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0.2.1 • Public • Published


ngx-material-form-utils is a library that provides components which are used to simplify the creation of forms with Angular Material.


At first, you should install the Angular Material and setup it. Learn more about the setup.

Install ngx-material-form-utils library:

$ npm install ngx-material-form-utils

Error handling

The library provides a directive mfuErrorMessage which is used to display error messages provided in InjectionToken.


Import MfuErrorMessage and VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGES_TOKEN in your module. Then provide VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGES_TOKEN with your custom error messages.

import { MfuErrorMessage, ValidationErrorMessages, VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGES_TOKEN } from 'ngx-material-form-utils';

const validationErrorMessages: ValidationErrorMessages = {
  required: () => 'This field is very required.',

  declarations: [
  providers: [
      useValue: validationErrorMessages,

If your validator returns some parameters, you can also use them in your error message. Example

const validationErrorMessages: ValidationErrorMessages = {
  minlength: (params) => `This field should be at least ${params.requiredLength} characters long.`,
  min: (error) => `The minimum value is ${error.min}. You entered ${error.actual}.`,


Add mfuErrorMessage to <mat-error> in your mat-form-field to allow displaying your error messages.

<mat-form-field appearance="outline">
    placeholder="Enter email"
  <mat-hint>Enter some email</mat-hint>
  <mat-error mfuErrorMessage></mat-error>

Input field

The library provides a component mfu-input which is used to simplify the creation of input fields with Angular Material. Its a wrapper for mat-form-field with built-in error handling.


Import MfuInputComponent in your module.

import { MfuInputComponent } from 'ngx-material-form-utils';

  declarations: [

Basic usage

Add mfuInput to your form.


export class AppComponent {
  readonly fb = inject(FormBuilder);
  exampleForm ={
    username: ['', Validators.required]


<form [formGroup]="exampleForm">
  <mfu-input controlName="username"/>

Errors are handled by default, but you should add error messages in your module by providing VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGES_TOKEN (example in error handling section).

mfu-input inputs

Name Type Default value Description
controlName string - Name of the control in the form.
showErrors boolean true Show errors of the input field.
appearance MatFormFieldAppearance 'outline' Appearance of the input field.
label string - Label of the input field.
placeholder string - Placeholder of the input field.
hint string - Hint of the input field.
required boolean false Is the input field required.
type string 'text' Type of the input field.
value string - Value of the input field.
name string - Name of the input field.

mfu-input outputs

Name Type Description
blur EventEmitter Emits when the input field is blurred.
focus EventEmitter Emits when the input field is focused.
input EventEmitter Emits when the input field is changed.

mfu-input also exposes matInput element wrapped by mfu-input. You can access it by using ViewChild decorator in your component:

@ViewChild(MfuInputComponent) mfuInput: MfuInputComponent;

Textarea Component

The mfu-textarea component is a wrapper for the Angular Material textarea with built-in error handling.


Import MfuTextareaComponent in your module:

import { MfuTextareaComponent } from 'ngx-material-form-utils';
  declarations: [


Add mfu-textarea to your form:


export class AppComponent {
  readonly fb = inject(FormBuilder);
  exampleForm ={
    description: ['', Validators.required]


<form [formGroup]="exampleForm">
  <mfu-textarea controlName="description"/>

Errors are handled by default, but you should add error messages in your module by providing VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGES_TOKEN (example in error handling section).

mfu-textarea inputs

Name Type Default value Description
controlName string - Name of the control in the form.
showErrors boolean true Show errors of the textarea.
appearance MatFormFieldAppearance 'outline' Appearance of the textarea.
label string - Label of the textarea.
placeholder string - Placeholder of the textarea.
hint string - Hint of the textarea.
required boolean false Is the textarea required.
readonly boolean false Is the textarea readonly.
value string - Value of the textarea.
id string - ID of the textarea.
name string - Name of the textarea.
rows number - Number of rows in the textarea.
cols number - Number of cols in the textarea.

mfu-textarea outputs

Name Type Description
blur EventEmitter Emits when the textarea is blurred.
focus EventEmitter Emits when the textarea is focused.
input EventEmitter Emits when the textarea is changed.

mfu-textarea also exposes the matInput element wrapped by the component. You can access it by using the ViewChild decorator in your component:

@ViewChild(MfuTextareaComponent) mfuTextarea: MfuTextareaComponent;

Select Component

The mfu-select component is a wrapper for the Angular Material select with built-in error handling.


