
4.3.3 • Public • Published


Node-RED node for thingsboard-rest-api

ThingsBoard open-source IoT platform REST API documentation.


To install the stable version use the Menu - Manage palette - Install option and search for node-red-contrib-thingsboard-rest-api, or run the following command in your Node-RED user directory, typically ~/.node-red

npm install node-red-contrib-thingsboard-rest-api



GET /api/admin/securitySettings

Get the Security Settings object that contains password policy, etc.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/admin/securitySettings

Updates the Security Settings object that contains password policy, etc.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/admin/settings

Creates or Updates the Administration Settings. Platform generates random Administration Settings Id during settings creation. The Administration Settings Id will be present in the response. Specify the Administration Settings Id when you would like to update the Administration Settings. Referencing non-existing Administration Settings Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/admin/settings/testMail

Attempts to send test email to the System Administrator User using Mail Settings provided as a parameter. You may change the 'To' email in the user profile of the System Administrator.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/admin/settings/testSms

Attempts to send test sms to the System Administrator User using SMS Settings and phone number provided as a parameters of the request.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/admin/settings/{key}

Get the Administration Settings object using specified string key. Referencing non-existing key will cause an error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

key : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/admin/updates

Check notifications about new platform releases.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/auth/login

Login method used to authenticate user and get JWT token data.

Value of the response token field can be used as X-Authorization header value:

X-Authorization: Bearer $JWT_TOKEN_VALUE.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/alarm

Creates or Updates the Alarm. When creating alarm, platform generates Alarm Id as time-based UUID. The newly created Alarm id will be present in the response. Specify existing Alarm id to update the alarm. Referencing non-existing Alarm Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Platform also deduplicate the alarms based on the entity id of originator and alarm 'type'. For example, if the user or system component create the alarm with the type 'HighTemperature' for device 'Device A' the new active alarm is created. If the user tries to create 'HighTemperature' alarm for the same device again, the previous alarm will be updated (the 'end_ts' will be set to current timestamp). If the user clears the alarm (see 'Clear Alarm(clearAlarm)'), than new alarm with the same type and same device may be created.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/alarm/highestSeverity/{entityType}/{entityId}{?searchStatus,status}

Search the alarms by originator ('entityType' and entityId') and optional 'status' or 'searchStatus' filters and returns the highest AlarmSeverity(CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, WARNING or INDETERMINATE). Specifying both parameters 'searchStatus' and 'status' at the same time will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
searchStatus : string
status : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/alarm/info/{alarmId}

Fetch the Alarm Info object based on the provided Alarm Id. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the originator of alarm is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the originator of alarm belongs to the customer. Alarm Info is an extension of the default Alarm object that also contains name of the alarm originator.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

alarmId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/alarm/{alarmId}

Fetch the Alarm object based on the provided Alarm Id. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the originator of alarm is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the originator of alarm belongs to the customer.

alarmId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/alarm/{alarmId}

Deletes the Alarm. Referencing non-existing Alarm Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

alarmId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/alarm/{alarmId}/ack

Acknowledge the Alarm. Once acknowledged, the 'ack_ts' field will be set to current timestamp and special rule chain event 'ALARM_ACK' will be generated. Referencing non-existing Alarm Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

alarmId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/alarm/{alarmId}/clear

Clear the Alarm. Once cleared, the 'clear_ts' field will be set to current timestamp and special rule chain event 'ALARM_CLEAR' will be generated. Referencing non-existing Alarm Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

alarmId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/alarm/{entityType}/{entityId}{?endTime,fetchOriginator,page,pageSize,searchStatus,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,status,textSearch}

Returns a page of alarms for the selected entity. Specifying both parameters 'searchStatus' and 'status' at the same time will cause an error. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
searchStatus : string
status : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
fetchOriginator : boolean
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/alarms{?endTime,fetchOriginator,page,pageSize,searchStatus,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,status,textSearch}

Returns a page of alarms that belongs to the current user owner. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server returns alarms that belongs to the tenant of current user. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server returns alarms that belongs to the customer of current user. Specifying both parameters 'searchStatus' and 'status' at the same time will cause an error. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

searchStatus : string
status : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
fetchOriginator : boolean
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/asset

Creates or Updates the Asset. When creating asset, platform generates Asset Id as time-based UUID. The newly created Asset id will be present in the response. Specify existing Asset id to update the asset. Referencing non-existing Asset Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/asset/bulk_import

There's an ability to import the bulk of assets using the only .csv file.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/asset/info/{assetId}

Fetch the Asset Info object based on the provided Asset Id. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the asset is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the asset is assigned to the same customer. Asset Info is an extension of the default Asset object that contains information about the assigned customer name.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

assetId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/asset/types

Returns a set of unique asset types based on assets that are either owned by the tenant or assigned to the customer which user is performing the request.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/asset/{assetId}

Fetch the Asset object based on the provided Asset Id. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the asset is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the asset is assigned to the same customer.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

assetId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/asset/{assetId}

Deletes the asset and all the relations (from and to the asset). Referencing non-existing asset Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

assetId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/assets

Returns all assets that are related to the specific entity. The entity id, relation type, asset types, depth of the search, and other query parameters defined using complex 'AssetSearchQuery' object. See 'Model' tab of the Parameters for more info.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/assets{?assetIds}

Requested assets must be owned by tenant or assigned to customer which user is performing the request.

assetIds : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/customer/asset/{assetId}

Clears assignment of the asset to customer. Customer will not be able to query asset afterwards.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

assetId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/public/asset/{assetId}

Asset will be available for non-authorized (not logged-in) users. This is useful to create dashboards that you plan to share/embed on a publicly available website. However, users that are logged-in and belong to different tenant will not be able to access the asset.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

assetId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/{customerId}/asset/{assetId}

Creates assignment of the asset to customer. Customer will be able to query asset afterwards.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerId : string
assetId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/assetInfos{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of assets info objects assigned to customer. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. Asset Info is an extension of the default Asset object that contains information about the assigned customer name.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/assets{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of assets objects assigned to customer. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/edge/{edgeId}/asset/{assetId}

Creates assignment of an existing asset to an instance of The Edge. Assignment works in async way - first, notification event pushed to edge service queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive a copy of assignment asset (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once asset will be delivered to edge service, it's going to be available for usage on remote edge instance.

edgeId : string
assetId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/edge/{edgeId}/asset/{assetId}

Clears assignment of the asset to the edge. Unassignment works in async way - first, 'unassign' notification event pushed to edge queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive an 'unassign' command to remove asset (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once 'unassign' command will be delivered to edge service, it's going to remove asset locally.

edgeId : string
assetId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/{edgeId}/assets{?endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of assets assigned to edge. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

edgeId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/assetInfos{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of assets info objects owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. Asset Info is an extension of the default Asset object that contains information about the assigned customer name.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/assets{?assetName}

Requested asset must be owned by tenant that the user belongs to. Asset name is an unique property of asset. So it can be used to identify the asset.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

assetName : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/assets{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of assets owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/audit/logs/customer/{customerId}{?actionTypes,endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,textSearch}

Returns a page of audit logs related to the targeted customer entities (devices, assets, etc.), and users actions (login, logout, etc.) that belong to this customer. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
actionTypes : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/audit/logs/entity/{entityType}/{entityId}{?actionTypes,endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,textSearch}

Returns a page of audit logs related to the actions on the targeted entity. Basically, this API call is used to get the full lifecycle of some specific entity. For example to see when a device was created, updated, assigned to some customer, or even deleted from the system. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
actionTypes : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/audit/logs/user/{userId}{?actionTypes,endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,textSearch}

Returns a page of audit logs related to the actions of targeted user. For example, RPC call to a particular device, or alarm acknowledgment for a specific device, etc. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

userId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
actionTypes : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/audit/logs{?actionTypes,endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,textSearch}

Returns a page of audit logs related to all entities in the scope of the current user's Tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
actionTypes : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/auth/changePassword

Change the password for the User which credentials are used to perform this REST API call. Be aware that previously generated JWT tokens will be still valid until they expire.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/auth/logout

Special API call to record the 'logout' of the user to the Audit Logs. Since platform uses JWT, the actual logout is the procedure of clearing the JWT token on the client side.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/auth/user

Get the information about the User which credentials are used to perform this REST API call.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/noauth/activate{?activateToken}

Checks the activation token and forwards user to 'Create Password' page. If token is valid, returns '303 See Other' (redirect) response code with the correct address of 'Create Password' page and same 'activateToken' specified in the URL parameters. If token is not valid, returns '409 Conflict'.

activateToken : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/noauth/activate{?sendActivationMail}

Checks the activation token and updates corresponding user password in the database. Now the user may start using his password to login. The response already contains the JWT activation and refresh tokens, to simplify the user activation flow and avoid asking user to input password again after activation. If token is valid, returns the object that contains JWT access and refresh tokens. If token is not valid, returns '404 Bad Request'.

sendActivationMail : boolean
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/noauth/resetPassword

Checks the password reset token and updates the password. If token is valid, returns the object that contains JWT access and refresh tokens. If token is not valid, returns '404 Bad Request'.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/noauth/resetPasswordByEmail

Request to send the reset password email if the user with specified email address is present in the database. Always return '200 OK' status for security purposes.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/noauth/resetPassword{?resetToken}

Checks the password reset token and forwards user to 'Reset Password' page. If token is valid, returns '303 See Other' (redirect) response code with the correct address of 'Reset Password' page and same 'resetToken' specified in the URL parameters. If token is not valid, returns '409 Conflict'.

resetToken : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/noauth/userPasswordPolicy

API call to get the password policy for the password validation form(s).

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/component/{componentDescriptorClazz}

Gets the Component Descriptor object using class name from the path parameters. Each Component Descriptor represents configuration of specific rule node (e.g. 'Save Timeseries' or 'Send Email'.). The Component Descriptors are used by the rule chain Web UI to build the configuration forms for the rule nodes. The Component Descriptors are discovered at runtime by scanning the class path and searching for @RuleNode annotation. Once discovered, the up to date list of descriptors is persisted to the database.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

componentDescriptorClazz : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/components/{componentType}{?ruleChainType}

Gets the Component Descriptors using rule node type and optional rule chain type request parameters. Each Component Descriptor represents configuration of specific rule node (e.g. 'Save Timeseries' or 'Send Email'.). The Component Descriptors are used by the rule chain Web UI to build the configuration forms for the rule nodes. The Component Descriptors are discovered at runtime by scanning the class path and searching for @RuleNode annotation. Once discovered, the up to date list of descriptors is persisted to the database.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

componentType : string
ruleChainType : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/components{?componentTypes,ruleChainType}

Gets the Component Descriptors using coma separated list of rule node types and optional rule chain type request parameters. Each Component Descriptor represents configuration of specific rule node (e.g. 'Save Timeseries' or 'Send Email'.). The Component Descriptors are used by the rule chain Web UI to build the configuration forms for the rule nodes. The Component Descriptors are discovered at runtime by scanning the class path and searching for @RuleNode annotation. Once discovered, the up to date list of descriptors is persisted to the database.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

componentTypes : string
ruleChainType : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer

Creates or Updates the Customer. When creating customer, platform generates Customer Id as time-based UUID. The newly created Customer Id will be present in the response. Specify existing Customer Id to update the Customer. Referencing non-existing Customer Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}

Get the Customer object based on the provided Customer Id. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the customer is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the user belongs to the customer.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/customer/{customerId}

Deletes the Customer and all customer Users. All assigned Dashboards, Assets, Devices, etc. will be unassigned but not deleted. Referencing non-existing Customer Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/shortInfo

Get the short customer object that contains only the title and 'isPublic' flag. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the customer is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the user belongs to the customer.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/title

Get the title of the customer. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the customer is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the user belongs to the customer.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customers{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of customers owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/customers{?customerTitle}

Get the Customer using Customer Title.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerTitle : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/public/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Assigns the dashboard to a special, auto-generated 'Public' Customer. Once assigned, unauthenticated users may browse the dashboard. This method is useful if you like to embed the dashboard on public web pages to be available for users that are not logged in. Be aware that making the dashboard public does not mean that it automatically makes all devices and assets you use in the dashboard to be public.Use assign Asset to Public Customer and assign Device to Public Customer for this purpose. Returns the Dashboard object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

dashboardId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/customer/public/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Unassigns the dashboard from a special, auto-generated 'Public' Customer. Once unassigned, unauthenticated users may no longer browse the dashboard. Returns the Dashboard object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

dashboardId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/{customerId}/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Assign the Dashboard to specified Customer or do nothing if the Dashboard is already assigned to that Customer. Returns the Dashboard object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerId : string
dashboardId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/customer/{customerId}/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Unassign the Dashboard from specified Customer or do nothing if the Dashboard is already assigned to that Customer. Returns the Dashboard object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerId : string
dashboardId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/dashboards{?mobile,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of dashboard info objects owned by the specified customer. The Dashboard Info object contains lightweight information about the dashboard (e.g. title, image, assigned customers) but does not contain the heavyweight configuration JSON. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
mobile : boolean
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/dashboard

Create or update the Dashboard. When creating dashboard, platform generates Dashboard Id as time-based UUID. The newly created Dashboard id will be present in the response. Specify existing Dashboard id to update the dashboard. Referencing non-existing dashboard Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/dashboard/home

Returns the home dashboard object that is configured as 'homeDashboardId' parameter in the 'additionalInfo' of the User. If 'homeDashboardId' parameter is not set on the User level and the User has authority 'CUSTOMER_USER', check the same parameter for the corresponding Customer. If 'homeDashboardId' parameter is not set on the User and Customer levels then checks the same parameter for the Tenant that owns the user. The Dashboard object is a heavyweight object that contains information about the dashboard (e.g. title, image, assigned customers) and also configuration JSON (e.g. layouts, widgets, entity aliases).

