
0.9.7 • Public • Published

node-linkshare Node.js Linkshare API Client


var linkshare = require('node-linkshare');
var token = 'foo token';
var secure_token = 'foo secure token';

var api = new linkshare(token, secure_token);{promocat: 1}, function (error, result) {console.log(error); console.log(result);});{category: 1, resultsperpage: 500, pagenumber: 1}, function (error, result) {console.log(error); console.log(result);});
api.linkgenerator(4823, '', function (error, result) {console.log(error); console.log(result);});


... coupon promotion codes and category codes ...
... coupon xml ...

NOTE: APICallback means void Function(Object error, String result, HttpResponse response)



var linkshare = require('node-linkshare');
var api = new linkshare('my token', 'my secure token');

Most services take arguments in the form of:

params   :: Object
callback :: void Function(RequestError || Response error, String body, Response response) 

e.g. params, Function callback)
api.merchantquery(Object params, Function callback)
api.targeted(Object params, Function callback)
api.paymenthistory(Object params, Function callback) �
api.textlinks(Object params, Function callback)
api.bannerlinks(Object params, Function callback)
api.drmlinks(Object params, Function callback)
api.productlinks(Object params, Function callback)
api.signatureorderreport(Object params, Function callback)

Exceptions to this rule are:

api.linkgenerator(String mid, String murl, Function callback)
api.advertiserpayments(String payid, Function callback) �
api.paymentdetail(String id, boolean isInvoiceId, Function callback) �
api.advertiserinfo(String || Integer parameter, String type, Function callback) 
api.creativecategories(Integer mid, Function callback)

� indicates that securetoken is required to use.


Coupon Web Service.

void coupons(Object params, APICallback callback)


  • category - int

    This variable may contain one or more valid category IDs. These IDs are assigned by LinkShare. For a list of category IDs, please click In addition, a Web Services method for obtaining valid category IDs is described below. Category is an optional variable. If you do not submit it, your query will search all categories.

  • promotiontype - int

    This variable may contain one or more valid promotion type IDs. For a list of promotion type IDs, please click In addition, a Web Services method for obtaining valid promotion type IDs is described below. This is an optional variable. If you do not submit it, your query will search all promotional types.

  • network - int

    This variable may contain one or more network IDs. This is an optional variable. If you do not submit it, your query will search all the LinkShare Networks.

  • mid - int

    This variable may contain one or more Advertiser ID values. To retrieve Advertiser MIDs from the Publisher Dashboard, select Links, then click Get Links and an advertiser's name, lastly click Advertiser Info at left. This is an optional variable. Use it to limit your query to specific advertisers. If you do not include it, your query will search all advertisers.

  • resultsperpage - int

    0, or 1-500. 0 to receive the total number of distinct matches that your query has returned.

  • pagenumber - int

    This variable is optional. Use it to specify the page of results you want. If not submitted, it will return the first page of matches.

  • promocat - int

    To obtain numbers for categories, promotion types, and network values, send a request with just your Web Services token and 'promocat=1'

Link Generator Web Service.

void linkgenerator(Integer mid, String murl, APICallback callback)


  • mid - int

    The MID is a unique identifier for the merchant. It can be obtained from the Web Services--Merchant Links Feed.

  • murl - string

    The URL is the landing page on the merchant's site. Special characters do not need to be encoded.

Mechant Query API

void merchant(Object params, APICallback callback)


  • keyword - string

    This parameter will provide the keyword for the search. Keywords can be one or more words long.

  • category - string

    This optional parameter will provide the product category to restrict the search. You will need to provide the category name.

  • results - int

    This optional parameter will allow you to specify the maximum number of results returned in one page. The default will be 20. You have the option to enter a value from 0 through 100. Maximum Results set to 0: This special case will return the total number of results found but not show any of the results.

  • page - int

    This optional parameter will allow you to specify the page number for the results returned. If you provide a page number beyond the total number of pages for the results, an error will be returned. The default will be 1.

  • mid - int

    This optional parameter will allow you to specify a merchant (MID) and the search will be limited to that merchant�s products. If you do NOT specify an MID, the Search will be done for all Merchants that you are partnered with.

