
1.0.5 • Public • Published

Octomments server

This module is a set of two lambdas which serve the following purposes:

  • User authentication
  • Fetching GitHub issue and its comments
  • Creating a GitHub issue

There is already an instance of this server deployed here https://ocs.now.sh/ and that's what the client uses by default. You may want to have your own server in the following cases:

  • When authenticating the user is granting access to a GitHub app. That app has a logo and name. You may want to have your own.
  • The public server has a limit of 5000 request per hour. You may want to have your own 5000 request limit so you secure your users. Otherwise they'll be requesting in the same bucket as every other user using the public server.
  • The GitHub issues are not created automatically by Octomments. The server offers such endpoint. So, deploying your own means that you can use that endpoint to create an issue let's say when you add a new post to your blog.

Creating a GitHub App

Go to https://github.com/settings/apps and create a new GitHub App. A few things are important:

  • Set User authorization callback URL to the URL of your Octomments server
  • Webhook URL is not important because we are not using it. Just untick the Active checkbox in the Webhook section.
  • Permissions - change only Issues to be Read & write.

After the GitHub App has been successfully created:

  1. Use the option on the App's settings page to generate a Private Key for it. You have to do this to be able to install your App.
  2. Use the 'Install App' option to install your App to your website's repository.


Create a folder on your machine (or empty repository) and run:

> npx octomments-server@latest

A couple of new files will be created:

├── api
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── issue.js
│   ├── noop.js
│   ├── token.js
│   └── utils.js
├── now.json
├── package.json
├── .gitignore
└── .npmignore

Open api/config.json and let's fill the placeholders.

  • password - this password is here to protect the endpoint which creates GitHub issues. We don't want to expose this to everyone. The password is just a plain string and I know that it's not secure but this endpoint is suppose to be used in a machine-to-machine fashion. Happy to revisit this decision.
  • github.token - Create a personal token here https://github.com/settings/tokens and grant only public_repo permission. This token is used when fetching a GitHub issue.
  • github.id and github.secret - These are client id and client secret of the GitHub App that you created earlier.

Note: api/config.json and api/config.local.json are gitignored. You SHOULD NOT share these files with third parties. Do not upload them in public places. Especially dangerous is to share your personal token.


This server assumes that you will deploy it to Zeit's infrastructure. If you have your own provider you'll have to accommodate the code to fit into their requirements. Otherwise go create an account at zeit.co, install now via npm i -g now and run:

> now --prod

This will put your server on the web. You'll get a URL. That's the URL that you have to use when initializing the Octomments client. For example if your URL is https://my-octomments-server.now.sh then your Octomments snippet will be:

const octomments = Octomments({
  github: {
    owner: '<username>',
    repo: '<repo name>',
  number: <issue number>,
  renderer: [OctommentsRenderer, '<selector>'],
  endpoints: {
    issue: 'https://my-octomments-server.now.sh/octomments/issue',
    token: 'https://my-octomments-server.now.sh/octomments/token',


Local development

After the setup you have to create an api/config.local.json file. Again you'll need a password, personal token and Github OAuth app created. After that just run now dev.

Exposed endpoints

Getting a GitHub issue comments

curl --location --request GET 'https://<url>/octomments/issue?number=<issue number>&owner=<owner>&repo=<repo>'

New GitHub issue

curl --location --request POST 'https://<url>/octomments/issue' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"title": "<string>",
"body": "<string>",
"password": "<your password here>",
"owner": "<owner>",
"repo": "<repo>"


curl --location --request GET 'https://<url>/octomments/token?redirect=<url>'




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  • krasimir