npm i -D ngx-ssh-deploy
or globally install the package
npm i -g ngx-ssh-deploy
Or using ng add
ng add ngx-ssh-deploy
ngx-ssh-deploy init
Or init with host, user and pem file and deployment path
ngx-ssh-deploy init -K ./certs/ -P /home/ec2-user/angular-app
Or using ng add
ng add ngx-ssh-deploy --endpoint --pem-file ./certs/ --ssh-path /home/ec2-user/angular-app --project my-angular-app
ngx-ssh-deploy deploy
for Apache
ngx-ssh-deploy config apache
or nginx
ngx-ssh-deploy config nginx
ngx-ssh-deploy [command]
init [endpoint] Init ngx-ssh-deploy
config <serverName> [environment] Generate server configuration
deploy [environment] Deploy Angular to server using SSH
build [environment] Build project and run post build command(s) if any. Useful to run in pipeline, e.g., docker
stats [environment] Run webpack-bundle-analyzer for specific deploy environment
update-target-login [environment] Generate shell commands to update target SSH login authorized_keys
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
"$schema": "./node_modules/ngx-ssh-deploy/ngx-ssh-deploy.schema.json",
"environments": {
"angular-app": {
"directDeploy": false,
"endpoint": {
"host": "",
"port": 22,
"user": "ec2-user",
"pemFile": "./certs/"
"ssh": {
"path": "/home/ec2-user/angular-app"
"nodeOptions": {
"max_old_space_size": 8096
"postBuildCommand": "npx cpx {project.sourceRoot}{sep}pwa{sep}manifest.webmanifest {dirDist}{sep}",
"projectConfiguration": "production",
"targetUrl": ""
"defaultEnvironment": "angular-app"
or angular.json projects/<project>/architect ng deploy
"deploy": {
"builder": "ngx-ssh-deploy:deploy",
"options": {
"directDeploy": false,
"endpoint": {
"host": "",
"port": 22,
"user": "ec2-user",
"pemFile": "./certs/"
"ssh": {
"path": "/home/ec2-user/angular-app"
"postBuildCommand": "npx cpx {project.sourceRoot}{sep}pwa{sep}manifest.webmanifest {dirDist}{sep}",
"projectConfiguration": "production",
"targetUrl": ""