  • sort - Array

  • sorttype - Array

    These array specify a list of fields to sort by, and the sort order, respectively. Example:

    sort: ['retailprice', 'productname']

    sorttype: ['asc', 'desc']

    This would sort primarily by retailprice, ascending, then by productname, descending.

    Allowed values for sort are: retailprice, productname, categoryname, mid

Targeted Merchandiser API

void targeted(Object params, APICallback callback)


  • mid - int

    This parameter specifies the advertiser (MID) whose products will populate the ad unit. It is found by clicking Advertiser Info on the advertiser's page on the Publisher Dashboard.

  • height - int

    This parameter allows you to specify the height of a product image in the ad unit. It is an optional value and must be a whole number, 1,000 or lower.

  • width - int

    This allows you to specify the width of a product image in the ad unit. It is an optional value and must be a whole number, 1,000 or lower.

  • count - int

    This is the number of products the query will return. This must be a positive number between 0 and 15.

  • url - string

    This parameter is the URL of your Web page, the content of which is used for contextual product selection. It is an optional value. If your URL is omitted, the referral URL will be used. If the referral URL is not available, then the keywords for your category will be used for selection.

Payment History Summary API

void paymenthistory(Object params, APICallback callback)


  • bdate - Date || "YYYYMMDD"

    The start date for the report you would like to generate.

  • edate - Date || "YYYYMMDD"

    The end date for the report you would like to generate.

  • nid - int

    This field is optional, use it to specify the LinkShare Network you want to run a report for. If you don't include it, the report will be run for all networks. The possible values are nid=1 LinkShare US; nid=3 for LinkShare UK; nid=5 for LinkShare CA; and nid=54 for the Lead Advantage Network.

Advertiser Payments History API

void advertiserpayment(String payid, APICallback callback)


  • payid - String

    This is the unique number that LinkShare assigns to every payment. It can be retrieved from the Payment History Summary.

Payment Details Report API

void paymentdetail(String id, Boolean isInvoiceId, APICallback callback)


  • id

    This is EITHER an invoice id or payment id.

  • payid

    This is the unique number that LinkShare assigns to every payment. It can be retrieved from the Payment History Summary.

  • invoiceid

    This is the unique number that LinkShare assigns to every invoice. It can be retrieved from the Advertiser Payments History. If you include the invoiceid, the system will return payment details for all transactions on the invoice you specify.

  • isInvoiceId - boolean

    Whether or not the id specified is an invoice id. If it is not, it is assumed to be a payid.

Advertiser Info API

void advertiserinfo(String || Integer parameter, String type, APICallback callback)


  • parameter - String || Integer

    Either a mid, category id, merchant name, or application status. The actual type of value is indicated by type.

  • type - String The type of parameter.

    • mid - To search by Merchant ID
    • name - To search by Merchant Name
    • category - To search by Merchant Category
    • status - To search by application status

Valid application statuses are:

  • approved - Your application to join this advertiser�s program has been approved.
  • approval extended - The advertiser has extended a Private Offer to you.
  • perm rejected - Your application to join this advertiser�s program has been permanently rejected. You will not be able to reapply.
  • perm removed - The advertiser has removed you from their program permanently. You will not be able to reapply.
  • self removed - You have removed yourself from this advertiser�s program. You can reapply to it whenever you would like to.
  • temp removed - The advertiser has removed you from their program temporarily.You will be able to reapply after 14 days.
  • temp rejected - Your application to join this program has been temporarily rejected by the advertiser. You will be able to reapply after 14 days.
  • wait - Your application to join this program is pending approval from the advertiser.

Advertiser Info API

void creativecategories(Integer mid, APICallback callback)


  • mid - Integer

    This is the LinkShare Advertiser ID

Text Links API

void textlinks(Object params, APICallback callback)


  • mid - Integer

    This is the optional LinkShare Advertiser ID

  • category - Integer

    This is the optional Creative Category ID. It is assigned by the advertiser. Use the Creative Category feed to obtain it (not the Advertiser Category Table listed in the Publisher Help Center).

