
0.4.1 • Public • Published


What is Nodiverse?

Nodiverse is a 3D Universe generator Node.js library.


The latest stable version of Nodiverse can be installed via npm:

    npm install nodiverse 


    var nodiverse = require('nodiverse'); // library load
    var myverse = nodiverse();            // my universe object creation
    // let's create a place... 
    // let's say, a room in the center of the universe, with a
    // passage towards north and another towards southeast
    myverse.create([0,0,0], myverse.N + myverse.SE);
    // let's get a local copy of that place, maybe to change it
    var myplace = myverse.get([0,0,0]); = "clearing";
    myplace.description = "This is a clearing.";
    // let's update the universe with this place's changes
    // let's see where to can we go from here (through the passages)
    // we can, of course, also destroy a place
    // and if we want to update the universe properties themselves:
    // finally, it might be useful to be able to see a visual representation
    // of the universe...
    // ...well, maybe you want to see the map of a particular part of the
    // universe:
    // And, behold, you might even want it with ANSI colors!
    console.log(myverse.asciimap([1,1,1], true));

About the coordinates

  • x-axis (coords[0]) is "East to West"
  • y-axis (coords[1]) is "South to North"
  • z-axis (coords[2]) is "Down to Up"

Eg (2D):

    N     [0,1,0]
   W+E    [0,0,0] [1,0,0]

Universe maleability

A Nodiverse should be maleable, but -- for now -- every Nodiverse is a 3-dimensional Euclidean space. While there are no immediate plans to support n-dimensional universes (meaning: universes with less or more than three dimensions), there should be support to other 3-dimensional universes. For instance: supporting a spheric universe would be a very user-friendly way of representing a planet.

Universe consistency

When you have a passage opened to some place that doesn't really exist, it doesn't really matter: you can't go through no matter if the passage exists or not. But when you have a passage to some place that exists, then that place also needs a passage to you, in order to maintain universe consistency. In other words: if you can go north from here, you can go south from there.

When creating a place, the passages marked on that place are the ones which are to be maintained. That means that if a place is created next no another one, weather the newly created place has a passage to its neighbour or not mandates the final result: passages on neighbours are either created or destroyed to accomodate it.

Nodiverse in action

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  • marado