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6.0.1 • Public • Published

Canvas Utils


key type required
x number true
y number true
width number true
height number true

IDrawTextOptionsBase (extends IRect)

key type required
fontSize number true
fontSizeMin number false
fontSizeMax number false
textShrink boolean false
textWrap "up" "center" false
fillStyle string false
fontFamily string false
textStyle string false

IDrawTextOptions (extends IDrawTextOptionsBase)

key type required
alpha number false
textAlign "left" "center" "right" false
textJustify "bottom" "center" "top" false
bold boolean false
italic boolean false
curve boolean false

IDrawImageOptions (extends IRect)

key type required
fit "cover" "contain" "stretch" true
scale number false


drawTextWrap(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, lines: string[], x: number = 0, y: number = 0, height: number = ctx.canvas.height, lineHeight: number, direction: "up" | "center" | "down" = "down"): void

  • draw text lines from the given position and dimensions. -- direction "up" will start at the bottom and push the new lines up -- direction "center" will start at the center and keep the text centered -- direction "down" will start at the top and push the new lines down


buildFontString(fontSize: number, textStyle = "", fontFamily = "sans-serif"): string

  • returns a Canvas compatible font string


getLineHeight(fontSize: number): number

  • returns the default lineHeight for a font (factor 1.1)


wrap(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, text: string, options: { fontSize: number, width: number, textStyle?: string, fontFamily?: string }): string[]

  • calculates the text width and splits the full words to fit within the given options.width
  • returns the wrapped text lines


widestWord(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, text: string, options: { fontSize: number, width: number, textStyle?: string, fontFamily?: string }): string

  • returns widest word


fitToBounds(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, text: string, options: IDrawTextOptionsBase): { fontSize: number, lines: string[] }

  • wraps the text and measures the required font size to fit all text within the given bounds
  • return the resulted font size and text lines


getFittedText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, text: string, options: IDrawTextOptionsBase): { fontSize: number, lines: string[] }

  • the same as fitToBounds but defaults the fontSizeMin, fontSizeMax and textStyle properties


drawTextLines(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, lines: string[], options: Omit<IDrawTextOptions, "fontSizeMin" | "fontSizeMax">): void

  • draws text lines onto the canvas context with the given options


drawText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, text: string = "", options: IDrawTextOptions): void

  • uses the getFittedText function and draws the results onto the canvas context with the drawTextLines function


getDrawableDimensions(drawable: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement): { width: number, height: number }

  • returns the width and height of the drawable (image natural)


scaleRect(rect: IRect, scale: number): IRect

  • returns the scaled rectangle


drawImageStretch(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, img: IDrawable, x: number = 0, y: number = 0, width: number = ctx.canvas.width, height: number = ctx.canvas.height, scale = 1): void

  • draws the image stretched (fills the bounds, aspect ratio can change)


drawImageContain(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, img: IDrawable, x: number = 0, y: number = 0, width: number = ctx.canvas.width, height: number = ctx.canvas.height, scale = 1): void

  • draws the image contained (fits within the bounds > <, aspect ratio will not change)


drawImageCover(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, img: IDrawable, x: number = 0, y: number = 0, width: number = ctx.canvas.width, height: number = ctx.canvas.height, scale = 1): void

  • draws the image covered (fills the bounds < >, aspect ratio will not change)


drawImageCover(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, img: IDrawable, options: IDrawImageOptions): void

  • draws the image with one of the drawImage functions (option.fit)


canvasPixelFilters((pixelFilters: ((pixels: Uint8ClampedArray): void)[]): (source: HTMLCanvasElement): void)

  • creates a filter pipe with pixelFilter functions
  • apply a canvas element on the filter pipe
  • applies each filter function onto the pixels and applies the modified pixels onto the canvas


filterWhiteTransparent(margin = 9): (pixels: Uint8ClampedArray): void

  • loops through all pixels and sets the opacity to 255 or 0 when the whiteness level is within the margin of (JPEG) error

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