer extension for Node web servers. It comprises the actual peer hub service and a browser-side peer connection object, providing a way for peers to communicate through the peer hub.

Browser-side peers can send each other three types of messages. They can send notification messages to one or more specific peers. They can publish a message on a channel that will be received only by the peers subscribing that channel. Peers can also send each other request messages to which the receiving peer reacts by sending a response.

Module ok‑peerserver, which is based on ok‑server, provides example of starting to use OkPeerHub services on the server side.

Table of contents


npm install ok-peerhub




    const OkPeerHub = require("ok-peerhub");
    const peerHub = new OkPeerHub({
        httpServer: server.httpServer,
        deboutEnabled: true,
        encryptionKey: "ae5fd450eccb85fac9045bedd433"

The ok‑peerserver repository (see the #initPeerHub method) contains an example of initalizing the OkPeerHub.

Initialization options

  • deboutEnabled boolean - A boolean value indicating whether the debug messaging is enabled. The default value is false.
  • encryptionKey string - An encryption key as a string value that is used to encrypt the user ID passed to peer on initialization.
  • httpServer HttpServer|HttpsServer . The HTTP server that OkPeerHub uses in websocket traffic.
  • nudgeInterval number - A number value as milliseconds that indicate the time interval in which the Peerhub service sends nudge messages to peers. The default value is 10000.
  • pingInterval number - A number value as milliseconds indicating the time interval in which the PeerHub send ping messages to peers. The default value is 10000.


PeerHub has following properties that are identical with the options with the same name. Their value may be changed after the start of the service.

  • deboutEnabled boolean
  • nudgeInterval number
  • pingInterval number


  • getPeerConnectionSource( onError, onSuccess, minimized ) - A method that retrieves the JavasSript source code for OkPeerConnection. This method is needed to get the source code to the browser side. The module ok‑peerserver (see the #extendApi method) contains an example of using this method in implementing the necessary API service to get the code to the browser.
    • onError function(error) - A callback function that is executed in the event of an error.

      • error Error - An Error object that indicates an error that occurred during operation.
    • onSuccess function(content) - A callback function that is executed after reading the JavaScript source file.

      • content string - The content of the OkPeerConnection.js file as a string value.
    • minimized boolean - A boolean value indicating whether the value of the onSuccess function's content parameter is minimized code. The default value is true.


OkPeerConnection can be used both in the Node application and on the browser side.

Initialization in Node application

In the Node client, a peer connection is created by instantiating a new OkPeerConnection object as follows.

    const OkPeerConnection = require("ok-peerhub").OkPeerConnection;
    const connection = new OkPeerConnection(params);

Initialization on browser side

On the browser side, the OkPeerConnection instance is created as follows.

    const connection = new OkPeerConnection(params);

The JavaScript source (OkPeerConnection.js) is available with the getPeerConnectionSource() method, for example by implementing the necessary API function using that method. An example of the implementation can be found in ok‑peerserver. On the browser side, the API function according to the example can be easily called with the following JavaScript code.

On the other hand, the JavaScript source code file can be just copied for use on the browser side appliation as minimized (ok‑peerconnection.min.js) or full version (ok‑peerconnection.js).

Initialization options

  • deboutCluster string - An unique identifier that identifies partners as belonging to the same client application's debug message receiving list.

  • id string - An unique identifier string for the connection. If id is not passed, it is provided by PeerHub and is valid only for the existence of the peer object.

  • linkageKey string - an unique identifier string that determines which of peers using the peerhub are connected to each other. This parameter must be passed.

  • options object

    • deboutReceiver boolean - Indicates whether the peer receives debug messages. The default value is false.
    • peerInitiationReceiver boolean - Indicates whether the peer receives initiation messages. In order to receive messages from other peers, the peer must also be the initiation message receiver in addition to having a common linkageKey. The default value is true.
    • peerInitiationSender boolean - If this setting is false, peerHub will not send peer alter, leave, and presence messages to other peers. The default value is true.
  • properties object - Peer optional properties related to the operation of the client application. The default value is {}. The peer properties are set using the setProperties() method. The properties of other peers are available through the Peer.properties property.

  • reopenInterval number - The time interval in milliseconds after which OkPeerConnection tries to re-establish a broken connection until the connection is established or the timeout is reached. The default value is 3000.