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/dashboard/home/info

Returns the home dashboard info object that is configured as 'homeDashboardId' parameter in the 'additionalInfo' of the User. If 'homeDashboardId' parameter is not set on the User level and the User has authority 'CUSTOMER_USER', check the same parameter for the corresponding Customer. If 'homeDashboardId' parameter is not set on the User and Customer levels then checks the same parameter for the Tenant that owns the user.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/dashboard/info/{dashboardId}

Get the information about the dashboard based on 'dashboardId' parameter. The Dashboard Info object contains lightweight information about the dashboard (e.g. title, image, assigned customers) but does not contain the heavyweight configuration JSON.

dashboardId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/dashboard/maxDatapointsLimit

Get the maximum number of data points that dashboard may request from the server per in a single subscription command. This value impacts the time window behavior. It impacts 'Max values' parameter in case user selects 'None' as 'Data aggregation function'. It also impacts the 'Grouping interval' in case of any other 'Data aggregation function' is selected. The actual value of the limit is configurable in the system configuration file.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/dashboard/serverTime

Get the server time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC). Used to adjust view of the dashboards according to the difference between browser and server time.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Get the dashboard based on 'dashboardId' parameter. The Dashboard object is a heavyweight object that contains information about the dashboard (e.g. title, image, assigned customers) and also configuration JSON (e.g. layouts, widgets, entity aliases).

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

dashboardId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Delete the Dashboard.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

dashboardId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/dashboard/{dashboardId}/customers

Updates the list of Customers that this Dashboard is assigned to. Removes previous assignments to customers that are not in the provided list. Returns the Dashboard object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

dashboardId : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/dashboard/{dashboardId}/customers/add

Adds the list of Customers to the existing list of assignments for the Dashboard. Keeps previous assignments to customers that are not in the provided list. Returns the Dashboard object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

dashboardId : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/dashboard/{dashboardId}/customers/remove

Removes the list of Customers from the existing list of assignments for the Dashboard. Keeps other assignments to customers that are not in the provided list. Returns the Dashboard object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

dashboardId : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/edge/{edgeId}/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Creates assignment of an existing dashboard to an instance of The Edge. Assignment works in async way - first, notification event pushed to edge service queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive a copy of assignment dashboard (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once dashboard will be delivered to edge service, it's going to be available for usage on remote edge instance.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
dashboardId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/edge/{edgeId}/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Clears assignment of the dashboard to the edge. Unassignment works in async way - first, 'unassign' notification event pushed to edge queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive an 'unassign' command to remove dashboard (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once 'unassign' command will be delivered to edge service, it's going to remove dashboard locally.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
dashboardId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/{edgeId}/dashboards{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of dashboard info objects assigned to the specified edge. The Dashboard Info object contains lightweight information about the dashboard (e.g. title, image, assigned customers) but does not contain the heavyweight configuration JSON. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

edgeId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/dashboard/home/info

Returns the home dashboard info object that is configured as 'homeDashboardId' parameter in the 'additionalInfo' of the corresponding tenant.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/tenant/dashboard/home/info

Update the home dashboard assignment for the current tenant.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/dashboards{?mobile,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of dashboard info objects owned by the tenant of a current user. The Dashboard Info object contains lightweight information about the dashboard (e.g. title, image, assigned customers) but does not contain the heavyweight configuration JSON. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
mobile : boolean
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/{tenantId}/dashboards{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of dashboard info objects owned by tenant. The Dashboard Info object contains lightweight information about the dashboard (e.g. title, image, assigned customers) but does not contain the heavyweight configuration JSON. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

tenantId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/customer/device/{deviceId}

Clears assignment of the device to customer. Customer will not be able to query device afterwards.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/device/{deviceName}/claim

Claiming makes it possible to assign a device to the specific customer using device/server side claiming data (in the form of secret key).To make this happen you have to provide unique device name and optional claiming data (it is needed only for device-side claiming).Once device is claimed, the customer becomes its owner and customer users may access device data as well as control the device. In order to enable claiming devices feature a system parameter security.claim.allowClaimingByDefault should be set to true, otherwise a server-side claimingAllowed attribute with the value true is obligatory for provisioned devices. See official documentation for more details regarding claiming.

Available for users with 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceName : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/customer/device/{deviceName}/claim

Reclaiming means the device will be unassigned from the customer and the device will be available for claiming again.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceName : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/public/device/{deviceId}

Device will be available for non-authorized (not logged-in) users. This is useful to create dashboards that you plan to share/embed on a publicly available website. However, users that are logged-in and belong to different tenant will not be able to access the device.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/{customerId}/device/{deviceId}

Creates assignment of the device to customer. Customer will be able to query device afterwards.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerId : string
deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/deviceInfos{?deviceProfileId,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of devices info objects assigned to customer. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. Device Info is an extension of the default Device object that contains information about the assigned customer name and device profile name.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
deviceProfileId : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/devices{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of devices objects assigned to customer. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/device-with-credentials

Create or update the Device. When creating device, platform generates Device Id as time-based UUID. Requires to provide the Device Credentials object as well. Useful to create device and credentials in one request. You may find the example of LwM2M device and RPK credentials below:

  "device": {
    "name": "LwRpk00000000",
    "type": "lwm2mProfileRpk"
  "credentials": {
    "id": "null",
    "createdTime": 0,
    "deviceId": "null",
    "credentialsType": "LWM2M_CREDENTIALS",
    "credentialsId": "LwRpk00000000",
    "credentialsValue": {
      "client": {
        "endpoint": "LwRpk00000000",
        "securityConfigClientMode": "RPK",
        "key": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEUEBxNl/RcYJNm8mk91CyVXoIJiROYDlXcSSqK6e5bDHwOW4ZiN2lNnXalyF0Jxw8MbAytnDMERXyAja5VEMeVQ=="
      "bootstrap": {
        "bootstrapServer": {
          "securityMode": "RPK",
          "clientPublicKeyOrId": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEUEBxNl/RcYJNm8mk91CyVXoIJiROYDlXcSSqK6e5bDHwOW4ZiN2lNnXalyF0Jxw8MbAytnDMERXyAja5VEMeVQ==",
          "clientSecretKey": "MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgd9GAx7yZW37autew5KZykn4IgRpge/tZSjnudnZJnMahRANCAARQQHE2X9Fxgk2byaT3ULJVeggmJE5gOVdxJKorp7lsMfA5bhmI3aU2ddqXIXQnHDwxsDK2cMwRFfICNrlUQx5V"
        "lwm2mServer": {
          "securityMode": "RPK",
          "clientPublicKeyOrId": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEUEBxNl/RcYJNm8mk91CyVXoIJiROYDlXcSSqK6e5bDHwOW4ZiN2lNnXalyF0Jxw8MbAytnDMERXyAja5VEMeVQ==",
          "clientSecretKey": "MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgd9GAx7yZW37autew5KZykn4IgRpge/tZSjnudnZJnMahRANCAARQQHE2X9Fxgk2byaT3ULJVeggmJE5gOVdxJKorp7lsMfA5bhmI3aU2ddqXIXQnHDwxsDK2cMwRFfICNrlUQx5V"

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/device/bulk_import

There's an ability to import the bulk of devices using the only .csv file.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/device/credentials

During device creation, platform generates random 'ACCESS_TOKEN' credentials. Use this method to update the device credentials. First use 'getDeviceCredentialsByDeviceId' to get the credentials id and value. Then use current method to update the credentials type and value. It is not possible to create multiple device credentials for the same device. The structure of device credentials id and value is simple for the 'ACCESS_TOKEN' but is much more complex for the 'MQTT_BASIC' or 'LWM2M_CREDENTIALS'.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/device/info/{deviceId}

Fetch the Device Info object based on the provided Device Id. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the device is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the device is assigned to the same customer. Device Info is an extension of the default Device object that contains information about the assigned customer name and device profile name.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/device/types

Returns a set of unique device profile names based on devices that are either owned by the tenant or assigned to the customer which user is performing the request.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/device/{deviceId}

Fetch the Device object based on the provided Device Id. If the user has the authority of 'TENANT_ADMIN', the server checks that the device is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'CUSTOMER_USER', the server checks that the device is assigned to the same customer.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/device/{deviceId}

Deletes the device, it's credentials and all the relations (from and to the device). Referencing non-existing device Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/device/{deviceId}/credentials

If during device creation there wasn't specified any credentials, platform generates random 'ACCESS_TOKEN' credentials.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/devices

Returns all devices that are related to the specific entity. The entity id, relation type, device types, depth of the search, and other query parameters defined using complex 'DeviceSearchQuery' object. See 'Model' tab of the Parameters for more info.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/devices/count/{otaPackageType}/{deviceProfileId}

The platform gives an ability to load OTA (over-the-air) packages to devices. It can be done in two different ways: device scope or device profile scope.In the response you will find the number of devices with specified device profile, but without previously defined device scope OTA package. It can be useful when you want to define number of devices that will be affected with future OTA package

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

otaPackageType : string
deviceProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/devices{?deviceIds}

Requested devices must be owned by tenant or assigned to customer which user is performing the request.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceIds : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/device{?accessToken}

Create or update the Device. When creating device, platform generates Device Id as time-based UUID. Device credentials are also generated if not provided in the 'accessToken' request parameter. The newly created device id will be present in the response. Specify existing Device id to update the device. Referencing non-existing device Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Device name is unique in the scope of tenant. Use unique identifiers like MAC or IMEI for the device names and non-unique 'label' field for user-friendly visualization purposes.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

accessToken : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/edge/{edgeId}/device/{deviceId}

Creates assignment of an existing device to an instance of The Edge. Assignment works in async way - first, notification event pushed to edge service queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive a copy of assignment device (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once device will be delivered to edge service, it's going to be available for usage on remote edge instance.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/edge/{edgeId}/device/{deviceId}

Clears assignment of the device to the edge. Unassignment works in async way - first, 'unassign' notification event pushed to edge queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive an 'unassign' command to remove device (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once 'unassign' command will be delivered to edge service, it's going to remove device locally.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/{edgeId}/devices{?endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of devices assigned to edge. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

edgeId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/deviceInfos{?deviceProfileId,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of devices info objects owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. Device Info is an extension of the default Device object that contains information about the assigned customer name and device profile name.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
deviceProfileId : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/devices{?deviceName}

Requested device must be owned by tenant that the user belongs to. Device name is an unique property of device. So it can be used to identify the device.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

deviceName : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/devices{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of devices owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/tenant/{tenantId}/device/{deviceId}

Creates assignment of the device to tenant. Thereafter tenant will be able to reassign the device to a customer.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

tenantId : string
deviceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/deviceProfile

Create or update the Device Profile. When creating device profile, platform generates device profile id as time-based UUID. The newly created device profile id will be present in the response. Specify existing device profile id to update the device profile. Referencing non-existing device profile Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Device profile name is unique in the scope of tenant. Only one 'default' device profile may exist in scope of tenant.

Device profile data definition

Device profile data object contains alarm rules configuration, device provision strategy and transport type configuration for device connectivity. Let's review some examples. First one is the default device profile data configuration and second one - the custom one.

