
1.0.17 • Public • Published


MongoDB Connection Class for the NK Node Package


Install using NPM

echo "registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com/Encke" >> .npmrc
npm i @encke/nk-mongo --save

How to use

Mongo is the preferred database format for NodeJS based systems, it supports multi-table joins (as commonly mistaken as the 'weakness' of Mongo). This package will give you one-line access to all common Mongo functions in simple to use queries.

Start and connect to server

const NKMongo = require( '@encke/nk-mongo' )
//                  dbName,         ip,   port, user, pass, timeoutInMS, callback
NKMongo.start( 'MyDatabase', '', 27017, null, null, null, ( isError, errorMessage ) => {
  //Super duper awesome code here!
  console.log( isError, errorMessage )

The database connection object is saved in the NKMongo Object, indexed by the database name, so there is a caveat to not use the same database name across distinct servers.

Start and connect to multiple servers

const NKMongo = require( 'nk-mongo' )
NKMongo.start( 'MyDatabase', '', 27017, null, null, null, ( isError1, errorMessage1 ) => NKMongo.start( 'RemoteDB1', 'remote.mydomain.com', 27017, null, null, null, ( isError2, errorMessage2 ) => NKMongo.start( 'RemoteDB2', 'remote2.mydomain.com', 27017, null, null, null, ( isError3, errorMessage3 ) => {
  console.log( isError1, errorMessage1, isError2, errorMessage2, isError3, errorMessage3 )
  //WHAT?! Yes, you can connect to multiple servers in the same core, using them as objects for real-time compliances

Common Utility Functions

Insert a new row or a set of rows

//rowOrRows can be an array of objects to insertMany or an individual object to insert a single row.
//                    dbName, table,      rowOrRows,                                                                        callback
NKMongo.insert( 'MyDatabase', 'users', { username: 'jose', pass: '123', active: false, added: ( new Date() ).getTime() }, () => console.log( 'all done' ) )

Delete rows from the database

//                    dbName, table,     dataToRemove,                      callback
NKMongo.delete( 'MyDatabase', 'users', { myuser: NKMongo.id( user._id ) }, () => console.log( 'all done' ) )

Update rows in the database

//                    dbName, table,      dataToUpdate,       newData,        callback
NKMongo.update( 'MyDatabase', 'users', { active: false }, { active: true }, () => console.log( 'all done' ) )

Querying the database

Query which should return ONLY ONE ROW

//                        dbName, table,      query,                              callback
NKMongo.singleQuery( 'MyDatabase', 'users', { myuser: NKMongo.id( user._id ) }, rowFromQuery => console.log( rowFromQuery ) )

This singleQuery is very useful in the authentication methods, e.g.

NKMongo.singleQuery( 'MyDatabase', 'users', { loginSessionKey: req.sessionKey }, rowFromQuery => res.json( rowFromQuery? true: false ) )

Run Query

//                  dbName, table,      query,          callback
NKMongo.query( 'MyDatabase', 'users', { active: true }, rowsFromQuery => console.log( rowsFromQuery ) )

Run Query with a sort by set of data

//                      dbName, table,    sortBy,       query,              callback
NKMongo.querySort( 'MyDatabase', 'users', { added: 1 }, { active: true }, rowsFromQuery => console.log( rowsFromQuery ) )

Run Query with a sort by and limit to row count set of data

//                      dbName,       table,  max,  sortBy,       query,            callback
NKMongo.queryLimitSort( 'MyDatabase', 'users', 100, { added: 1 }, { active: true }, rowsFromQuery => console.log( rowsFromQuery ) )

Run a query to perform only one JOIN to another table

//              dbName,     table, tableIDField, joinTo, joinToIDField, joinedToElement, sortBy, query, callback
NKMongo.join( 'MyDatabase', 'users', '_id', 'photos', 'user_id', 'photos', { added: 1 }, { myuser: NKMongo.id( user._id ) }, rowsFromQuery => console.log( rowsFromQuery ) )

Run a query, performing a list of JOINS defined in the query

const joins = [{ from: 'photos', field: '_id', fromField: 'user_id', as: 'photos' },
              { from: 'history', field: '_id', fromField: 'user_id', as: 'transactions' }]
//                      dbName, table,    joins, max,   sortBy,       query,            callback
NKMongo.joinsLimit( 'MyDatabase', 'users', joins, 100, { added: 1 }, { active: true }, rowsFromQuery => console.log( rowsFromQuery ) )

Securing your Mongo Server

It is not always enough to run apt install mongo ... we need to follow a set of installation procedures to ensure our Mongo is protected from Prying Eyes.

1. Install Stack

Start with a clean server, so you know the configuration, if you are doing this on a shared server, most should be done already.

apt update
apt -y upgrade
apt -y autoremove
apt install -y mongodb libc6

2. Configure Mongo

Setup an admin user on Mongo

sytemctl mongodb stop
mkdir /var/local/mongo
mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /var/local/mongo
mongo --port 27017
  >use admin
  >db.createUser({ user: 'userName', pwd: 'newUserPassowrd', roles: [ { role: 'userAdminAnyDatabase', db:'admin'} ] } )
mongod --auth --port 27017 --dbpath /var/local/mongo
mongo --port 27017 -u "userName" -p "newUserPassowrd" --authenticationDatabase "admin"

Edit the configuration file, in two places:

nano /etc/mongodb.conf
bind_ip =

should become

bind_ip =


# Turn on/off security.  Off is currently the default
noauth = true
#auth = true

should become

# Turn on/off security.  Off is currently the default
#noauth = true
auth = true

then, restart the service

service mongodb restart

Note: If you would like to see the connections

tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log

Note: If you use UFW for the linux firewall

ufw allow 27017/tcp


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




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