  • resendInterval number - Time interval in milliseconds during which the peer tries to resend the message if the connection has not yet been opened. Sending a message will be attempted until the connection is opened or a timeout is reached. The default value is 100.

  • tags array - Peers can be assigned one or more tags, based on which they can be categorized. After opening the connection, tags can later be added with the method addTag() and removed with the method removeTag(). To support categorization with tags, the class Peer has three methods: hasTag(), hasAllTags(), and hasAnyTags().

  • timeout number - The connection timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 30000.

  • url string - The network address of the server providing okPeerHub services, i.e. the address to which the connection is being created.

  • userid string - User ID that identifies the user of the client application as one of the peers. It is needed because the peer's ID may change every time the application is restarted. This happens when OkPeerConnection is allowed to create a Peer ID. For example, the user's e-mail address can be used as an ID. PeerHub encrypts the username, so it is not visible in an understandable form to other peers.


  • deboutCluster string (readonly) - An unique identifier of the deboutCluster as a string

  • deboutReceiver boolean - A boolean value indicating whether the peer receives debug messages.

  • filterTags array (readonly) - The filter tags assigned to the connection with the method addFilterTag().

  • id string (readonly) - The id as a string value assigned to the connection.

  • linkageKey string (readonly) - The linkage key of the connection as it is visible to other peers.

  • properties object (readonly) - The properties object of the connection as it is visible to other peers.

  • reopenInterval string (readonly) - Re-open interval of the connection as milliseconds.

  • resendInterval number (readonly) - Re-send interval of the connection as milliseconds.

  • startTime Date (readonly) - The time when the connection has been established as a Date value. Returns null value if the connection is not ready.

  • tags array (readonly) - The tags assigned to the connection as they are visible to other peers.

  • timeout number (readonly) - The connection timeout.

  • userid string (readonly) - An optional userid (for example e-mail address) assigned to the connection.


  • addFilterTag( tag ) - Adds filter tags to okPeerConnection to filter the peers to be accepted into its peer collection. To be accepted into the collection, a peer must have all the tags added as filter tags in the okPeerConnection.

    • tag string|array - A single tag as string or multiple tags as array of string values.

  • addTag( tag ) - Adds a new tag to the connection. Returns the OkPeerConnection object. A message sent with this method call triggers a alterpeer event on the peers that received the message.

    • tag string|array - A single tag as string or multiple tags as array of string values.

  • deboutSelection( selection ) - Sends a selection object to the PeerHub being used to filter different types of debout messages. This triggers a alterpeer event on the peers that received the message. The boolean value of any selection object indicates whether debout messages for the corresponding message type are transmitted to the peer.

    • selection object
      • client2hub boolean - A boolean value for the selection of messages from peers to PeerHub.
      • hub2client boolean - A boolean value for the selection of messages from PeerHub to peers.
      • terminate boolean - A boolean value for the selection of terminate messages.
      • clientdebout boolean - A boolean value for the selection of debout messages sent by peers.
      • connected boolean - A boolean value for the selection of peer connected messages.

  • filter( callback ) - The filter() method returns an array of peers, filtered down to just the peers that pass the test implemented by the provided callback function.

    • callback function( Peer ) - A function to execute for each peer, passed as a Peer object as its only parameter. It should return a boolean value to indicate a matching peer has been found.

  • find( callback ) - The find() method returns the first peer in the that satisfies the provided testing function. If no values satisfy the testing function, undefined is returned.

    • callback function( Peer ) - A function to execute for each peer, passed as a Peer object as its only parameter. It should return a boolean value to indicate a matching peer has been found.

  • forEachPeer( callback ) - Executes a callback function for every.
    • callback function( Peer ) - A function to execute for each peer, passed as a Peer object as its only parameter.

  • newId() - Returns a unique 16-byte ID as a string. It is a two-part string value containing letters a-z and numbers, separated by a hyphen. The first part is completely random and the second is built from the current time (new Date().getTime().toString(36)). The created ID starts always with a letter.

  • newPeerEvent( event[, peer] ) - Returns a new instance of PeerEvent. Can be used to convert message events into the PeerEvent on handling addpeer, alterpeer, and removepeer events.