         "alarmType":"Temperature Alarm",
         "deviceTelemetryProtoSchema":"syntax =\"proto3\";\npackage telemetry;\n\nmessage SensorDataReading {\n\n  optional double temperature = 1;\n  optional double humidity = 2;\n  InnerObject innerObject = 3;\n\n  message InnerObject {\n    optional string key1 = 1;\n    optional bool key2 = 2;\n    optional double key3 = 3;\n    optional int32 key4 = 4;\n    optional string key5 = 5;\n  }\n}",
         "deviceAttributesProtoSchema":"syntax =\"proto3\";\npackage attributes;\n\nmessage SensorConfiguration {\n  optional string firmwareVersion = 1;\n  optional string serialNumber = 2;\n}",
         "deviceRpcRequestProtoSchema":"syntax =\"proto3\";\npackage rpc;\n\nmessage RpcRequestMsg {\n  optional string method = 1;\n  optional int32 requestId = 2;\n  optional string params = 3;\n}",
         "deviceRpcResponseProtoSchema":"syntax =\"proto3\";\npackage rpc;\n\nmessage RpcResponseMsg {\n  optional string payload = 1;\n}"

Let's review some specific objects examples related to the device profile configuration:

Alarm Schedule

Alarm Schedule JSON object represents the time interval during which the alarm rule is active. Note,

"schedule": null

means alarm rule is active all the time. 'daysOfWeek' field represents Monday as 1, Tuesday as 2 and so on. 'startsOn' and 'endsOn' fields represent hours in millis (e.g. 64800000 = 18:00 or 6pm). 'enabled' flag specifies if item in a custom rule is active for specific day of the week:

Specific Time Schedule


Custom Schedule


Alarm condition type ('spec')

Alarm condition type can be either simple, duration, or repeating. For example, 5 times in a row or during 5 minutes.

Note, 'userValue' field is not used and reserved for future usage, 'dynamicValue' is used for condition appliance by using the value of the 'sourceAttribute' or else 'defaultValue' is used (if 'sourceAttribute' is absent).

'sourceType' of the 'sourceAttribute' can be:


'sourceAttribute' can be inherited from the owner if 'inherit' is set to true (for CURRENT_DEVICE and CURRENT_CUSTOMER).

Repeating alarm condition


Duration alarm condition


'unit' can be:

  • 'SECONDS';
  • 'MINUTES';
  • 'HOURS';
  • 'DAYS'.

Key Filters

Key filter objects are created under the 'condition' array. They allow you to define complex logical expressions over entity field, attribute, latest time-series value or constant. The filter is defined using 'key', 'valueType', 'value' (refers to the value of the 'CONSTANT' alarm filter key type) and 'predicate' objects. Let's review each object:

Alarm Filter Key

Filter Key defines either entity field, attribute, telemetry or constant. It is a JSON object that consists the key name and type. The following filter key types are supported:

  • 'ATTRIBUTE' - used for attributes values;
  • 'TIME_SERIES' - used for time-series values;
  • 'ENTITY_FIELD' - used for accessing entity fields like 'name', 'label', etc. The list of available fields depends on the entity type;
  • 'CONSTANT' - constant value specified.

Let's review the example:

  "type": "TIME_SERIES",
  "key": "temperature"

Value Type and Operations

Provides a hint about the data type of the entity field that is defined in the filter key. The value type impacts the list of possible operations that you may use in the corresponding predicate. For example, you may use 'STARTS_WITH' or 'END_WITH', but you can't use 'GREATER_OR_EQUAL' for string values.The following filter value types and corresponding predicate operations are supported:

  • 'STRING' - used to filter any 'String' or 'JSON' values. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS;
  • 'NUMERIC' - used for 'Long' and 'Double' values. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL;
  • 'BOOLEAN' - used for boolean values. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL;
  • 'DATE_TIME' - similar to numeric, transforms value to milliseconds since epoch. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL;

Filter Predicate

Filter Predicate defines the logical expression to evaluate. The list of available operations depends on the filter value type, see above. Platform supports 4 predicate types: 'STRING', 'NUMERIC', 'BOOLEAN' and 'COMPLEX'. The last one allows to combine multiple operations over one filter key.

Simple predicate example to check 'value < 100':

  "operation": "LESS",
  "value": {
    "userValue": null,
    "defaultValue": 100,
    "dynamicValue": null
  "type": "NUMERIC"

Complex predicate example, to check 'value < 10 or value > 20':

  "type": "COMPLEX",
  "operation": "OR",
  "predicates": [
      "operation": "LESS",
      "value": {
        "userValue": null,
        "defaultValue": 10,
        "dynamicValue": null
      "type": "NUMERIC"
      "operation": "GREATER",
      "value": {
        "userValue": null,
        "defaultValue": 20,
        "dynamicValue": null
      "type": "NUMERIC"

More complex predicate example, to check 'value < 10 or (value > 50 && value < 60)':

  "type": "COMPLEX",
  "operation": "OR",
  "predicates": [
      "operation": "LESS",
      "value": {
        "userValue": null,
        "defaultValue": 10,
        "dynamicValue": null
      "type": "NUMERIC"
      "type": "COMPLEX",
      "operation": "AND",
      "predicates": [
          "operation": "GREATER",
          "value": {
            "userValue": null,
            "defaultValue": 50,
            "dynamicValue": null
          "type": "NUMERIC"
          "operation": "LESS",
          "value": {
            "userValue": null,
            "defaultValue": 60,
            "dynamicValue": null
          "type": "NUMERIC"

You may also want to replace hardcoded values (for example, temperature > 20) with the more dynamic expression (for example, temperature > value of the tenant attribute with key 'temperatureThreshold'). It is possible to use 'dynamicValue' to define attribute of the tenant, customer or device. See example below:

  "operation": "GREATER",
  "value": {
    "userValue": null,
    "defaultValue": 0,
    "dynamicValue": {
      "inherit": false,
      "sourceType": "CURRENT_TENANT",
      "sourceAttribute": "temperatureThreshold"
  "type": "NUMERIC"

Note that you may use 'CURRENT_DEVICE', 'CURRENT_CUSTOMER' and 'CURRENT_TENANT' as a 'sourceType'. The 'defaultValue' is used when the attribute with such a name is not defined for the chosen source. The 'sourceAttribute' can be inherited from the owner of the specified 'sourceType' if 'inherit' is set to true.

Provision Configuration

There are 3 types of device provision configuration for the device profile:


Please refer to the docs for more details.

Transport Configuration

5 transport configuration types are available:

  • 'DEFAULT';
  • 'MQTT';
  • 'LWM2M';
  • 'COAP';
  • 'SNMP'.

Default type supports basic MQTT, HTTP, CoAP and LwM2M transports. Please refer to the docs for more details about other types.

See another example of COAP transport configuration below:


Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/deviceProfile/devices/keys/attributes{?deviceProfileId}

Get a set of unique attribute keys used by devices that belong to specified profile. If profile is not set returns a list of unique keys among all profiles. The call is used for auto-complete in the UI forms. The implementation limits the number of devices that participate in search to 100 as a trade of between accurate results and time-consuming queries.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

deviceProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/deviceProfile/devices/keys/timeseries{?deviceProfileId}

Get a set of unique time-series keys used by devices that belong to specified profile. If profile is not set returns a list of unique keys among all profiles. The call is used for auto-complete in the UI forms. The implementation limits the number of devices that participate in search to 100 as a trade of between accurate results and time-consuming queries.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

deviceProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/deviceProfile/{deviceProfileId}

Fetch the Device Profile object based on the provided Device Profile Id. The server checks that the device profile is owned by the same tenant.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

deviceProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/deviceProfile/{deviceProfileId}

Deletes the device profile. Referencing non-existing device profile Id will cause an error. Can't delete the device profile if it is referenced by existing devices.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

deviceProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/deviceProfile/{deviceProfileId}/default

Marks device profile as default within a tenant scope.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

deviceProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/deviceProfileInfo/default

Fetch the Default Device Profile Info object. Device Profile Info is a lightweight object that includes main information about Device Profile excluding the heavyweight configuration object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/deviceProfileInfo/{deviceProfileId}

Fetch the Device Profile Info object based on the provided Device Profile Id. Device Profile Info is a lightweight object that includes main information about Device Profile excluding the heavyweight configuration object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/deviceProfileInfos{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,transportType}

Returns a page of devices profile info objects owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. Device Profile Info is a lightweight object that includes main information about Device Profile excluding the heavyweight configuration object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
transportType : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/deviceProfiles{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of devices profile objects owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/customer/edge/{edgeId}

Clears assignment of the edge to customer. Customer will not be able to query edge afterwards.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/public/edge/{edgeId}

Edge will be available for non-authorized (not logged-in) users. This is useful to create dashboards that you plan to share/embed on a publicly available website. However, users that are logged-in and belong to different tenant will not be able to access the edge.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/{customerId}/edge/{edgeId}

Creates assignment of the edge to customer. Customer will be able to query edge afterwards.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerId : string
edgeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/edgeInfos{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of edges info objects assigned to customer. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. Edge Info is an extension of the default Edge object that contains information about the assigned customer name.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/edges{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of edges objects assigned to customer. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/edge

Create or update the Edge. When creating edge, platform generates Edge Id as time-based UUID. The newly created edge id will be present in the response. Specify existing Edge id to update the edge. Referencing non-existing Edge Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Edge name is unique in the scope of tenant. Use unique identifiers like MAC or IMEI for the edge names and non-unique 'label' field for user-friendly visualization purposes.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/edge/bulk_import

There's an ability to import the bulk of edges using the only .csv file.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/info/{edgeId}

Get the Edge Info object based on the provided Edge Id. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the edge is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the edge is assigned to the same customer.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

edgeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/missingToRelatedRuleChains/{edgeId}

Returns list of rule chains ids that are not assigned to particular edge, but these rule chains are present in the already assigned rule chains to edge.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/edge/sync/{edgeId}

Starts synchronization process between edge and cloud. All entities that are assigned to particular edge are going to be send to remote edge service.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/types

Returns a set of unique edge types based on edges that are either owned by the tenant or assigned to the customer which user is performing the request.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/{edgeId}

Get the Edge object based on the provided Edge Id. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the edge is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the edge is assigned to the same customer.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

edgeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/edge/{edgeId}

Deletes the edge. Referencing non-existing edge Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/edge/{edgeId}/{ruleChainId}/root

Change root rule chain of the edge to the new provided rule chain. This operation will send a notification to update root rule chain on remote edge service.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/edges

Returns all edges that are related to the specific entity. The entity id, relation type, edge types, depth of the search, and other query parameters defined using complex 'EdgeSearchQuery' object. See 'Model' tab of the Parameters for more info.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/edges/enabled

Returns 'true' if edges support enabled on server, 'false' - otherwise.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edges{?edgeIds}

Requested edges must be owned by tenant or assigned to customer which user is performing the request.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

edgeIds : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edges{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of edges owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/license/activateInstance{?licenseSecret,releaseDate}

Activates edge license on license portal.

licenseSecret : string
releaseDate : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/license/checkInstance

Checks license request from edge service by forwarding request to license portal.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/edgeInfos{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of edges info objects owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. Edge Info is an extension of the default Edge object that contains information about the assigned customer name.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/edges{?edgeName}

Requested edge must be owned by tenant or customer that the user belongs to. Edge name is an unique property of edge. So it can be used to identify the edge.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeName : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/edges{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of edges owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/{edgeId}/events{?endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,textSearch}

Returns a page of edge events for the requested edge. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

edgeId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/alarmsQuery/find

This method description defines how Alarm Data Query extends the Entity Data Query. See method 'Find Entity Data by Query' first to get the info about 'Entity Data Query'.

The platform will first search the entities that match the entity and key filters. Then, the platform will use 'Alarm Page Link' to filter the alarms related to those entities. Finally, platform fetch the properties of alarm that are defined in the 'alarmFields' and combine them with the other entity, attribute and latest time-series fields to return the result.

See example of the alarm query below. The query will search first 100 active alarms with type 'Temperature Alarm' or 'Fire Alarm' for any device with current temperature > 0. The query will return combination of the entity fields: name of the device, device model and latest temperature reading and alarms fields: createdTime, type, severity and status:

  "entityFilter": {
    "type": "entityType",
    "resolveMultiple": true,
    "entityType": "DEVICE"
  "pageLink": {
    "page": 0,
    "pageSize": 100,
    "textSearch": null,
    "searchPropagatedAlarms": false,
    "statusList": [
    "severityList": [
    "typeList": [
      "Temperature Alarm",
      "Fire Alarm"
    "sortOrder": {
      "key": {
        "key": "createdTime",
        "type": "ALARM_FIELD"
      "direction": "DESC"
    "timeWindow": 86400000
  "keyFilters": [
      "key": {
        "type": "TIME_SERIES",
        "key": "temperature"
      "valueType": "NUMERIC",
      "predicate": {
        "operation": "GREATER",
        "value": {
          "defaultValue": 0,
          "dynamicValue": null
        "type": "NUMERIC"
  "alarmFields": [
      "type": "ALARM_FIELD",
      "key": "createdTime"
      "type": "ALARM_FIELD",
      "key": "type"
      "type": "ALARM_FIELD",
      "key": "severity"
      "type": "ALARM_FIELD",
      "key": "status"
  "entityFields": [
      "type": "ENTITY_FIELD",
      "key": "name"
  "latestValues": [
      "type": "ATTRIBUTE",
      "key": "model"
      "type": "TIME_SERIES",
      "key": "temperature"
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/entitiesQuery/count

Allows to run complex queries to search the count of platform entities (devices, assets, customers, etc) based on the combination of main entity filter and multiple key filters. Returns the number of entities that match the query definition.