Import MfuSelectComponent in your module:

import { MfuSelectComponent } from 'ngx-material-form-utils';
  declarations: [


Add mfu-select to your form:


export class AppComponent {
  readonly fb = inject(FormBuilder);
  exampleForm ={
    country: ['', Validators.required]

  countries = [
    { value: 'us', display: 'United States' },
    { value: 'ca', display: 'Canada' },


<form [formGroup]="exampleForm">
  <mfu-select controlName="country" [items]="countries"/>

Errors are handled by default, but you should add error messages in your module by providing VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGES_TOKEN (example in error handling section).

mfu-select inputs

Name Type Default value Description
controlName string - Name of the control in the form.
showErrors boolean true Show errors of the select.
appearance MatFormFieldAppearance 'outline' Appearance of the select.
label string - Label of the select.
hint string - Hint of the select.
required boolean false Is the select required.
id string - ID of the select.
name string - Name of the select.
items Array<{ value: any, display: string }> - Array of objects with value and display properties for the select options.
multiple boolean false Enables multiple selection if set to true.

mfu-select outputs

Name Type Description
selectionChange EventEmitter Emits when the selection is changed.
valueChange EventEmitter Emits when the value of the select is changed.
closed EventEmitter Emits when the select is closed.
opened EventEmitter Emits when the select is opened.
focus EventEmitter Emits when the select is focused.
blur EventEmitter Emits when the select is blurred.

mfu-select also exposes the matSelect element wrapped by the component. You can access it by using the ViewChild decorator in your component:

@ViewChild(MfuSelectComponent) mfuSelect: MfuSelectComponent;

Form Status Indicator Component

The mfu-form-status-indicator component provides a visual representation of the overall status of a form, indicating whether the form is valid or invalid. It also supports smooth animations when the form status changes.


Import MfuFormStatusIndicatorComponent in your module:

import { MfuFormStatusIndicatorComponent } from 'ngx-material-form-utils';

  declarations: [


Add mfu-form-status-indicator to your form:


export class AppComponent {
  readonly fb = inject(FormBuilder);
  exampleForm ={
    name: ['', Validators.required],
    age: ['', Validators.required]


<form [formGroup]="exampleForm">
  <mfu-input controlName="name"/>
  <mfu-input controlName="age">

Form status indicator will be blank in initial state, invalid (red color bar) when some form control is invalid and touched and valid (green color bar) when all form controls are valid.

mfu-form-status-indicator inputs

Name Type Default value Description
showAnimation boolean true Enable or disable status change animations.
statusHeight number 5 The height of the status indicator in pixels.
validColor string 'green' The color of the status indicator when the form is valid.
invalidColor string 'red' The color of the status indicator when the form is invalid.

By default, the component will display a colored bar above the form. The default colors are:

  • Valid: green
  • Invalid: red

You can change these colors by modifying the corresponding validColor and invalidColor input properties in your component.

Animations The mfu-form-status-indicator component includes smooth slide-in and slide-out animations for the status indicator. To disable animations, set the showAnimation input property to false.

Action Confirm Directives

ngx-material-form-utils provides two confirm directives: MfuSubmitConfirmDirective and MfuClickConfirmDirective. These directives allow you to prompt users with a angular material confirmation dialog before performing actions like form submission or button click events.


Both directives are part of MfuActionConfirmModule which you can import in your module:

import { MfuActionConfirmModule } from 'ngx-material-form-utils';

  declarations: [
  imports: [


The MfuSubmitConfirmDirective is used to prompt users with a confirmation dialog before submitting a form. Directive should be added to the form element.


Add mfuSubmitConfirm to your form:



Instead od listening to (ngSubmit), you should listen to (confirmedSubmit) event to respond to form submission only when the user confirms the action.

MfuSubmitConfirmDirective inputs

Name Type Default value Description
confirmMessage string 'Are you sure you want to submit the form?' The message to display in the confirmation dialog.

MfuSubmitConfirmDirective outputs

Name Type Description
confirmedSubmit EventEmitter Emits when the user confirms the action.


The MfuClickConfirmDirective is used to prompt users with a confirmation dialog before performing a click event. Directive should be added to the button element.


Add mfuClickConfirm to your button:


  Example button

Instead od listening to (click), you should listen to (confirmedClick) event to respond to button click only when the user confirms the action.

MfuClickConfirmDirective inputs

Name Type Default value Description
confirmMessage string 'Are you sure?' The message to display in the confirmation dialog.

MfuClickConfirmDirective outputs

Name Type Description
confirmedClick EventEmitter Emits when the user confirms the action.

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