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Node Pact Publisher

Publishes pact contracts to a remote pact broker using Node.

NPM version


  • Publish pact JSON contracts easily with a broker in JavaScript/CoffeeScript
  • Integrate publishing into your Node application
  • Register pacticipants with your brokers
  • Easily retrieve pacticipants from your brokers


Run to install and save to your package.json file using npm:

$ npm install --save-dev node-pact-publisher

Using Pact Publisher

Constructing a new publisher

Construct a new publisher using either a config object:

var PactPublisher = require('pact-publisher');
var config = {
  // Version of your application to be published
  appVersion: '1.2.3',
  // Url of the remote pact broker
  brokerBaseUrl: '',
  // Path containing JSON pact contracts (optional)
  pacts: 'path/to/pacts'
var myPublisher = new PactPublisher(config);

or by using arguments:

var PactPublisher = require('pact-publisher');
var myPublisher   = new PactPublisher(
  // Argument 1: version of your application to be published
  // Argument 2: url of the remote pact broker
  // Argument 3: Path containing JSON pact contracts (optional)

Can I provide specific pact contracts instead of a path to contracts?

Yes, just provide an array for pacts or the third argument in the constructor:

var pactsToPublish = [
var myPublisherUsingConfig = new PactPublisher({
  appVersion: '1.2.3',
  brokerBaseUrl: '',
  pacts: pactsToPublish
var myPublisherUsingArguments = new PactPublisher('1.2.3', '', pactsToPublish);

Can I disable logging?

Yep - you will need to construct the Pact Publisher using a config object. Provide a logging key with a value of false:

var myPublisherUsingConfig = new PactPublisher({
  appVersion: '1.2.3',
  brokerBaseUrl: '',
  pacts: 'path/to/pacts',
  logging: false

Can I use the version field in my package.json file for appVersion?

Of course! If you'd like to use the version of your app from package.json, just load it in:

var myAppVersion = require('./path/to/package.json').version;
var myPublisher  = new PactPublisher(myAppVersion, '');

Pact Publisher doesn't automatically do this for you in case you're not using a node application, but would like to publish using this simple node library.

Publishing pacts to the broker

To publish your pacts, populate the files you want to publish in the constructor under the pacts key/argument, then simply call the publish method on your publisher to let the magic happen!

var myPublisher = new PactPublisher({
  appVersion: '1.2.3',
  brokerBaseUrl: '',
  pacts: ['path/to/pacts/my_consumer-my_provider.json']

If you don't specify anything for the optional pacts argument, you can call publish with a file name path instead:

var myPublisher = new PactPublisher({
  appVersion: '1.2.3',
  brokerBaseUrl: ''

The publish function returns a promise to the number of pacts successfully published. Pact publisher uses promises to handle responses, rather than using callbacks. If you are unfamilar with the concept of promises, you can read more about them here.

myPublisher.publish().then(function (numberOfPactsPublished) {
  // Successful publish'Congrats! ' + numberOfPactsPublished + ' pacts were published!');
}, function (numberOfPactsPublished) {
  // Partial publish
  console.error('Not all pacts were published, but ' + numberOfPactsPublished + ' were');

Registering new pacticipants on the broker

You can also use Pact Publisher to register your consumer or providers on brokers. This can be done using the registerPacticipant method, which returns a promise to the 'pacticipant' published, or an error message.

myPublisher.registerPacticipant('My Awesome Provider').then(function (pactInfo) {
  // Successful registration'My Awesome Provider was successfully published:', pactInfo);
}, function (err) {
  // Error in registration
  console.error('Error occurred during pact registration:', err);

Checking for pacticipants on the broker

Similar to registering pacts, you can check which pacticipants already exist in the broker, or even check if your pacticipants is registered first. Use the getPacticipantNames or isPacticipantRegistered methods to do so. Both return promises for data or errors.

// Getting all pacticipants
myPublisher.getPacticipantNames().then(function (pacticipantNames) {
  // Successful data retrieval'The pact broker at has the following pacticipants:', pactInfo);
}, function (err) {
  // Error in data retrieval
  console.error('Error occurred:', err);
// Checking if pacticipant is already registered
myPublisher.isPacticipantRegistered('My Provider').then(function (isRegistered) {
  // Successful data retrieval'My Provider has', (isRegistered ? '' : 'not'), 'been registered');
}, function (err) {
  // Error in data retrieval
  console.error('Error occurred:', err);


A sample of the publisher is provided under the example folder.

To run the example use:

$ node example --broker

where is the url of the pact broker to publish to. You can set up a mock pact broker server by following instructions here.

This example will publish all pact contracts under exmaple/pacts.


Have an idea to extend this project or discover a bug? Feel free to contribute or raise an issue!

To extend the code base, use the following steps:

  1. Fork this repo,
  2. checkout a new feature or fix branch: feature/<my-feature-name>, fix/<issue> etc.,
  3. commit your changes. A good guide to commit messages can be found here,
  4. and create a pull request.


To run tests use:

$ npm test

Note you will need to setup a mock broker server. Follow the setup instructions found here to set one up.


Copyright © 2015 Alex Cummaudo. Licensed under the MIT license.


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