Query Definition

Main entity filter is mandatory and defines generic search criteria. For example, "find all devices with profile 'Moisture Sensor'" or "Find all devices related to asset 'Building A'"

Optional key filters allow to filter results of the entity filter by complex criteria against main entity fields (name, label, type, etc), attributes and telemetry. For example, "temperature > 20 or temperature< 10" or "name starts with 'T', and attribute 'model' is 'T1000', and timeseries field 'batteryLevel' > 40".

Let's review the example:

  "entityFilter": {
    "type": "entityType",
    "entityType": "DEVICE"
  "keyFilters": [
      "key": {
        "type": "ATTRIBUTE",
        "key": "active"
      "valueType": "BOOLEAN",
      "predicate": {
        "operation": "EQUAL",
        "value": {
          "defaultValue": true,
          "dynamicValue": null
        "type": "BOOLEAN"

Example mentioned above search all devices which have attribute 'active' set to 'true'. Now let's review available entity filters and key filters syntax:

Entity Filters

Entity Filter body depends on the 'type' parameter. Let's review available entity filter types. In fact, they do correspond to available dashboard aliases.

Single Entity

Allows to filter only one entity based on the id. For example, this entity filter selects certain device:

  "type": "singleEntity",
  "singleEntity": {
    "id": "d521edb0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092",
    "entityType": "DEVICE"

Entity List Filter

Allows to filter entities of the same type using their ids. For example, this entity filter selects two devices:

  "type": "entityList",
  "entityType": "DEVICE",
  "entityList": [

Entity Name Filter

Allows to filter entities of the same type using the 'starts with' expression over entity name. For example, this entity filter selects all devices which name starts with 'Air Quality':

  "type": "entityName",
  "entityType": "DEVICE",
  "entityNameFilter": "Air Quality"

Entity Type Filter

Allows to filter entities based on their type (CUSTOMER, USER, DASHBOARD, ASSET, DEVICE, etc)For example, this entity filter selects all tenant customers:

  "type": "entityType",
  "entityType": "CUSTOMER"

Asset Type Filter

Allows to filter assets based on their type and the 'starts with' expression over their name. For example, this entity filter selects all 'charging station' assets which name starts with 'Tesla':

  "type": "assetType",
  "assetType": "charging station",
  "assetNameFilter": "Tesla"

Device Type Filter

Allows to filter devices based on their type and the 'starts with' expression over their name. For example, this entity filter selects all 'Temperature Sensor' devices which name starts with 'ABC':

  "type": "deviceType",
  "deviceType": "Temperature Sensor",
  "deviceNameFilter": "ABC"

Edge Type Filter

Allows to filter edge instances based on their type and the 'starts with' expression over their name. For example, this entity filter selects all 'Factory' edge instances which name starts with 'Nevada':

  "type": "edgeType",
  "edgeType": "Factory",
  "edgeNameFilter": "Nevada"

Entity View Filter

Allows to filter entity views based on their type and the 'starts with' expression over their name. For example, this entity filter selects all 'Concrete Mixer' entity views which name starts with 'CAT':

  "type": "entityViewType",
  "entityViewType": "Concrete Mixer",
  "entityViewNameFilter": "CAT"

Api Usage Filter

Allows to query for Api Usage based on optional customer id. If the customer id is not set, returns current tenant API usage.For example, this entity filter selects the 'Api Usage' entity for customer with id 'e6501f30-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092':

  "type": "apiUsageState",
  "customerId": {
    "id": "d521edb0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092",
    "entityType": "CUSTOMER"

Relations Query Filter

Allows to filter entities that are related to the provided root entity. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'filter' object allows you to define the relation type and set of acceptable entity types to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only those who match the 'filters'.

For example, this entity filter selects all devices and assets which are related to the asset with id 'e51de0c0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092':

  "type": "relationsQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e51de0c0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 1,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": false,
  "filters": [
      "relationType": "Contains",
      "entityTypes": [

Asset Search Query

Allows to filter assets that are related to the provided root entity. Filters related assets based on the relation type and set of asset types. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'relationType' defines the type of the relation to search for. The 'assetTypes' defines the type of the asset to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only assets that match 'relationType' and 'assetTypes' conditions.

For example, this entity filter selects 'charging station' assets which are related to the asset with id 'e51de0c0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092' using 'Contains' relation:

  "type": "assetSearchQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e51de0c0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 1,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": false,
  "relationType": "Contains",
  "assetTypes": [
    "charging station"

Device Search Query

Allows to filter devices that are related to the provided root entity. Filters related devices based on the relation type and set of device types. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'relationType' defines the type of the relation to search for. The 'deviceTypes' defines the type of the device to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only devices that match 'relationType' and 'deviceTypes' conditions.

For example, this entity filter selects 'Charging port' and 'Air Quality Sensor' devices which are related to the asset with id 'e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092' using 'Contains' relation:

  "type": "deviceSearchQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 2,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": true,
  "relationType": "Contains",
  "deviceTypes": [
    "Air Quality Sensor",
    "Charging port"

Entity View Query

Allows to filter entity views that are related to the provided root entity. Filters related entity views based on the relation type and set of entity view types. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'relationType' defines the type of the relation to search for. The 'entityViewTypes' defines the type of the entity view to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only devices that match 'relationType' and 'deviceTypes' conditions.

For example, this entity filter selects 'Concrete mixer' entity views which are related to the asset with id 'e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092' using 'Contains' relation:

  "type": "entityViewSearchQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 1,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": false,
  "relationType": "Contains",
  "entityViewTypes": [
    "Concrete mixer"

Edge Search Query

Allows to filter edge instances that are related to the provided root entity. Filters related edge instances based on the relation type and set of edge types. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'relationType' defines the type of the relation to search for. The 'deviceTypes' defines the type of the device to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only devices that match 'relationType' and 'deviceTypes' conditions.

For example, this entity filter selects 'Factory' edge instances which are related to the asset with id 'e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092' using 'Contains' relation:

  "type": "deviceSearchQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 2,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": true,
  "relationType": "Contains",
  "edgeTypes": [

Key Filters

Key Filter allows you to define complex logical expressions over entity field, attribute or latest time-series value. The filter is defined using 'key', 'valueType' and 'predicate' objects. Single Entity Query may have zero, one or multiple predicates. If multiple filters are defined, they are evaluated using logical 'AND'. The example below checks that temperature of the entity is above 20 degrees:

  "key": {
    "type": "TIME_SERIES",
    "key": "temperature"
  "valueType": "NUMERIC",
  "predicate": {
    "operation": "GREATER",
    "value": {
      "defaultValue": 20,
      "dynamicValue": null
    "type": "NUMERIC"

Now let's review 'key', 'valueType' and 'predicate' objects in detail.

Filter Key

Filter Key defines either entity field, attribute or telemetry. It is a JSON object that consists the key name and type. The following filter key types are supported:

  • 'CLIENT_ATTRIBUTE' - used for client attributes;
  • 'SHARED_ATTRIBUTE' - used for shared attributes;
  • 'SERVER_ATTRIBUTE' - used for server attributes;
  • 'ATTRIBUTE' - used for any of the above;
  • 'TIME_SERIES' - used for time-series values;
  • 'ENTITY_FIELD' - used for accessing entity fields like 'name', 'label', etc. The list of available fields depends on the entity type;
  • 'ALARM_FIELD' - similar to entity field, but is used in alarm queries only;

Let's review the example:

  "type": "TIME_SERIES",
  "key": "temperature"

Value Type and Operations

Provides a hint about the data type of the entity field that is defined in the filter key. The value type impacts the list of possible operations that you may use in the corresponding predicate. For example, you may use 'STARTS_WITH' or 'END_WITH', but you can't use 'GREATER_OR_EQUAL' for string values.The following filter value types and corresponding predicate operations are supported:

  • 'STRING' - used to filter any 'String' or 'JSON' values. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS;
  • 'NUMERIC' - used for 'Long' and 'Double' values. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL;
  • 'BOOLEAN' - used for boolean values. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL;
  • 'DATE_TIME' - similar to numeric, transforms value to milliseconds since epoch. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL;

Filter Predicate

Filter Predicate defines the logical expression to evaluate. The list of available operations depends on the filter value type, see above. Platform supports 4 predicate types: 'STRING', 'NUMERIC', 'BOOLEAN' and 'COMPLEX'. The last one allows to combine multiple operations over one filter key.

Simple predicate example to check 'value < 100':

  "operation": "LESS",
  "value": {
    "defaultValue": 100,
    "dynamicValue": null
  "type": "NUMERIC"

Complex predicate example, to check 'value < 10 or value > 20':

  "type": "COMPLEX",
  "operation": "OR",
  "predicates": [
      "operation": "LESS",
      "value": {
        "defaultValue": 10,
        "dynamicValue": null
      "type": "NUMERIC"
      "operation": "GREATER",
      "value": {
        "defaultValue": 20,
        "dynamicValue": null
      "type": "NUMERIC"

More complex predicate example, to check 'value < 10 or (value > 50 && value < 60)':

  "type": "COMPLEX",
  "operation": "OR",
  "predicates": [
      "operation": "LESS",
      "value": {
        "defaultValue": 10,
        "dynamicValue": null
      "type": "NUMERIC"
      "type": "COMPLEX",
      "operation": "AND",
      "predicates": [
          "operation": "GREATER",
          "value": {
            "defaultValue": 50,
            "dynamicValue": null
          "type": "NUMERIC"
          "operation": "LESS",
          "value": {
            "defaultValue": 60,
            "dynamicValue": null
          "type": "NUMERIC"

You may also want to replace hardcoded values (for example, temperature > 20) with the more dynamic expression (for example, temperature > 'value of the tenant attribute with key 'temperatureThreshold'). It is possible to use 'dynamicValue' to define attribute of the tenant, customer or user that is performing the API call. See example below:

  "operation": "GREATER",
  "value": {
    "defaultValue": 0,
    "dynamicValue": {
      "sourceType": "CURRENT_USER",
      "sourceAttribute": "temperatureThreshold"
  "type": "NUMERIC"

Note that you may use 'CURRENT_USER', 'CURRENT_CUSTOMER' and 'CURRENT_TENANT' as a 'sourceType'. The 'defaultValue' is used when the attribute with such a name is not defined for the chosen source.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/entitiesQuery/find

Allows to run complex queries over platform entities (devices, assets, customers, etc) based on the combination of main entity filter and multiple key filters. Returns the paginated result of the query that contains requested entity fields and latest values of requested attributes and time-series data.

Query Definition

Main entity filter is mandatory and defines generic search criteria. For example, "find all devices with profile 'Moisture Sensor'" or "Find all devices related to asset 'Building A'"

Optional key filters allow to filter results of the entity filter by complex criteria against main entity fields (name, label, type, etc), attributes and telemetry. For example, "temperature > 20 or temperature< 10" or "name starts with 'T', and attribute 'model' is 'T1000', and timeseries field 'batteryLevel' > 40".

The entity fields and latest values contains list of entity fields and latest attribute/telemetry fields to fetch for each entity.

The page link contains information about the page to fetch and the sort ordering.

Let's review the example:

  "entityFilter": {
    "type": "entityType",
    "resolveMultiple": true,
    "entityType": "DEVICE"
  "keyFilters": [
      "key": {
        "type": "TIME_SERIES",
        "key": "temperature"
      "valueType": "NUMERIC",
      "predicate": {
        "operation": "GREATER",
        "value": {
          "defaultValue": 0,
          "dynamicValue": {
            "sourceType": "CURRENT_USER",
            "sourceAttribute": "temperatureThreshold",
            "inherit": false
        "type": "NUMERIC"
  "entityFields": [
      "type": "ENTITY_FIELD",
      "key": "name"
      "type": "ENTITY_FIELD",
      "key": "label"
      "type": "ENTITY_FIELD",
      "key": "additionalInfo"
  "latestValues": [
      "type": "ATTRIBUTE",
      "key": "model"
      "type": "TIME_SERIES",
      "key": "temperature"
  "pageLink": {
    "page": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "sortOrder": {
      "key": {
        "key": "name",
        "type": "ENTITY_FIELD"
      "direction": "ASC"

Example mentioned above search all devices which have attribute 'active' set to 'true'. Now let's review available entity filters and key filters syntax:

Entity Filters

Entity Filter body depends on the 'type' parameter. Let's review available entity filter types. In fact, they do correspond to available dashboard aliases.

