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1.1.0 • Public • Published

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Virtual Select component for Angular Material Form Field

Table of contents


This package replicates the Angular Material Select component with virtual scroll capabilities with help of cdk-virtual-scroll. It provides most major features of the original Angular Material Select component. The goal of this package is to provide similar api and features as the original Angular Material Select component but with virtual scroll capabilities. One major difference is that this package does not support option groups at the moment. Also, this requires own structural directive to be used for options in order to provide virtual scroll capabilities and custom template.


  • Virtual scroll
  • Multi select
  • Single select
  • Integrates with Angular Material Form Field
  • Custom trigger template
  • Custom option template
  • Keyboard navigation and shortcuts
  • Theming trough css variables

Not Supported Features for now:

  • Animations
  • Custom Error state mather
  • Custom scroll strategy
  • Accessibility
  • Option groups


Getting started

  1. Install package

    npm install ngx-virtual-select-field
  2. Import bundle into your component

    import { NgxVirtualSelectFieldBundle } from 'ngx-virtual-select-field';
      imports: [
  3. Create options collection in component. Options collection should be an array of objects with value and label properties. Optionally, you can add disabled property to disable specific options and getLabel() fot type ahead search.

    protected options: NgxVirtualSelectFieldOptionModel<number>[]
    constructor() {
      this.options = new Array(100000)
        .map((_, index) => ({
          value: index,
          label: `${index} Option`,
          disabled: index % 5 === 0,
  4. Setup template markup. ngxVirtualSelectFieldOptionFor directive should be user to pass options collection to the component and provide custom option template.

      <mat-label>Virtual Select Field Example</mat-label>
      <ngx-virtual-select-field [value]="value">
         *ngxVirtualSelectFieldOptionFor="let option of options" 
         {{ option.label }}
  5. Include theme styles. You can define your own theme with help of CSS variables or inherit from material theme.

    @use 'ngx-virtual-select-field/theme' as theme;
    @include theme.inherit-material-theme(); // this will inherit css variables from material theme


Basic setup with value input and output binding

  <ngx-virtual-select-field [value]="value" (valueChange)="onValueChange($event)">
      *ngxVirtualSelectFieldOptionFor="let option of options" [value]="option.value"> 
      {{ option.label }} 

Form control integration

  <mat-label>Form Control Example</mat-label>
  <ngx-virtual-select-field [formControl]="formControl">
      *ngxVirtualSelectFieldOptionFor="let option of options" [value]="option.value">
        {{ option.label }}

Multi select

  <mat-label>Multi Select Example</mat-label>
  <ngx-virtual-select-field [value]="value" multiple (valueChange)="onValueChange($event)">
      *ngxVirtualSelectFieldOptionFor="let option of options" 
      {{ option.label }} 

Custom trigger template

<mat-form-field class="field">
  <mat-label>Custom Trigger Example</mat-label>
  <ngx-virtual-select-field multiple [(value)]="value">
      {{ value.length }} selected 
      *ngxVirtualSelectFieldOptionFor="let option of options" 
      {{ option.label }} 


Components supports custom templates for trigger and option elements. You can use ngx-virtual-select-field-trigger and ngx-virtual-select-field-option components to define custom templates.

There are number of input parameters available to specify specific behavior of the component.

Injection tokens might be used to customize all component instances

All styles are defined with css variables, so you can easily override them in your own styles.

See more in API section below.



selector: ngx-virtual-select-field
Component to define select field

Input Type Default Description
panelWidth string|number |null auto Width for overlay panel
optionHeight number 48 Height for an option element
panelViewportPageSize number 8 Amount of visible items in list
multiple boolean false Enable multiple selection
tabIndex number 0 Tab index for keyboard navigation
typeaheadDebounceInterval number 300 Milliseconds to wait before navigating to active element after keyboard search
panelClass string | string[] | null null CSS class to be added to the panel element
value TValue[] | TValue | null null Value of the select field
placeholder string none Placeholder for the select field
required boolean false Define if fields is required
disabled boolean false Define if fields is disabled
Output Type Description
valueChange TValue | TValue[] Value change event emitter


selector: ngx-virtual-select-field-option
Component to define option element

Input Type Default Description
value (required) TValue Value of the option
disabled boolean false Whether the option is disabled
Output Type Description
selectedChange NgxVirtualSelectFieldOptionSelectionChangeEvent<TValue> Option selected value change


Interface to define option selection change event contract

Name Type Description
source NgxVirtualSelectFieldOptionComponent<TValue> Option component instance
value TValue Value of the option
selected boolean Whether the option is selected


selector: ngx-virtual-select-field-trigger
Directive to define custom trigger template


selector: *ngxVirtualSelectFieldOptionFor
Directive to define custom option template and iterate over options

Input Type Description
of (required) NgxVirtualSelectFieldOptionModel<TValue>[] Options collection


Interface to define option model contract

Name Type Description
value TValue Value of the option
label string Label of the option
disabled? boolean Whether the option is disabled
getLabel() optional (option: NgxVirtualSelectFieldOptionModel<TValue>) => string Function to get label of the option


Injection token to define global configuration for all instances of the component Config see in NgxVirtualSelectFieldConfig interface


Interface to define global configuration contract Properties:

Name Type Description
panelWidth string|number Width for overlay panel
overlayPanelClass string | string[] CSS class to be added to the panel element
optionHeight number Height for an option element
panelViewportPageSize number Amount of visible items in list

CSS variables

All styles are defined with css variables, so you can easily override them in your own styles. CSS variables for main component:

:root {
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-trigger-text-color: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-trigger-text-color--disabled: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-trigger-font-family: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-trigger-line-height: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-trigger-font-size: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-trigger-font-weight: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-trigger-letter-spacing: ...;

  --ngx-virtual-select-field-placeholder-text-color: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-placeholder-transition: ...;

  --ngx-virtual-select-field-arrow-size: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-arrow-color--enabled: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-arrow-color--focused: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-arrow-color--invalid: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-arrow-color--disabled: ...;

  --ngx-virtual-select-field-panel-background: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-panel-box-shadow: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-panel-list-wrapper-padding: ...;

CSS variables for option component:

:root {
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-color: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-font-family: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-line-height: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-font-size: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-letter-spacing: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-font-weight: ...;

  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-selected-state-label-text-color: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-background-color--active: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-background-color--hover: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-background-color--selected: ...;

  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-disabled-state-opacity: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-gap: ...;
  --ngx-virtual-select-field-option-padding: ...;

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