    • event PeerEvent|Event|string - If the first parameter is not PeerEvent, the second parameter has to a Peer object.
    • peer Peer - Peer object


    app.peerConnection.on( "addpeer", (event) => { 
        app.meeting.emit( app.peerConnection.newPeerEvent( event ));

  • notify( params ) - Sends a notify message to a peer of array of peers. This message triggers a notify event on the peers that received the message. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • params object
      • peer string - The ID of the peer to which the message is sent as a string value.
      • name string - The name of the notification message as a string value.
      • content object - Content of the named notify message as an indeterminate object.

  • off( type, eventHandler ) - Removes an event listener previously registered with on() method. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • type string - The event type as a string value.
    • eventHandler function - The event handler function.

  • on( type, eventHandler ) - Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • type string - The event type as a string value.
    • eventHandler function - The event handler function.

  • once( type, eventHandler ) - Sets up a function that will be called the specified event is delivered to the target for the first time, after which the function is automatically removed. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • type string - The event type as a string value.
    • eventHandler function - The event handler function.

  • open() - Opens the OkPeerConnection object's connection. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

  • publish(params) - Publishes a message on the specified channel, to all peers who have subscribed to the channel. This message triggers a message event on the peers that received the message. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • params object
      • channel string - The channel as a string to which the message will be posted.
      • message string|object|number|array - The message as string, object, number, or array.
      • options object - An indetermined object value for extension purposes.

  • removeFilterTag( tag ) - Removes a filter tag previously added with the addFilterTag() method. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • tag string|array[string] - The name of the filter tag as a string or an array of string.

  • removeTag( tag ) - Removes a tag previously added with the addTag() method. A message sent with this method call triggers a alterpeer event on the peers that received the message. Returns the OkPeerConnection object. - The name of the tag as a string or an array of string.

    • tag string|array[string]

  • request( params ) - Sends a request message to a peer of array of peers. This message triggers a request event on the peers that received the message. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • params object
      • peer string - The ID of the peer to which the message is sent as a string value.
      • name string - The request message name as a string value.
      • content object - Content of the named request message as an indeterminate object.
      • onResponse function(messageIn) - A callback function called when the response has been arrived from the peer.
      • timeout number - Timeout as a number in milliseconds, how long to wait for a response to the query. Default value is 20000.

  • setProperties( properties ) - Adds or modifies one ore more properties of the peer. The message sent with this method call triggers a alterpeer event on the peers that received the message. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • properties object - { property(1): value, property(2): value, ..., property(n): value }

  • subscribe( params ) - Subcribes message channel or channels to which messages are sent with publish method by other peers or. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • params object
      • channels array|string - An array of channel names or string value containing a comma-separated list of channel names.

  • unsubscribe( params ) - Unsubcribes channels subscribed wit subscribe() method. Returns the OkPeerConnection object.

    • params object
      • channels array|string - An array of channel names or string value containing a comma-separated list of channel names.

Connection steps

  1. Application instantiates OkPeerConnection object
  • by passing the linkageKey for the linking of peers
  • by setting handlers for the OkPeerConnection events
  • by opening the connection with open method
  1. PeerHub receives the websocket connection request and sends to the peer an accept message which contains ID key for the peer.

  2. PeerConnction recives the accept message and brings in the use the peer ID included in the message

  3. OkPeerConnection sends an initiatate message to the PeerHub. The message contains

  • id as unique string when it is passed as an option on initalizing OkPeerConnection, otherwise id is left undefined
  • linkageKey
  • optional userid (for example email address),
  • connection options
  • peer properties
  • peer tags
  • deboutCluster ID
  • startTime
  1. PeerHub receives the initiatate message and
  • Sends an confirm message to the OkPeerConnection containing the userid sent by Peerconnection as an encrypted string
  • Sends an presence message for every peer having the same linkageKey as OkPeerConnection. This message contains following properties of the OkPeerConnection object:
    • id as string
    • deboutCluster as boolean
    • userid as encrypted string
    • linkageKey as string
    • tags as string array
    • properties as object
    • remoteAddress as string
  1. OkPeerConnection receives confirm message and is ready to operate
  2. Every peer linked to the OkPeerConnection with the linkageKey receives precense message and adds an new Peer object to it's OkPeerConnection object's peers collection.