Single Entity

Allows to filter only one entity based on the id. For example, this entity filter selects certain device:

  "type": "singleEntity",
  "singleEntity": {
    "id": "d521edb0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092",
    "entityType": "DEVICE"

Entity List Filter

Allows to filter entities of the same type using their ids. For example, this entity filter selects two devices:

  "type": "entityList",
  "entityType": "DEVICE",
  "entityList": [

Entity Name Filter

Allows to filter entities of the same type using the 'starts with' expression over entity name. For example, this entity filter selects all devices which name starts with 'Air Quality':

  "type": "entityName",
  "entityType": "DEVICE",
  "entityNameFilter": "Air Quality"

Entity Type Filter

Allows to filter entities based on their type (CUSTOMER, USER, DASHBOARD, ASSET, DEVICE, etc)For example, this entity filter selects all tenant customers:

  "type": "entityType",
  "entityType": "CUSTOMER"

Asset Type Filter

Allows to filter assets based on their type and the 'starts with' expression over their name. For example, this entity filter selects all 'charging station' assets which name starts with 'Tesla':

  "type": "assetType",
  "assetType": "charging station",
  "assetNameFilter": "Tesla"

Device Type Filter

Allows to filter devices based on their type and the 'starts with' expression over their name. For example, this entity filter selects all 'Temperature Sensor' devices which name starts with 'ABC':

  "type": "deviceType",
  "deviceType": "Temperature Sensor",
  "deviceNameFilter": "ABC"

Edge Type Filter

Allows to filter edge instances based on their type and the 'starts with' expression over their name. For example, this entity filter selects all 'Factory' edge instances which name starts with 'Nevada':

  "type": "edgeType",
  "edgeType": "Factory",
  "edgeNameFilter": "Nevada"

Entity View Filter

Allows to filter entity views based on their type and the 'starts with' expression over their name. For example, this entity filter selects all 'Concrete Mixer' entity views which name starts with 'CAT':

  "type": "entityViewType",
  "entityViewType": "Concrete Mixer",
  "entityViewNameFilter": "CAT"

Api Usage Filter

Allows to query for Api Usage based on optional customer id. If the customer id is not set, returns current tenant API usage.For example, this entity filter selects the 'Api Usage' entity for customer with id 'e6501f30-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092':

  "type": "apiUsageState",
  "customerId": {
    "id": "d521edb0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092",
    "entityType": "CUSTOMER"

Relations Query Filter

Allows to filter entities that are related to the provided root entity. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'filter' object allows you to define the relation type and set of acceptable entity types to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only those who match the 'filters'.

For example, this entity filter selects all devices and assets which are related to the asset with id 'e51de0c0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092':

  "type": "relationsQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e51de0c0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 1,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": false,
  "filters": [
      "relationType": "Contains",
      "entityTypes": [

Asset Search Query

Allows to filter assets that are related to the provided root entity. Filters related assets based on the relation type and set of asset types. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'relationType' defines the type of the relation to search for. The 'assetTypes' defines the type of the asset to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only assets that match 'relationType' and 'assetTypes' conditions.

For example, this entity filter selects 'charging station' assets which are related to the asset with id 'e51de0c0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092' using 'Contains' relation:

  "type": "assetSearchQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e51de0c0-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 1,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": false,
  "relationType": "Contains",
  "assetTypes": [
    "charging station"

Device Search Query

Allows to filter devices that are related to the provided root entity. Filters related devices based on the relation type and set of device types. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'relationType' defines the type of the relation to search for. The 'deviceTypes' defines the type of the device to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only devices that match 'relationType' and 'deviceTypes' conditions.

For example, this entity filter selects 'Charging port' and 'Air Quality Sensor' devices which are related to the asset with id 'e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092' using 'Contains' relation:

  "type": "deviceSearchQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 2,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": true,
  "relationType": "Contains",
  "deviceTypes": [
    "Air Quality Sensor",
    "Charging port"

Entity View Query

Allows to filter entity views that are related to the provided root entity. Filters related entity views based on the relation type and set of entity view types. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'relationType' defines the type of the relation to search for. The 'entityViewTypes' defines the type of the entity view to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only devices that match 'relationType' and 'deviceTypes' conditions.

For example, this entity filter selects 'Concrete mixer' entity views which are related to the asset with id 'e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092' using 'Contains' relation:

  "type": "entityViewSearchQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 1,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": false,
  "relationType": "Contains",
  "entityViewTypes": [
    "Concrete mixer"

Edge Search Query

Allows to filter edge instances that are related to the provided root entity. Filters related edge instances based on the relation type and set of edge types. Possible direction values are 'TO' and 'FROM'. The 'maxLevel' defines how many relation levels should the query search 'recursively'. Assuming the 'maxLevel' is > 1, the 'fetchLastLevelOnly' defines either to return all related entities or only entities that are on the last level of relations. The 'relationType' defines the type of the relation to search for. The 'deviceTypes' defines the type of the device to search for. The relation query calculates all related entities, even if they are filtered using different relation types, and then extracts only devices that match 'relationType' and 'deviceTypes' conditions.

For example, this entity filter selects 'Factory' edge instances which are related to the asset with id 'e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092' using 'Contains' relation:

  "type": "deviceSearchQuery",
  "rootEntity": {
    "entityType": "ASSET",
    "id": "e52b0020-2a7a-11ec-94eb-213c95f54092"
  "direction": "FROM",
  "maxLevel": 2,
  "fetchLastLevelOnly": true,
  "relationType": "Contains",
  "edgeTypes": [

Key Filters

Key Filter allows you to define complex logical expressions over entity field, attribute or latest time-series value. The filter is defined using 'key', 'valueType' and 'predicate' objects. Single Entity Query may have zero, one or multiple predicates. If multiple filters are defined, they are evaluated using logical 'AND'. The example below checks that temperature of the entity is above 20 degrees:

  "key": {
    "type": "TIME_SERIES",
    "key": "temperature"
  "valueType": "NUMERIC",
  "predicate": {
    "operation": "GREATER",
    "value": {
      "defaultValue": 20,
      "dynamicValue": null
    "type": "NUMERIC"

Now let's review 'key', 'valueType' and 'predicate' objects in detail.

Filter Key

Filter Key defines either entity field, attribute or telemetry. It is a JSON object that consists the key name and type. The following filter key types are supported:

  • 'CLIENT_ATTRIBUTE' - used for client attributes;
  • 'SHARED_ATTRIBUTE' - used for shared attributes;
  • 'SERVER_ATTRIBUTE' - used for server attributes;
  • 'ATTRIBUTE' - used for any of the above;
  • 'TIME_SERIES' - used for time-series values;
  • 'ENTITY_FIELD' - used for accessing entity fields like 'name', 'label', etc. The list of available fields depends on the entity type;
  • 'ALARM_FIELD' - similar to entity field, but is used in alarm queries only;

Let's review the example:

  "type": "TIME_SERIES",
  "key": "temperature"

Value Type and Operations

Provides a hint about the data type of the entity field that is defined in the filter key. The value type impacts the list of possible operations that you may use in the corresponding predicate. For example, you may use 'STARTS_WITH' or 'END_WITH', but you can't use 'GREATER_OR_EQUAL' for string values.The following filter value types and corresponding predicate operations are supported:

  • 'STRING' - used to filter any 'String' or 'JSON' values. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS;
  • 'NUMERIC' - used for 'Long' and 'Double' values. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL;
  • 'BOOLEAN' - used for boolean values. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL;
  • 'DATE_TIME' - similar to numeric, transforms value to milliseconds since epoch. Operations: EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL;

Filter Predicate

Filter Predicate defines the logical expression to evaluate. The list of available operations depends on the filter value type, see above. Platform supports 4 predicate types: 'STRING', 'NUMERIC', 'BOOLEAN' and 'COMPLEX'. The last one allows to combine multiple operations over one filter key.

Simple predicate example to check 'value < 100':

  "operation": "LESS",
  "value": {
    "defaultValue": 100,
    "dynamicValue": null
  "type": "NUMERIC"

Complex predicate example, to check 'value < 10 or value > 20':

  "type": "COMPLEX",
  "operation": "OR",
  "predicates": [
      "operation": "LESS",
      "value": {
        "defaultValue": 10,
        "dynamicValue": null
      "type": "NUMERIC"
      "operation": "GREATER",
      "value": {
        "defaultValue": 20,
        "dynamicValue": null
      "type": "NUMERIC"

More complex predicate example, to check 'value < 10 or (value > 50 && value < 60)':

  "type": "COMPLEX",
  "operation": "OR",
  "predicates": [
      "operation": "LESS",
      "value": {
        "defaultValue": 10,
        "dynamicValue": null
      "type": "NUMERIC"
      "type": "COMPLEX",
      "operation": "AND",
      "predicates": [
          "operation": "GREATER",
          "value": {
            "defaultValue": 50,
            "dynamicValue": null
          "type": "NUMERIC"
          "operation": "LESS",
          "value": {
            "defaultValue": 60,
            "dynamicValue": null
          "type": "NUMERIC"

You may also want to replace hardcoded values (for example, temperature > 20) with the more dynamic expression (for example, temperature > 'value of the tenant attribute with key 'temperatureThreshold'). It is possible to use 'dynamicValue' to define attribute of the tenant, customer or user that is performing the API call. See example below:

  "operation": "GREATER",
  "value": {
    "defaultValue": 0,
    "dynamicValue": {
      "sourceType": "CURRENT_USER",
      "sourceAttribute": "temperatureThreshold"
  "type": "NUMERIC"

Note that you may use 'CURRENT_USER', 'CURRENT_CUSTOMER' and 'CURRENT_TENANT' as a 'sourceType'. The 'defaultValue' is used when the attribute with such a name is not defined for the chosen source.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/entitiesQuery/find/keys{?attributes,timeseries}

Uses entity data query (see 'Find Entity Data by Query') to find first 100 entities. Then fetch and return all unique time-series and/or attribute keys. Used mostly for UI hints.

timeseries : boolean
attributes : boolean
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/relation

Creates or updates a relation between two entities in the platform. Relations unique key is a combination of from/to entity id and relation type group and relation type.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that 'from' and 'to' entities are owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that 'from' and 'to' entities are owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the 'from' and 'to' entities are assigned to the same customer.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/relations

Returns all entities that are related to the specific entity. The entity id, relation type, entity types, depth of the search, and other query parameters defined using complex 'EntityRelationsQuery' object. See 'Model' tab of the Parameters for more info.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/relations/info

Returns all entity infos that are related to the specific entity. The entity id, relation type, entity types, depth of the search, and other query parameters defined using complex 'EntityRelationsQuery' object. See 'Model' tab of the Parameters for more info. Relation Info is an extension of the default Relation object that contains information about the 'from' and 'to' entity names.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/relations/info{?fromId,fromType,relationTypeGroup}

Returns list of relation info objects for the specified entity by the 'from' direction.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the entity is assigned to the same customer. Relation Info is an extension of the default Relation object that contains information about the 'from' and 'to' entity names.

fromId : string
fromType : string
relationTypeGroup : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/relations/info{?relationTypeGroup,toId,toType}

Returns list of relation info objects for the specified entity by the 'to' direction.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the entity is assigned to the same customer. Relation Info is an extension of the default Relation object that contains information about the 'from' and 'to' entity names.

toId : string
toType : string
relationTypeGroup : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/relations{?entityId,entityType}

Deletes all the relation (both 'from' and 'to' direction) for the specified entity.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the entity is assigned to the same customer.

entityId : string
entityType : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/relations{?fromId,fromType,relationType,relationTypeGroup}

Returns list of relation objects for the specified entity by the 'from' direction and relation type.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the entity is assigned to the same customer.

fromId : string
fromType : string
relationType : string
relationTypeGroup : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/relations{?fromId,fromType,relationTypeGroup}

Returns list of relation objects for the specified entity by the 'from' direction.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the entity is assigned to the same customer.

fromId : string
fromType : string
relationTypeGroup : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/relations{?relationType,relationTypeGroup,toId,toType}

Returns list of relation objects for the specified entity by the 'to' direction and relation type.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the entity is assigned to the same customer.

toId : string
toType : string
relationType : string
relationTypeGroup : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/relations{?relationTypeGroup,toId,toType}

Returns list of relation objects for the specified entity by the 'to' direction.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that the entity is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the entity is assigned to the same customer.

toId : string
toType : string
relationTypeGroup : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/relation{?fromId,fromType,relationType,relationTypeGroup,toId,toType}

Returns relation object between two specified entities if present. Otherwise throws exception.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that 'from' and 'to' entities are owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that 'from' and 'to' entities are owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the 'from' and 'to' entities are assigned to the same customer.

fromId : string
fromType : string
relationType : string
relationTypeGroup : string
toId : string
toType : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/relation{?fromId,fromType,relationType,relationTypeGroup,toId,toType}

Deletes a relation between two entities in the platform.

