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1.0.4 • Public • Published

NHS Credential Manager Prescription Signing (NCMPS)

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This is a library to integrate with a locally running NHS Credential Management to sign prescriptions


As NCMPS is hosted in NPM, a simple npm install nhs-credential-manager-prescription-signing will add this to your project. Alternatively checkout this repo and run npm run build and copy the generated dist directory into your project.


All interactions come through the signPrescription method. Simply pass in your input JSON Base64 encoded.

import {signPrescription} from "nhs-credential-manager-prescription-signing";
import {Base64} from "js-base64";

function doSigning() {
    // get your JSON
    let json = {
        algorithm: "RS1",
        requestType: 1,
        version: 1,
        flags: 0,
        payloads: [
                id: "123",
                payload: "Some Payload"
        .then((response: HubResponse) => {
            // do something with the response
        .error(error => {
            // handle errors

or alternatively

import {signPrescription, HubResponse} from "nhs-credential-manager-prescription-signing";

async function doSigning() {
    // get your JSON
    let json = {
        algorithm: "RS1",
        requestType: 1,
        version: 1,
        flags: 0,
        payloads: [
                id: "123",
                payload: "Some Payload"
    let response: HubResponse = await signPrescription(Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(json)));

The response will be in the below format:

  "certificate": "certificate",
  "failed_signatures": [],
  "message": "message",
  "signatures": [
      "id": "id",
      "signature": "signature"
  "status_code": 0,
  "status_string": "status_string",
  "timestamp": "timestamp"


A Next.js example project is available in examples/react-example-webapp. This provides a simple input field to paste either a payload, unecoded json or encoded json and a button to sign. Any errors will be shown should the process fail. Feel free to use this to verify your CMS & Port Service installation. (Though the dev MSI of CMS will be required in order for it to allow connections from localhost)


From within the examples/react-example-webapp directory run npm install followed by npm run dev


Error in console Meaning
Error response from Credential Management. Communication with Credential Management has failed. This will be accompanied by the error from CM for debugging purposes.
Unable to locate a Smartcard on the local system that contains an appropriate X.509 Digital Certificate that can be used to perform a signing operation. Error Code: (0x53494705) No X.509 Signing certificate found No smartcard inserted.
Failed to process inbound JSON request. Check logs for futher information. Error Code: (0x53494703) An Internal error occurred Invalid JSON Payload - Check it's definitely Base64 encoded.
PR30007: Request failed due to unknown exception. Exception=Unable to find CM process for user Credential Manager is not running. Please ensure it is installed and started.
All promises were rejected NHS Port Service is not running. This should be started with CM, so restart/reinstall CM to ensure this is running.
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:43487/PRS/ConnectPRService' from origin 'https://your-url.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource Your application is not on the production Credential Management allowlist. Either switch to the development version or request your application is added.

Please also check the Credential Management documentation if you are still having issues connecting.

Git Secrets Scanning

This repo is scanned for secrets once a day on github.

  • Exclusions are contained in the file .gitallowed and includes false positives and well known details like public DNS servers
  • To run your own secret scan before you commit simply run docker build -f ./git-secrets/Dockerfile . in the root of this repo
  • It is planned to enforce secret scanning with rollback on push to GitHub in the future

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  • nhs-electronic-prescription-signing