The addpeer event is emitted when OkPeerConnection object receives the addpeer message from PeerHub when another peer has connected to PeerHub. The event has a peer property whose value is the Peer object just added to the OkPeerConnection peer collection.


The alterpeer event is emitted when OkPeerConnection object receives the alterpeer message from PeerHub when another peer's properties, tags, and/or deboutSelection has changed. The event has a peer property whose value is the Peer object just changed in the OkPeerConnection peer collection.


The awakening event is emitted when OkPeerConnection re-connects after awakening of the browser. This event is triggered only on the browser side.


The close event is emitted when OkPeerConnection connection is closed.


The debout event is emitted when it receives the debug message from PeerHub or another peer. The event has a data property that contains an object with following properties.

  • time number - Message sending time as number (Date object converted to milliseconds).
  • message string - The actual debug message.

The error event is emitted on error situations. The event has an error property whose value is set to an Error object.


The message event is emitted when it receives the message message sent to any channel from PeerHub after a peer is published it. The event has a message property that contains a MessageIn object. Its content property object has the following properties.

  • channel string - A string value indicating the name of the channel on which the message was sent.
  • message string|number|object|array|boolean - The actual message.
  • options object - Optional properties to use to extend this message type.

The notify event is emitted when OkPeerConnection object receives an notify message from another peer. The event has a message property that contains a MessageIn object. Its content property object varies from message to message, depending on the behavior of the application.


The open event is emitted when OkPeerConnection is successfully connected to PeerHub.


The removepeer event is emitted when OkPeerConnection object receives the removepeer message from PeerHub when another peer is removed. The event has a peer property whose value is the Peer object just removed from the OkPeerConnection peer collection.


The request event is emitted when OkPeerConnection object receives an request message from another peer. After received the request message, peer should send a response to it by using message's respond method. The event has a message property that contains a MessageIn object. Its content property object varies from message to message, depending on the behavior of the application.

The request message also has the following method by which the peer responds to the request message sent by the other peer.

  • respond( content )
    • content boolean|number|object|string - The value assigned to the content property of the response message.


A class representing the peers linked to the OkPeerConnection. Peer objects are accessible through the OkPeerConnection methods filter(), find(), and forEachPeer().


  • id string (readonly) - The unique ID as string value. Set at initialization of the OkPeerConnection.
  • properties object (readonly) - The properties of peer as a object value. Set at the initialization of the OkPeerConnection and/or with OkPeerConnection.setProperties() method.
  • startTime Date (readonly)
  • userid string (readonly)
  • tags array (readonly) - The tags of peer as a array. Set at the initialization of the OkPeerConnection and/or with OkPeerConnection.addTag() method.


  • hasAllTags(tags) - Returns a boolean value indicating whether the peer has all of the tags passed as an array parameter.

  • hasAnyTags(tags) - Returns a boolean value indicating whether the peer has any of the tags passed as an array parameter.

  • hasTag(tag) - Returns a boolean value indicating whether the peer has the tag passed as an string parameter.

  • notify(params) - Sends a notification message to the peer. Syntax is same as OkPeerConnection.notify() method except the peer property is not needed. Returns self.

  • request(params) - Sends a request message to the peer. Syntax is same as OkPeerConnection.request() method except the peer property is not needed. Returns self.



  • content object (readonly) - The actual content object of the message the OkPeerConnection has received. Content object varies from the message to message.

  • data object (readonly). - The actual message data that the OkPeerConnection has received.

  • id string (readonly) - The unique id of the message as a string value.

  • name string (readonly) - The optional name of the message as a string value.

  • peer Peer (readonly) - The object value indicating the peer which is the origin of the message.

  • time Date (readonly) - A Date value that indicates the time the message was sent.

  • timeAsMilliseconds number (readonly) - A number value indicating the time the message was sent in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.

  • type string (readonly) - The type name of the message as a string value. For example: notify, request, message


  • respond( content ) - Using this method - which is only available with a request message - the peer responds to the request message sent by the other peer.
    • content boolean|number|object|string - The value assigned to the content property of the response message.


    app.peerConnection.on( "request", (event) => { 
        event.message.name == "getstate" 
        && event.message.respond({ state: "OK", remarks: "Everything is just fine" });

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