If the user has the authority of 'System Administrator', the server checks that 'from' and 'to' entities are owned by the sysadmin. If the user has the authority of 'Tenant Administrator', the server checks that 'from' and 'to' entities are owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'Customer User', the server checks that the 'from' and 'to' entities are assigned to the same customer.

fromId : string
fromType : string
relationType : string
relationTypeGroup : string
toId : string
toType : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/customer/entityView/{entityViewId}

Clears assignment of the Entity View to customer. Customer will not be able to query Entity View afterwards.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

entityViewId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/public/entityView/{entityViewId}

Entity View will be available for non-authorized (not logged-in) users. This is useful to create dashboards that you plan to share/embed on a publicly available website. However, users that are logged-in and belong to different tenant will not be able to access the entity view.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

entityViewId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/customer/{customerId}/entityView/{entityViewId}

Creates assignment of the Entity View to customer. Customer will be able to query Entity View afterwards.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerId : string
entityViewId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/entityViewInfos{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of Entity View info objects assigned to customer. Entity Views limit the degree of exposure of the Device or Asset telemetry and attributes to the Customers. Every Entity View references exactly one entity (device or asset) and defines telemetry and attribute keys that will be visible to the assigned Customer. As a Tenant Administrator you are able to create multiple EVs per Device or Asset and assign them to different Customers. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/entityViews{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of Entity View objects assigned to customer. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/edge/{edgeId}/entityView/{entityViewId}

Creates assignment of an existing entity view to an instance of The Edge. Assignment works in async way - first, notification event pushed to edge service queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive a copy of assignment entity view (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once entity view will be delivered to edge service, it's going to be available for usage on remote edge instance.

edgeId : string
entityViewId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/edge/{edgeId}/entityView/{entityViewId}

Clears assignment of the entity view to the edge. Unassignment works in async way - first, 'unassign' notification event pushed to edge queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive an 'unassign' command to remove entity view (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once 'unassign' command will be delivered to edge service, it's going to remove entity view locally.

edgeId : string
entityViewId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/{edgeId}/entityViews{?endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,textSearch,type}


edgeId : string
page : string
pageSize : string
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/entityView

Entity Views limit the degree of exposure of the Device or Asset telemetry and attributes to the Customers. Every Entity View references exactly one entity (device or asset) and defines telemetry and attribute keys that will be visible to the assigned Customer. As a Tenant Administrator you are able to create multiple EVs per Device or Asset and assign them to different Customers. See the 'Model' tab for more details.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/entityView/info/{entityViewId}

Fetch the Entity View info object based on the provided Entity View Id. Entity Views Info extends the Entity View with customer title and 'is public' flag. Entity Views limit the degree of exposure of the Device or Asset telemetry and attributes to the Customers. Every Entity View references exactly one entity (device or asset) and defines telemetry and attribute keys that will be visible to the assigned Customer. As a Tenant Administrator you are able to create multiple EVs per Device or Asset and assign them to different Customers. See the 'Model' tab for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityViewId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/entityView/types

Returns a set of unique entity view types based on entity views that are either owned by the tenant or assigned to the customer which user is performing the request.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/entityView/{entityViewId}

Fetch the EntityView object based on the provided entity view id. Entity Views limit the degree of exposure of the Device or Asset telemetry and attributes to the Customers. Every Entity View references exactly one entity (device or asset) and defines telemetry and attribute keys that will be visible to the assigned Customer. As a Tenant Administrator you are able to create multiple EVs per Device or Asset and assign them to different Customers. See the 'Model' tab for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityViewId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/entityView/{entityViewId}

Delete the EntityView object based on the provided entity view id.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

entityViewId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/entityViews

Returns all entity views that are related to the specific entity. The entity id, relation type, entity view types, depth of the search, and other query parameters defined using complex 'EntityViewSearchQuery' object. See 'Model' tab of the Parameters for more info.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/entityViewInfos{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of entity views info owned by tenant. Entity Views limit the degree of exposure of the Device or Asset telemetry and attributes to the Customers. Every Entity View references exactly one entity (device or asset) and defines telemetry and attribute keys that will be visible to the assigned Customer. As a Tenant Administrator you are able to create multiple EVs per Device or Asset and assign them to different Customers. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/entityViews{?entityViewName}

Fetch the Entity View object based on the tenant id and entity view name.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

entityViewName : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/entityViews{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of entity views owned by tenant. Entity Views limit the degree of exposure of the Device or Asset telemetry and attributes to the Customers. Every Entity View references exactly one entity (device or asset) and defines telemetry and attribute keys that will be visible to the assigned Customer. As a Tenant Administrator you are able to create multiple EVs per Device or Asset and assign them to different Customers. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/events/{entityType}/{entityId}/clear{?endTime,startTime}

Clears events by filter for specified entity.

entityType : string
entityId : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/events/{entityType}/{entityId}/{eventType}{?endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,tenantId,textSearch}

Returns a page of events for specified entity by specifying event type. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

entityType : string
entityId : string
eventType : string
tenantId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/events/{entityType}/{entityId}{?endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,tenantId,textSearch}

Returns a page of events for specified entity. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

entityType : string
entityId : string
tenantId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
startTime : integer
endTime : integer
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/events/{entityType}/{entityId}{?endTime,page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,startTime,tenantId,textSearch}

Returns a page of events for the chosen entity by specifying the event filter. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Event Filter Definition

5 different eventFilter objects could be set for different event types. The eventType field is required. Others are optional. If some of them are set, the filtering will be applied according to them. See the examples below for all the fields used for each event type filtering.


  • 'server' - string value representing the server name, identifier or ip address where the platform is running;
  • 'errorStr' - the case insensitive 'contains' filter based on error message.

Error Event Filter

   "errorStr":"Error Message"
  • 'method' - string value representing the method name when the error happened.

Lifecycle Event Filter

   "errorStr":"Error Message"
  • 'event' - string value representing the lifecycle event type;
  • 'status' - string value representing status of the lifecycle event.

Statistics Event Filter

  • 'messagesProcessed' - the minimum number of successfully processed messages;
  • 'errorsOccurred' - the minimum number of errors occurred during messages processing.

Debug Rule Node Event Filter

   "errorStr":"Error Message"

Debug Rule Chain Event Filter

   "errorStr":"Error Message"
  • 'msgDirectionType' - string value representing msg direction type (incoming to entity or outcoming from entity);

  • 'dataSearch' - the case insensitive 'contains' filter based on data (key and value) for the message;

  • 'metadataSearch' - the case insensitive 'contains' filter based on metadata (key and value) for the message;

  • 'entityName' - string value representing the entity type;

  • 'relationType' - string value representing the type of message routing;

  • 'entityId' - string value representing the entity id in the event body (originator of the message);

  • 'msgType' - string value representing the message type;

  • 'isError' - boolean value to filter the errors.

    entityType : string entityId : string tenantId : string pageSize : integer page : integer textSearch : string sortProperty : string sortOrder : string startTime : integer endTime : integer body :

    Accept : 'application/json' Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/lwm2m/deviceProfile/bootstrap/{isBootstrapServer}

Get the Lwm2m Bootstrap SecurityInfo object (of the current server) based on the provided isBootstrapServer parameter. If isBootstrapServer == true, get the parameters of the current Bootstrap Server. If isBootstrapServer == false, get the parameters of the current Lwm2m Server. Used for client settings when starting the client in Bootstrap mode.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

isBootstrapServer : boolean
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/oauth2/config/template

Client registration template is OAuth2 provider configuration template with default settings for registering new OAuth2 clients

Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/oauth2/config/template

Client registration template is OAuth2 provider configuration template with default settings for registering new OAuth2 clients

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/oauth2/config/template/{clientRegistrationTemplateId}

Client registration template is OAuth2 provider configuration template with default settings for registering new OAuth2 clients

clientRegistrationTemplateId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/noauth/oauth2Clients{?pkgName,platform}

Get the list of OAuth2 clients to log in with, available for such domain scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) (if x-forwarded-proto request header is present - the scheme is known from it) and domain name and port (port may be known from x-forwarded-port header)

pkgName : string
platform : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/oauth2/config

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/oauth2/config

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/oauth2/loginProcessingUrl

Returns the URL enclosed in double quotes. After successful authentication with OAuth2 provider, it makes a redirect to this path so that the platform can do further log in processing. This URL may be configured as 'security.oauth2.loginProcessingUrl' property in yml configuration file, or as 'SECURITY_OAUTH2_LOGIN_PROCESSING_URL' env variable. By default it is '/login/oauth2/code/'

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/otaPackage

Create or update the OTA Package Info. When creating OTA Package Info, platform generates OTA Package id as time-based UUID. The newly created OTA Package id will be present in the response. Specify existing OTA Package id to update the OTA Package Info. Referencing non-existing OTA Package Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

OTA Package combination of the title with the version is unique in the scope of tenant.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/otaPackage/info/{otaPackageId}

Fetch the OTA Package Info object based on the provided OTA Package Id. OTA Package Info is a lightweight object that includes main information about the OTA Package excluding the heavyweight data.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

otaPackageId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/otaPackage/{otaPackageId}

Fetch the OTA Package object based on the provided OTA Package Id. The server checks that the OTA Package is owned by the same tenant. OTA Package is a heavyweight object that includes main information about the OTA Package and also data.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

otaPackageId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/otaPackage/{otaPackageId}

Deletes the OTA Package. Referencing non-existing OTA Package Id will cause an error. Can't delete the OTA Package if it is referenced by existing devices or device profile.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

otaPackageId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/otaPackage/{otaPackageId}/download

Download OTA Package based on the provided OTA Package Id.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

otaPackageId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/otaPackage/{otaPackageId}{?checksum,checksumAlgorithm}

Update the OTA Package. Adds the date to the existing OTA Package Info

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

otaPackageId : string
checksum : string
checksumAlgorithm : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/otaPackages/{deviceProfileId}/{type}{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of OTA Package Info objects owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. OTA Package Info is a lightweight object that includes main information about the OTA Package excluding the heavyweight data.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceProfileId : string
type : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/otaPackages{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of OTA Package Info objects owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. OTA Package Info is a lightweight object that includes main information about the OTA Package excluding the heavyweight data.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/queues{?serviceType}

Returns a set of unique queue names based on service type.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

serviceType : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/plugins/rpc/oneway/{deviceId}

Deprecated. See 'Rpc V 2 Controller' instead.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/plugins/rpc/twoway/{deviceId}

Deprecated. See 'Rpc V 2 Controller' instead.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/rpc/oneway/{deviceId}

Sends the one-way remote-procedure call (RPC) request to device. Sends the one-way remote-procedure call (RPC) request to device. The RPC call is A JSON that contains the method name ('method'), parameters ('params') and multiple optional fields. See example below. We will review the properties of the RPC call one-by-one below.

  "method": "setGpio",
  "params": {
    "pin": 7,
    "value": 1
  "persistent": false,
  "timeout": 5000

Server-side RPC structure

The body of server-side RPC request consists of multiple fields:

  • method - mandatory, name of the method to distinct the RPC calls. For example, "getCurrentTime" or "getWeatherForecast". The value of the parameter is a string.
  • params - mandatory, parameters used for processing of the request. The value is a JSON. Leave empty JSON "{}" if no parameters needed.
  • timeout - optional, value of the processing timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 10000 (10 seconds). The minimum value is 5000 (5 seconds).
  • expirationTime - optional, value of the epoch time (in milliseconds, UTC timezone). Overrides timeout if present.
  • persistent - optional, indicates persistent RPC. The default value is "false".
  • retries - optional, defines how many times persistent RPC will be re-sent in case of failures on the network and/or device side.
  • additionalInfo - optional, defines metadata for the persistent RPC that will be added to the persistent RPC events.

RPC Result

In case of persistent RPC, the result of this call is 'rpcId' UUID. In case of lightweight RPC, the result of this call is either 200 OK if the message was sent to device, or 504 Gateway Timeout if device is offline.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/rpc/persistent/device/{deviceId}{?page,pageSize,rpcStatus,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Allows to query RPC calls for specific device using pagination.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
rpcStatus : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/rpc/persistent/{rpcId}

Get information about the status of the RPC call.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

rpcId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/rpc/persistent/{rpcId}

Deletes the persistent RPC request.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

rpcId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/rpc/twoway/{deviceId}

Sends the two-way remote-procedure call (RPC) request to device. Sends the one-way remote-procedure call (RPC) request to device. The RPC call is A JSON that contains the method name ('method'), parameters ('params') and multiple optional fields. See example below. We will review the properties of the RPC call one-by-one below.

