
1.0.0 • Public • Published

This is a NodeJS library to allow you to quickly and easily use the Elastic Email Web API V2.


$ npm install nodelastic



 * Set default configuration that can be used to set common params.
 * @param {Object}         options     Object can be constructed from send parameters
 * Example : 
 *   var options { from : "", fromName : "Sender" }
 *   client.setConfig( options )
function setConfig( options ) { ... }

 * Returns a Promise of http response from Elastic Email
 * @param {Object}         params      Parameters that will override default configuration set in setConfig
 * @param {Array.<Object>} attachments Optional parameter. Please refer to the table below for more details.
function send( params, attachments ) { ... }

params object passed into send function or options object passed into setConfig should have the following format

Key Data Type Required Description
subject String true Email subject
msgTo [String] true List of email recipients (visible to all other recipients of the message as TO MIME header)
from String true From email address
fromName String true Display name for from email address
bodyHtml String true Html email body
bodyText String true Text email body
replyTo String false Email address to reply to
replyToName String false Display name of the reply to address
msgCC [String] false List of email recipients (visible to all other recipients of the message as CC MIME header)
msgBcc [String] false List of email recipients (each email is treated seperately)
channel String false An ID field (max 191 chars) that can be used for reporting [will default to HTTP API or SMTP API]
charset String false Text value of charset encoding for example: iso-8859-1, windows-1251, utf-8, us-ascii, windows-1250 and more…
charsetBodyHtml String false Sets charset for body html MIME part (overrides default value from charset parameter)
charsetBodyText String false Sets charset for body text MIME part (overrides default value from charset parameter)
template String false The ID of an email template you have created in your account
merge {String,String} false Request parameters prefixed by merge_ like merge_firstname, merge_lastname. If sending to a template you can send merge_ fields to merge data with the template. Template fields are entered with {firstname}, {lastname} etc. Example: merge_firstname=John
timeOffSetMinutes String false Number of minutes in the future this email should be sent up to a maximum of 1 year (524160 minutes)
poolName String false Name of your custom IP Pool to be used in the sending process
headers {String,String} false Optional Custom Headers. Request parameters prefixed by headers_ like headers_customheader1, headers_customheader2. Note: a space is required after the colon before the custom header value. headers_xmailer=xmailer: header-value1
isTransactional Boolean false True, if email is transactional (non-bulk, non-marketing, non-commercial). Otherwise, false

attachment object passed into the attachments array should have the following format

Key Data Type Type Default Value
data String or Buffer required
filename String required
contentType String optional text/plain


var ElasticMail = require('nodelastic');
var client = new ElasticMail('your_api_key_here');
var attachments = [ 
  // CSV
  { data: 'id,name\n1,name_1',
    filename: 'attachment1.csv' },
  // PDF
  { data: fs.readFileSync('filepath_here'),
    filename: 'attachment2.pdf',
    contentType: 'application/pdf' } 

  from : '',
  fromName : 'Sender',
  subject : 'Subject',
  msgTo: [ '' ],
  msgCC: [ '', '' ],
  bodyHtml: '<h1>Hello World</h1>',
  textHtml: 'Hello World'
}, attachments).then(console.log);

// will print 
// {"success":true,"data":{"transactionid":"190d1b03-8b01-41a1-8003-17181c1719b0","messageid":"ilXf1Nm38mxuxemecfdbvw2"}}

// You can also set default options, for example having the same from and the name of the sender
// the function below is the same as the client.send above
  from : '',
  fromName : 'Sender'
  subject : 'Subject',
  msgTo: [ '' ],
  msgCC: [ '', '' ],
  bodyHtml: '<h1>Hello World</h1>',
  textHtml: 'Hello World'
}, attachments).then(console.log);



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