
0.1.16 • Public • Published


Entangle Angular with server side code

AngularJS is awesome, but there's also a lot to be said for "traditional" server side applications - SEO, reuse of existing tools, less code duplication. With ngTangle you can "entangle" your "traditional" application with some AngularJS goodies via minimal adjustments.


NPM (recommended)

npm install --save ng-tangle

Either import 'ng-tangle' in your application, or add a reference to "/path/to/ng-tangle/index.js" in your HTML. ngTangle depends on angular-route, so make sure that's also loaded.

Your Angular application must import ngTangle as a dependency:

angular.module('myAwesomeApp', ['ngTangle']);


Download or clone the repository and follow the rest from the steps above.


ngTangle defines a few directives you can add to your (traditional) HTML to give it AngularJS superpowers. ngTangle interceps all "normal" anchor clicks to fake an SPA, so at the very least you'll want to use tangle-template.


You don't want to duplicate your routing table in Angular. Your server-side code already handles that just fine. Well: you don't have to!

The tangle-template directive (as an attribute) defines an HTML element as "updatable". Whenever ngTangle intercepts a click on an anchor, it issues an XMLHttpRequest to get the contents instead, and after receiving them updates the marked elements with the new content.

Templated elements should be unique in your HTML structure or weird things might happen. They must be unique based on ID (duh), class name (.main could be applied to a top-level <header> and <footer>, for instance) and tag name (e.g. a page only ever has one <title>). If any of these checks fail, the element will be left alone.

Note that ngTangle doesn't touch any existing ng-click directives, so you can safely mix and match. Also, any routes specifically defined in Angular will also still work.

Form submission

Any form with the tangle-submit attribute will have its submission intercepted and performed via an XMLHttpRequest as well. The resulting page (presumably HTML) is subsequently fed to the tangle-template handler.

On succesfull submission, the 'tangleSubmitted' event is broadcasted to the $rootScope. You can watch this and e.g. show a notification.

Forms not tagged with the directive are handled "the usual" way, i.e. either a full page refresh or an ng-submit handler (or some other handler if you're feeling particularly masochistic).

Handling redirects

If any page requests a redirect (by issuing one of the 3xx HTTP headers), Angular's $http service follows it verbatim (and this is a browser feature, not an Angular-issue). While ngTangle correctly updates your content with the output from the redirect, we would also like the URL in the address bar to change.

To accomplish this, ngTangle looks for a "Tangle-Target" header in the response. This header should contain the full URI (including scheme/hostname) of the page being rendered. If this URI differs from the one just set by ngRoute, ngTangle will update it for you.

How to send custom headers depends on your server setup. E.g. in PHP you would write something like this:



The target header is recommended but optional. If you omit it, Tangle simply won't "redirect". Note that this may cause weird behaviour, e.g. when you declare forms with action="" and the form now points at the wrong URL.

Flushing the HTTP cache

For efficiency ngTangle caches all $http.get calls for templates using Angular's built-in $cacheFactory. However, there are many cases where you want to explicitly "flush" this cache (or parts of it). For instance when a logged in user has just logged out and menu options need to be hidden. For this purpose you can send a custom header called "tangle-etag".

This header can contain any string, but the important thing is it should represent the "state" of the entire application. I.e., for our example of the user logging out you could simply use her user ID (which would be empty or 0 if no longer authenticated). You can usually set such a header in a central place in your application.

Note that this usage of "ETag" differs from "normal" HTTP caching in that it doesn't describe the state of the URI but rather of the entire application. How that state is computed is of course up to the implementor.

Internally ngTangle uses the tangleFlush event to trigger cache flushes, so you can also call this manually (e.g. when using Web sockets and something is known to have changed on a certain page). Either fire the event with no parameters to clear the entire cache (quick and dirty) or optionally specify a particular URI or an array of URIs to clear specifically. Again, these URIs must include sheme/hostname.

It should also be noted that the tangle-submit directive updates the cache for the URI being submitted to, so in many cases the flush will happen implicitly. It is mostly relevant if something alters the global application state.


This is just a quick and dirty first version. For future development:

  • Make the handler smarter in what it extracts/replaces. It now just loops through all HTML nodes in the returned string.
  • Personal pet peeve: the <script type="text/ng-template"> tag. Vim won't syntax-highlight the HTML inside, and while I'm sure there's a plugin for that (or else it would be trivial to write) abusing <script> feels dirty. I'd much rather just write HTML and have a directive to turn it into a template.

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