  "method": "setGpio",
  "params": {
    "pin": 7,
    "value": 1
  "persistent": false,
  "timeout": 5000

Server-side RPC structure

The body of server-side RPC request consists of multiple fields:

  • method - mandatory, name of the method to distinct the RPC calls. For example, "getCurrentTime" or "getWeatherForecast". The value of the parameter is a string.
  • params - mandatory, parameters used for processing of the request. The value is a JSON. Leave empty JSON "{}" if no parameters needed.
  • timeout - optional, value of the processing timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 10000 (10 seconds). The minimum value is 5000 (5 seconds).
  • expirationTime - optional, value of the epoch time (in milliseconds, UTC timezone). Overrides timeout if present.
  • persistent - optional, indicates persistent RPC. The default value is "false".
  • retries - optional, defines how many times persistent RPC will be re-sent in case of failures on the network and/or device side.
  • additionalInfo - optional, defines metadata for the persistent RPC that will be added to the persistent RPC events.

RPC Result

In case of persistent RPC, the result of this call is 'rpcId' UUID. In case of lightweight RPC, the result of this call is the response from device, or 504 Gateway Timeout if device is offline.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/edge/{edgeId}/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}

Creates assignment of an existing rule chain to an instance of The Edge. Assignment works in async way - first, notification event pushed to edge service queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive a copy of assignment rule chain (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once rule chain will be delivered to edge service, it's going to start processing messages locally.

Only rule chain with type 'EDGE' can be assigned to edge.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/edge/{edgeId}/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}

Clears assignment of the rule chain to the edge. Unassignment works in async way - first, 'unassign' notification event pushed to edge queue on platform. Second, remote edge service will receive an 'unassign' command to remove rule chain (Edge will receive this instantly, if it's currently connected, or once it's going to be connected to platform). Third, once 'unassign' command will be delivered to edge service, it's going to remove rule chain locally.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/edge/{edgeId}/ruleChains{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of Rule Chains assigned to the specified edge. The rule chain object is lightweight and contains general information about the rule chain. List of rule nodes and their connection is stored in a separate 'metadata' object.You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

edgeId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/ruleChain

Create or update the Rule Chain. When creating Rule Chain, platform generates Rule Chain Id as time-based UUID. The newly created Rule Chain Id will be present in the response. Specify existing Rule Chain id to update the rule chain. Referencing non-existing rule chain Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

The rule chain object is lightweight and contains general information about the rule chain. List of rule nodes and their connection is stored in a separate 'metadata' object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/ruleChain/autoAssignToEdgeRuleChains

Returns a list of Rule Chains that will be assigned to a newly created edge. The rule chain object is lightweight and contains general information about the rule chain. List of rule nodes and their connection is stored in a separate 'metadata' object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/ruleChain/device/default

Create rule chain from template, based on the specified name in the request. Creates the rule chain based on the template that is used to create root rule chain.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/ruleChain/metadata{?updateRelated}

Updates the rule chain metadata. The metadata object contains information about the rule nodes and their connections.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

updateRelated : boolean
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/ruleChain/testScript

Execute the JavaScript function and return the result. The format of request:

  "script": "Your JS Function as String",
  "scriptType": "One of: update, generate, filter, switch, json, string",
  "argNames": ["msg", "metadata", "type"],
  "msg": "{\"temperature\": 42}", 
  "metadata": {
    "deviceName": "Device A",
    "deviceType": "Thermometer"

Expected result JSON contains "output" and "error".

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}

Fetch the Rule Chain object based on the provided Rule Chain Id. The rule chain object is lightweight and contains general information about the rule chain. List of rule nodes and their connection is stored in a separate 'metadata' object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}

Deletes the rule chain. Referencing non-existing rule chain Id will cause an error. Referencing rule chain that is used in the device profiles will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}/autoAssignToEdge

Makes the rule chain to be automatically assigned for any new edge that will be created. Does not assign this rule chain for already created edges.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}/autoAssignToEdge

Removes the rule chain from the list of rule chains that are going to be automatically assigned for any new edge that will be created. Does not unassign this rule chain for already assigned edges.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}/edgeTemplateRoot

Makes the rule chain to be root rule chain for any new edge that will be created. Does not update root rule chain for already created edges.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}/metadata

Fetch the Rule Chain Metadata object based on the provided Rule Chain Id. The metadata object contains information about the rule nodes and their connections.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}/output/labels

Fetch the unique labels for the "output" Rule Nodes that belong to the Rule Chain based on the provided Rule Chain Id. The rule chain object is lightweight and contains general information about the rule chain. List of rule nodes and their connection is stored in a separate 'metadata' object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}/output/labels/usage

Fetch the list of rule chains and the relation types (labels) they use to process output of the current rule chain based on the provided Rule Chain Id. The rule chain object is lightweight and contains general information about the rule chain. List of rule nodes and their connection is stored in a separate 'metadata' object.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/ruleChain/{ruleChainId}/root

Makes the rule chain to be root rule chain. Updates previous root rule chain as well.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleChainId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/ruleChains/export{?limit}

Exports all tenant rule chains as one JSON.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

limit : integer
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/ruleChains/import{?overwrite}

Imports all tenant rule chains as one JSON.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

overwrite : boolean
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/ruleChains{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch,type}

Returns a page of Rule Chains owned by tenant. The rule chain object is lightweight and contains general information about the rule chain. List of rule nodes and their connection is stored in a separate 'metadata' object.You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
type : string
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/ruleNode/{ruleNodeId}/debugIn

Gets the input message from the debug events for specified Rule Chain Id. Referencing non-existing rule chain Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

ruleNodeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/noauth/activateByEmailCode{?emailCode,pkgName}


emailCode : string
pkgName : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/noauth/activateEmail{?emailCode,pkgName}


emailCode : string
pkgName : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/noauth/login{?pkgName}


pkgName : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/noauth/resendEmailActivation{?email,pkgName}


email : string
pkgName : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/noauth/signup


body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/noauth/signup/recaptchaPublicKey


Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/signup/acceptPrivacyPolicy


Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/signup/privacyPolicyAccepted


Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/signup/tenantAccount


Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/resource

Create or update the Resource. When creating the Resource, platform generates Resource id as time-based UUID. The newly created Resource id will be present in the response. Specify existing Resource id to update the Resource. Referencing non-existing Resource Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Resource combination of the title with the key is unique in the scope of tenant.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/resource/info/{resourceId}

Fetch the Resource Info object based on the provided Resource Id. Resource Info is a lightweight object that includes main information about the Resource excluding the heavyweight data.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

resourceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/resource/lwm2m/page{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of LwM2M objects parsed from Resources with type 'LWM2M_MODEL' owned by tenant or sysadmin. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. LwM2M Object is a object that includes information about the LwM2M model which can be used in transport configuration for the LwM2M device profile.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/resource/lwm2m{?objectIds,sortOrder,sortProperty}

Returns a page of LwM2M objects parsed from Resources with type 'LWM2M_MODEL' owned by tenant or sysadmin. You can specify parameters to filter the results. LwM2M Object is a object that includes information about the LwM2M model which can be used in transport configuration for the LwM2M device profile.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

sortOrder : string
sortProperty : string
objectIds : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/resource/{resourceId}

Fetch the Resource object based on the provided Resource Id. Resource is a heavyweight object that includes main information about the Resource and also data.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

resourceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/resource/{resourceId}

Deletes the Resource. Referencing non-existing Resource Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

resourceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/resource/{resourceId}/download

Download Resource based on the provided Resource Id.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

resourceId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/resource{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of Resource Info objects owned by tenant or sysadmin. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details. Resource Info is a lightweight object that includes main information about the Resource excluding the heavyweight data.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/plugins/telemetry/{deviceId}/{scope}

Creates or updates the device attributes based on device id and specified attribute scope. The request payload is a JSON object with key-value format of attributes to create or update. For example:

 "jsonKey": {
    "someNumber": 42,
    "someArray": [1,2,3],
    "someNestedObject": {"key": "value"}

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
scope : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/plugins/telemetry/{deviceId}/{scope}{?keys}

Delete device attributes using provided Device Id, scope and a list of keys. Referencing a non-existing Device Id will cause an error

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

deviceId : string
scope : string
keys : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/attributes/{scope}

Creates or updates the entity attributes based on Entity Id and the specified attribute scope. List of possible attribute scopes depends on the entity type:

  • SERVER_SCOPE - supported for all entity types;
  • CLIENT_SCOPE - supported for devices;
  • SHARED_SCOPE - supported for devices.

The request payload is a JSON object with key-value format of attributes to create or update. For example:

 "jsonKey": {
    "someNumber": 42,
    "someArray": [1,2,3],
    "someNestedObject": {"key": "value"}

Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
scope : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/keys/attributes

Returns a set of unique attribute key names for the selected entity. The response will include merged key names set for all attribute scopes:

  • SERVER_SCOPE - supported for all entity types;
  • CLIENT_SCOPE - supported for devices;
  • SHARED_SCOPE - supported for devices.

Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/keys/attributes/{scope}

Returns a set of unique attribute key names for the selected entity and attributes scope:

  • SERVER_SCOPE - supported for all entity types;
  • CLIENT_SCOPE - supported for devices;
  • SHARED_SCOPE - supported for devices.

Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
scope : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/keys/timeseries

Returns a set of unique time-series key names for the selected entity.

Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/timeseries/delete{?deleteAllDataForKeys,endTs,keys,rewriteLatestIfDeleted,startTs}

Delete time-series for selected entity based on entity id, entity type and keys. Use 'deleteAllDataForKeys' to delete all time-series data. Use 'startTs' and 'endTs' to specify time-range instead. Use 'rewriteLatestIfDeleted' to rewrite latest value (stored in separate table for performance) after deletion of the time range.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
keys : string
deleteAllDataForKeys : boolean
startTs : integer
endTs : integer
rewriteLatestIfDeleted : boolean
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/timeseries/{scope}/{ttl}?scope=ANY

Creates or updates the entity time-series data based on the Entity Id and request payload.The request payload is a JSON document with three possible formats:

Simple format without timestamp. In such a case, current server time will be used:

{"temperature": 26}

Single JSON object with timestamp:

{"ts":1634712287000,"values":{"temperature":26, "humidity":87}}

JSON array with timestamps:

[{"ts":1634712287000,"values":{"temperature":26, "humidity":87}}, {"ts":1634712588000,"values":{"temperature":25, "humidity":88}}]

The scope parameter is not used in the API call implementation but should be specified whatever value because it is used as a path variable.

The ttl parameter takes affect only in case of Cassandra DB.Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
scope : string
ttl : integer
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/timeseries/{scope}?scope=ANY

Creates or updates the entity time-series data based on the Entity Id and request payload.The request payload is a JSON document with three possible formats:

Simple format without timestamp. In such a case, current server time will be used:

{"temperature": 26}

Single JSON object with timestamp:

{"ts":1634712287000,"values":{"temperature":26, "humidity":87}}

JSON array with timestamps:

[{"ts":1634712287000,"values":{"temperature":26, "humidity":87}}, {"ts":1634712588000,"values":{"temperature":25, "humidity":88}}]

The scope parameter is not used in the API call implementation but should be specified whatever value because it is used as a path variable. Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
scope : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/values/attributes/{scope}{?keys}

Returns all attributes of a specified scope that belong to specified entity. List of possible attribute scopes depends on the entity type:

  • SERVER_SCOPE - supported for all entity types;
  • CLIENT_SCOPE - supported for devices;
  • SHARED_SCOPE - supported for devices.

Use optional 'keys' parameter to return specific attributes. Example of the result:

  {"key": "stringAttributeKey", "value": "value", "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200000},
  {"key": "booleanAttributeKey", "value": false, "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200001},
  {"key": "doubleAttributeKey", "value": 42.2, "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200002},
  {"key": "longKeyExample", "value": 73, "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200003},
  {"key": "jsonKeyExample",
    "value": {
      "someNumber": 42,
      "someArray": [1,2,3],
      "someNestedObject": {"key": "value"}
    "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200004

Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
scope : string
keys : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/values/attributes{?keys}

Returns all attributes that belong to specified entity. Use optional 'keys' parameter to return specific attributes. Example of the result:

  {"key": "stringAttributeKey", "value": "value", "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200000},
  {"key": "booleanAttributeKey", "value": false, "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200001},
  {"key": "doubleAttributeKey", "value": 42.2, "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200002},
  {"key": "longKeyExample", "value": 73, "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200003},
  {"key": "jsonKeyExample",
    "value": {
      "someNumber": 42,
      "someArray": [1,2,3],
      "someNestedObject": {"key": "value"}
    "lastUpdateTs": 1609459200004

Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
keys : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/values/timeseries{?agg,endTs,interval,keys,limit,orderBy,startTs,useStrictDataTypes}

Returns a range of time-series values for specified entity. Returns not aggregated data by default. Use aggregation function ('agg') and aggregation interval ('interval') to enable aggregation of the results on the database / server side. The aggregation is generally more efficient then fetching all records.

