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You need Node.js and npm installed. Then you can install njet-routing using this command:

npm install njet-routing


var njetRouting = require('njet-routing'),
    router = njetRouting.createRouter();

You can use following methods methods:

  • get
  • post
  • put
  • delete
  • options
  • head
  • trace
  • connect
  • any (custom, when request method is not specified)


To add route for any verb use router.{method}.add() like this:

router.post.add('create_user', '/user/{type}')

where type is variable passed by user. Default regexp for any variable is ([^/]+). Variable can have default value. Define it like this:

router.post.add('create_user', '/user/{type | super me}')

If you need specific pattern for "type", add it to third parameter - requirements:

router.post.add('create_user', '/user/{type | super me}', {
    type: '[a-z]+'

Remember, default value will be trimmed to "super me" and it will be not affected by provided requirement for type.

Now if "type" is not provided when generating url, default value will be "super me".

Also, each route can carry data object. For example while registering route, you want to keep some informations, like controller name that should handle request or anything like that. If you want to have that information, simply add 4th parameter to .add() method like this:

router.post.add('create_user', '/user/{type | super me}', {
    type: '[a-z]+'
}, {
    myControllerName: 'MySuperController',
    myActionName: 'CoolAction',
    randomStuff: 'my dog name is Cesar'


To retreive route, use get() method:

var route = router.post.get('create_user')

You will have full object with all data you provided so far.


To generate url based on route name and arguments, use:

var route = router.post.generate('create_user', {
    type: 'superman',
    age: 26

Any unused parameter will be added to url as query string. In this specific case it will be like this:


If type is omitted while default parameter is defined, default parameter will be used. Default argument is add as alternative to regexp in requirements so both will always match.

If you need absolute url, set third argument to true:

var route = router.post.generate('create_user', {
    type: 'superman',
    age: 26
}, true)

This will generate:


Remember that all arguments added to query string are sorted alphabetically so order on argument list does not matter.

To change scheme, base url or host, use:

  • setHost()
  • setScheme()
  • setBaseUrl()
  • setPort()

Like this:

var route = router.post.generate('create_user', {
    type: 'superman',
    age: 26
}, true)

This will generate:


Ad port as 4th parameter in case you want to change port for just this route:

router.post.generate('create_user', {
    type: 'superman',
    age: 26
}, true, 8983);

This will generate:


Default port 80 is never added to route for obvious reasons. If You want port to be always visible, you can force it:


Also if all your routes should have custom port, simply use:

.setPort(8983); // for example port 8983


To find out if your path match any route, use match for any method (verbs):


.match() return either false or result object. Result object have properties:

  • route - route object
  • routeParams - route in path extracted from given pattern
  • queryParams - params from query string
  • params - all params but be aware that if route param name match query param name, route param takes priority

By aware that match will check either specific verb routes or all routes. ANY is just another group of routes. Matching will not check any at any point. Programmer need to do it himself/herself.


To get all routes, use .dump(method = false, byName = false) method. Dump accept two arguments:

  • method - dump only specific methods
  • byName - dump routes with names as keys


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    • dariuszp