  • start - Date || String

    This is the optional start date for the creative, formatted MMDDYYYY.

  • end - Date || String

    This is the optional end date for the creative, formatted MMDDYYYY.

  • page - Integer

    This is the page number of the results. On queries with a large number of results, the system returns 10,000 results per page. This parameter helps you organize them.

Banner Links API

void bannerlinks(Object params, APICallback callback)


  • mid - Integer

    This is the optional LinkShare Advertiser ID

  • category - Integer

    This is the optional Creative Category ID. It is assigned by the advertiser. Use the Creative Category feed to obtain it (not the Advertiser Category Table listed in the Publisher Help Center).

  • start - Date || String

    This is the optional start date for the creative, formatted MMDDYYYY.

  • end - Date || String

    This is the optional end date for the creative, formatted MMDDYYYY.

  • size - Integer

    This is the optional banner size code

  • page - Integer

    This is the optional page number of the results. On queries with a large number of results, the system returns 10,000 results per page. This parameter helps you organize them.

Valid sizes:

Size code Width Height Name
1 468 60 Full Banner
2 392 72 Mid Banner
9 160 600 Wd Skyscrp
10 120 600 Skyscraper
11 180 150 Rectangle
12 336 280 Large Rect
3 234 60 Half Banner
13 300 250 Med Rect
14 250 250 Sq Pop-up
15 240 400 Vert Rect
4 125 125 Sq Button
5 120 90 Button 1
6 120 60 Button 2
7 88 31 Micro Bar
8 120 240 Vert Banner
0 0 0 Other
16 728 90 Leader-board
17 720 300 Pop-Under
18 550 480 Pop-Up Large
19 300 600 Half Page Ad
20 305 64 X-Large
21 215 64 Large
22 167 30 Medium
23 112 20 Small
24 0 0 Other


void drmlinks(Object params, APICallback callback)


  • mid - Integer

    This is the optional LinkShare Advertiser ID

  • category - Integer

    This is the optional Creative Category ID. It is assigned by the advertiser. Use the Creative Category feed to obtain it (not the Advertiser Category Table listed in the Publisher Help Center).

  • start - Date || String

    This is the optional start date for the creative, formatted MMDDYYYY.

  • end - Date || String

    This is the optional end date for the creative, formatted MMDDYYYY.

  • page - Integer

    This is the optional page number of the results. On queries with a large number of results, the system returns 10,000 results per page. This parameter helps you organize them.

Product Links API

void productlinks(Object params, APICallback callback)


  • mid - Integer

    This is the optional LinkShare Advertiser ID

  • category - Integer

    This is the optional Creative Category ID. It is assigned by the advertiser. Use the Creative Category feed to obtain it (not the Advertiser Category Table listed in the Publisher Help Center).

  • page - Integer

    This is the optional page number of the results. On queries with a large number of results, the system returns 10,000 results per page. This parameter helps you organize them.

Signature Order Report API

void signatureorderreport(Object params, APICallback callback)


  • bdate - Date || String

    The begin date for the report you would like to generate, in YYYYMMDD format, based on process date (the date a transaction is processed through the LinkShare system).

  • edate - Date || String

    The end date for the report you would like to generate, in YYYYMMDD format, based on process date.

  • cuserid - String

    The user name that you use to access your publisher channel.

  • cpi - String

    The password that you use to access your publisher channel.

  • eid - String

    This is the LinkShare-assigned ID for your publisher channel; if you only have one channel you do not need to supply a value for this field. Your eid (also called affiliate ID) is the unique 11-character code that tells LinkShare which publisher a click came from. It can be found in any of your links:

  • nid - Integer

    This is the network ID. If you only belong to one network you do not need to supply a value for this field. However, if you belong to more than one network, you must supply a value for it. The system can only send data for one network at at time. Please note: requesting data for a network you are not in will return an error message.


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Version History

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
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  • 0.9.7
  • 0.7.7
  • 0.7.6
  • 0.7.5
  • 0.0.1

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