  "temperature": [
      "value": 36.7,
      "ts": 1609459200000
      "value": 36.6,
      "ts": 1609459201000

Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
keys : string
startTs : integer
endTs : integer
interval : integer
limit : integer
agg : string
orderBy : string
useStrictDataTypes : boolean
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/values/timeseries{?keys,useStrictDataTypes}

Returns all time-series that belong to specified entity. Use optional 'keys' parameter to return specific time-series. The result is a JSON object. The format of the values depends on the 'useStrictDataTypes' parameter. By default, all time-series values are converted to strings:

  "stringTsKey": [{ "value": "value", "ts": 1609459200000}],
  "booleanTsKey": [{ "value": "false", "ts": 1609459200000}],
  "doubleTsKey": [{ "value": "42.2", "ts": 1609459200000}],
  "longTsKey": [{ "value": "73", "ts": 1609459200000}],
  "jsonTsKey": [{ "value": "{\"someNumber\": 42,\"someArray\": [1,2,3],\"someNestedObject\": {\"key\": \"value\"}}", "ts": 1609459200000}]

However, it is possible to request the values without conversion ('useStrictDataTypes'=true):

  "stringTsKey": [{ "value": "value", "ts": 1609459200000}],
  "booleanTsKey": [{ "value": false, "ts": 1609459200000}],
  "doubleTsKey": [{ "value": 42.2, "ts": 1609459200000}],
  "longTsKey": [{ "value": 73, "ts": 1609459200000}],
  "jsonTsKey": [{ 
    "value": {
      "someNumber": 42,
      "someArray": [1,2,3],
      "someNestedObject": {"key": "value"}
    "ts": 1609459200000}]

Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
keys : string
useStrictDataTypes : boolean
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/{scope}

Creates or updates the entity attributes based on Entity Id and the specified attribute scope. List of possible attribute scopes depends on the entity type:

  • SERVER_SCOPE - supported for all entity types;
  • CLIENT_SCOPE - supported for devices;
  • SHARED_SCOPE - supported for devices.

The request payload is a JSON object with key-value format of attributes to create or update. For example:

 "jsonKey": {
    "someNumber": 42,
    "someArray": [1,2,3],
    "someNestedObject": {"key": "value"}

Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
scope : string
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/plugins/telemetry/{entityType}/{entityId}/{scope}{?keys}

Delete entity attributes using provided Entity Id, scope and a list of keys. Referencing a non-existing entity Id or invalid entity type will cause an error.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

entityType : string
entityId : string
scope : string
keys : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/tenant

Create or update the Tenant. When creating tenant, platform generates Tenant Id as time-based UUID. Default Rule Chain and Device profile are also generated for the new tenants automatically. The newly created Tenant Id will be present in the response. Specify existing Tenant Id id to update the Tenant. Referencing non-existing Tenant Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/info/{tenantId}

Fetch the Tenant Info object based on the provided Tenant Id. The Tenant Info object extends regular Tenant object and includes Tenant Profile name.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

tenantId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/{tenantId}

Fetch the Tenant object based on the provided Tenant Id.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

tenantId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/tenant/{tenantId}

Deletes the tenant, it's customers, rule chains, devices and all other related entities. Referencing non-existing tenant Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

tenantId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenantInfos{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of tenant info objects registered in the platform. The Tenant Info object extends regular Tenant object and includes Tenant Profile name. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenants{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of tenants registered in the platform. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/tenantProfile

Create or update the Tenant Profile. When creating tenant profile, platform generates Tenant Profile Id as time-based UUID. The newly created Tenant Profile Id will be present in the response. Specify existing Tenant Profile Id id to update the Tenant Profile. Referencing non-existing Tenant Profile Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Update of the tenant profile configuration will cause immediate recalculation of API limits for all affected Tenants.

The 'profileData' object is the part of Tenant Profile that defines API limits and Rate limits.

You have an ability to define maximum number of devices ('maxDevice'), assets ('maxAssets') and other entities. You may also define maximum number of messages to be processed per month ('maxTransportMessages', 'maxREExecutions', etc). The '*RateLimit' defines the rate limits using simple syntax. For example, '1000:1,20000:60' means up to 1000 events per second but no more than 20000 event per minute. Let's review the example of tenant profile data below:

  "name": "Default",
  "description": "Default tenant profile",
  "isolatedTbCore": false,
  "isolatedTbRuleEngine": false,
  "profileData": {
    "configuration": {
      "type": "DEFAULT",
      "maxDevices": 0,
      "maxAssets": 0,
      "maxCustomers": 0,
      "maxUsers": 0,
      "maxDashboards": 0,
      "maxRuleChains": 0,
      "maxResourcesInBytes": 0,
      "maxOtaPackagesInBytes": 0,
      "transportTenantMsgRateLimit": "1000:1,20000:60",
      "transportTenantTelemetryMsgRateLimit": "1000:1,20000:60",
      "transportTenantTelemetryDataPointsRateLimit": "1000:1,20000:60",
      "transportDeviceMsgRateLimit": "20:1,600:60",
      "transportDeviceTelemetryMsgRateLimit": "20:1,600:60",
      "transportDeviceTelemetryDataPointsRateLimit": "20:1,600:60",
      "maxTransportMessages": 10000000,
      "maxTransportDataPoints": 10000000,
      "maxREExecutions": 4000000,
      "maxJSExecutions": 5000000,
      "maxDPStorageDays": 0,
      "maxRuleNodeExecutionsPerMessage": 50,
      "maxEmails": 0,
      "maxSms": 0,
      "maxCreatedAlarms": 1000,
      "defaultStorageTtlDays": 0,
      "alarmsTtlDays": 0,
      "rpcTtlDays": 0,
      "warnThreshold": 0
  "default": true

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenantProfile/{tenantProfileId}

Fetch the Tenant Profile object based on the provided Tenant Profile Id.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

tenantProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/tenantProfile/{tenantProfileId}

Deletes the tenant profile. Referencing non-existing tenant profile Id will cause an error. Referencing profile that is used by the tenants will cause an error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

tenantProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/tenantProfile/{tenantProfileId}/default

Makes specified tenant profile to be default. Referencing non-existing tenant profile Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

tenantProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenantProfileInfo/default

Fetch the default Tenant Profile Info object based. Tenant Profile Info is a lightweight object that contains only id and name of the profile.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenantProfileInfo/{tenantProfileId}

Fetch the Tenant Profile Info object based on the provided Tenant Profile Id. Tenant Profile Info is a lightweight object that contains only id and name of the profile.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

tenantProfileId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenantProfileInfos{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of tenant profile info objects registered in the platform. Tenant Profile Info is a lightweight object that contains only id and name of the profile. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenantProfiles{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of tenant profiles registered in the platform. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/uiSettings/helpBaseUrl

Get UI help base url used to fetch help assets. The actual value of the base url is configurable in the system configuration file.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/customer/{customerId}/users{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of users owned by customer. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

customerId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/tenant/{tenantId}/users{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of users owned by tenant. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

tenantId : string
pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/user/sendActivationMail{?email}

Force send the activation email to the user. Useful to resend the email if user has accidentally deleted it.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

email : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/user/tokenAccessEnabled

Checks that the system is configured to allow administrators to impersonate themself as other users. If the user who performs the request has the authority of 'SYS_ADMIN', it is possible to login as any tenant administrator. If the user who performs the request has the authority of 'TENANT_ADMIN', it is possible to login as any customer user.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/user/{userId}

Fetch the User object based on the provided User Id. If the user has the authority of 'SYS_ADMIN', the server does not perform additional checks. If the user has the authority of 'TENANT_ADMIN', the server checks that the requested user is owned by the same tenant. If the user has the authority of 'CUSTOMER_USER', the server checks that the requested user is owned by the same customer.

userId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/user/{userId}

Deletes the User, it's credentials and all the relations (from and to the User). Referencing non-existing User Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

userId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/user/{userId}/activationLink

Get the activation link for the user. The base url for activation link is configurable in the general settings of system administrator.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

userId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/user/{userId}/token

Returns the token of the User based on the provided User Id. If the user who performs the request has the authority of 'SYS_ADMIN', it is possible to get the token of any tenant administrator. If the user who performs the request has the authority of 'TENANT_ADMIN', it is possible to get the token of any customer user that belongs to the same tenant.

userId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/user/{userId}/userCredentialsEnabled{?userCredentialsEnabled}

Enables or Disables user credentials. Useful when you would like to block user account without deleting it. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

userId : string
userCredentialsEnabled : boolean
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/users{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of users owned by tenant or customer. The scope depends on authority of the user that performs the request.You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for users with 'TENANT_ADMIN' or 'CUSTOMER_USER' authority.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/user{?sendActivationMail}

Create or update the User. When creating user, platform generates User Id as time-based UUID. The newly created User Id will be present in the response. Specify existing User Id to update the device. Referencing non-existing User Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Device email is unique for entire platform setup.

sendActivationMail : boolean
body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

POST /api/widgetType

Create or update the Widget Type. Widget Type represents the template for widget creation. Widget Type and Widget are similar to class and object in OOP theory. When creating the Widget Type, platform generates Widget Type Id as time-based UUID. The newly created Widget Type Id will be present in the response. Specify existing Widget Type id to update the Widget Type. Referencing non-existing Widget Type Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Widget Type alias is unique in the scope of Widget Bundle. Special Tenant Id '13814000-1dd2-11b2-8080-808080808080' is automatically used if the create request is sent by user with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/widgetType/{widgetTypeId}

Get the Widget Type Details based on the provided Widget Type Id. Widget Type Details extend Widget Type and add image and description properties. Those properties are useful to edit the Widget Type but they are not required for Dashboard rendering.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

widgetTypeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/widgetType/{widgetTypeId}

Deletes the Widget Type. Referencing non-existing Widget Type Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

widgetTypeId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/widgetTypesDetails{?bundleAlias,isSystem}

Returns an array of Widget Type Details objects that belong to specified Widget Bundle.Widget Type Details extend Widget Type and add image and description properties. Those properties are useful to edit the Widget Type but they are not required for Dashboard rendering.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

isSystem : boolean
bundleAlias : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/widgetTypesInfos{?bundleAlias,isSystem}

Get the Widget Type Info objects based on the provided parameters. Widget Type Info is a lightweight object that represents Widget Type but does not contain the heavyweight widget descriptor JSON

Available for any authorized user.

isSystem : boolean
bundleAlias : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/widgetTypes{?bundleAlias,isSystem}

Returns an array of Widget Type objects that belong to specified Widget Bundle.Widget Type represents the template for widget creation. Widget Type and Widget are similar to class and object in OOP theory.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

isSystem : boolean
bundleAlias : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/widgetType{?alias,bundleAlias,isSystem}

Get the Widget Type based on the provided parameters. Widget Type represents the template for widget creation. Widget Type and Widget are similar to class and object in OOP theory.

Available for any authorized user.

isSystem : boolean
bundleAlias : string
alias : string
Accept : 'application/json'

POST /api/widgetsBundle

Create or update the Widget Bundle. Widget Bundle represents a group(bundle) of widgets. Widgets are grouped into bundle by type or use case. When creating the bundle, platform generates Widget Bundle Id as time-based UUID. The newly created Widget Bundle Id will be present in the response. Specify existing Widget Bundle id to update the Widget Bundle. Referencing non-existing Widget Bundle Id will cause 'Not Found' error.

Widget Bundle alias is unique in the scope of tenant. Special Tenant Id '13814000-1dd2-11b2-8080-808080808080' is automatically used if the create bundle request is sent by user with 'SYS_ADMIN' authority.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

body : 
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'

GET /api/widgetsBundle/{widgetsBundleId}

Get the Widget Bundle based on the provided Widget Bundle Id. Widget Bundle represents a group(bundle) of widgets. Widgets are grouped into bundle by type or use case.

Available for any authorized user.

widgetsBundleId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

DELETE /api/widgetsBundle/{widgetsBundleId}

Deletes the widget bundle. Referencing non-existing Widget Bundle Id will cause an error.

Available for users with 'SYS_ADMIN' or 'TENANT_ADMIN' authority.

widgetsBundleId : string
Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/widgetsBundles

Returns an array of Widget Bundle objects that are available for current user.Widget Bundle represents a group(bundle) of widgets. Widgets are grouped into bundle by type or use case.

Available for any authorized user.

Accept : 'application/json'

GET /api/widgetsBundles{?page,pageSize,sortOrder,sortProperty,textSearch}

Returns a page of Widget Bundle objects available for current user. Widget Bundle represents a group(bundle) of widgets. Widgets are grouped into bundle by type or use case. You can specify parameters to filter the results. The result is wrapped with PageData object that allows you to iterate over result set using pagination. See the 'Model' tab of the Response Class for more details.

Available for any authorized user.

pageSize : integer
page : integer
textSearch : string
sortProperty : string
sortOrder : string
Accept : 'application/json'


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