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2.3.0 • Public • Published

Angular ng-super-select - Lightweight all in one UI Select, Multiselect and Autocomplete

See Demo page.

| Angular| ng-super-select|autocomplete|multi-select|searchable-dropdown|

Getting started

Step 1: Install ng-super-select:


npm install --save ng-super-select

Step 2: Import the NgSuperSelectModule:

import { NgSuperSelectModule } from 'ng-super-select';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [NgSuperSelectModule, ...],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}


Example with array of object

Define options in your consuming component if you are using isDataObject as true:

export class ExampleComponent {
    selectedEmployee!: number;
    employee =  [
		{ id:  1, name:  'Rohit Bhagat'  },
		{ id:  2, name:  'Sayon Chakraborty'  },
		{ id:  3, name:  'Pritam Paul'  },
		{ id:  4, name:  'Sumit Kumar'  },
		{ id:  6, name:  'Tamal Dutta'  },
		{ id:  7, name:  'Shivam Bhaskar'  },
		{ id:  8, name:  'Krishna Pada Jana'  }
	changeEmployee(id: number){
		this.selectedEmployee = id;

In template use ng-super-select component with your options if you use searchable & multi-selectable

<ng-super-select  [isSearchable]="true"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [bindName]="'name'"   [bindValue]="'id'"  [isDataObject]="true"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="[1,2]" [isSearchable]="true"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [bindName]="'name'"   [bindValue]="'id'"  [isDataObject]="true"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

In template use ng-super-select component with your options if you use not-searchable but multi-selectable

<ng-super-select  [isSearchable]="false"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [bindName]="'name'"   [bindValue]="'id'"  [isDataObject]="true"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="[1,2]" [isSearchable]="false"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [bindName]="'name'"   [bindValue]="'id'"  [isDataObject]="true"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

In template use ng-super-select component with your options if you use searchable but not multi-selectable

<ng-super-select  [isSearchable]="true"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="false" [bindName]="'name'"  [bindValue]="'id'"  [isDataObject]="true"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="1" [isSearchable]="true"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="false" [bindName]="'name'"  [bindValue]="'id'"  [isDataObject]="true"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

In template use ng-super-select component with your options if you use not-searchable and not multi-selectable

<ng-super-select  [isSearchable]="false"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="false" [bindName]="'name'"   [bindValue]="'id'"  [isDataObject]="true"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="1" [isSearchable]="false"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="false" [bindName]="'name'"   [bindValue]="'id'"  [isDataObject]="true"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

Example with array of string

Define options in your consuming component if you are using isDataObject as false:

export class ExampleComponent {
    selectedEmployee!: string;
    employee =  [
		'Rohit Bhagat',
		'Sayon Chakraborty',
		'Pritam Paul',
		'Sumit Kumar',
		'Tamal Dutta',
		'Shivam Bhaskar',
		'Krishna Pada Jana'
	changeEmployee(name: string){
		this.selectedEmployee = name;

In template use ng-super-select component with your options if you use searchable & multi-selectable

<ng-super-select  [isSearchable]="true"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="true"   [isDataObject]="false"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="['Rohit Bhagat', 'Sayon Chakraborty']" [isSearchable]="true"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="true"   [isDataObject]="false"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

In template use ng-super-select component with your options if you use not-searchable but multi-selectable

<ng-super-select  [isSearchable]="false"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="true"   [isDataObject]="false"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select  [preSelectData]="['Rohit Bhagat', 'Sayon Chakraborty']" [isSearchable]="false"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="true"   [isDataObject]="false"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

In template use ng-super-select component with your options if you use searchable but not multi-selectable

<ng-super-select  [isSearchable]="true"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="false"   [isDataObject]="false"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="'Rohit Bhagat'"  [isSearchable]="true"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="false"   [isDataObject]="false"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

In template use ng-super-select component with your options if you use not-searchable and not multi-selectable

<ng-super-select  [isSearchable]="false"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="false"   [isDataObject]="false"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="'Rohit Bhagat'" [isSearchable]="false"  [optionArray]="employee" [isMultiSelectable]="false"   [isDataObject]="false"  (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>

Example with api

Add a function to listen change event in your component if you are using apiUrl:

export class ExampleComponent {
	changeEmployee(data: any) {    
    this.selectedEmployee = data;

In template use ng-super-select component if you are using api for showing option and in response you get array

<ng-super-select [isSearchable]="true" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [isDataObject]="true" [bindValue]="'id'"
  [bindName]="'title'" [apiUrl]="''"

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="[1, 2]" [isSearchable]="true" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [isDataObject]="true"
  [bindValue]="'id'" [bindName]="'title'" [apiUrl]="''"

In template use ng-super-select component if you are using api for showing option and in response you get array and you want api should call on every input

<ng-super-select [isSearchable]="true" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [isDataObject]="true" [bindValue]="'id'"
  [bindName]="'title'" [apiOnSearch]="true" [apiUrl]="''"

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="[1, 2]" [isSearchable]="true" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [isDataObject]="true"
  [bindValue]="'id'" [bindName]="'title'" [apiOnSearch]="true"
  [apiUrl]="''" (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)">

In template use ng-super-select component if you are using api for showing option and in response you get object and and inside that object there is array for showing option


<ng-super-select [responseKey]="'entries'" [isSearchable]="true" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [isDataObject]="true"
  [bindValue]="'Link'" [bindName]="'Description'" [apiUrl]="''"

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="['']" [responseKey]="'entries'" [isSearchable]="true" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [isDataObject]="true"
  [bindValue]="'Link'" [bindName]="'Description'" [apiUrl]="''"

In template use ng-super-select component if you are using api for showing option and in response you get object and and inside that object there is array for showing option


<ng-super-select [responseKey]="'source.0.measures'" [isSearchable]="true" [isMultiSelectable]="true"
  [isDataObject]="false" [apiOnSearch]="true"

For pre select you can use preSelectData 
<ng-super-select [preSelectData]="['Population']" [responseKey]="'source.0.measures'" [isSearchable]="true" [isMultiSelectable]="true"
  [isDataObject]="false" [apiOnSearch]="true"

Example with Add New Record

export class ExampleComponent {

  ngSuperSelect1!: NgSuperSelectComponent;
  ngSuperSelect2!: NgSuperSelectComponent;
  ngSuperSelect3!: NgSuperSelectComponent;
  ngSuperSelect4!: NgSuperSelectComponent;
	changeEmployee(id: number | number[]) {
    this.selectedEmployee = id;

  addNewRecord(value: string, example: number) {
    alert(`We need to add a new record: ${value}`); // this will your api call for saving the new record
    switch (example) {
      case 1:
        let newDbValue1 = this.example1.length + 1;
        this.example1 = [...this.example1, { id: newDbValue1, name: value }]
        this.ngSuperSelect1.updateNewlyAddedRecord(newDbValue1, this.example1);
      case 2:
        let newDbValue2 = this.example2.length + 1;
        this.example2 = [...this.example2, { id: newDbValue2, name: value }]
        this.ngSuperSelect2.updateNewlyAddedRecord(newDbValue2, this.example2);
<!-- Example for multi selectable & array of object -->
<ng-super-select [isSearchable]="true" [optionArray]="example1" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [bindName]="'name'"
  [bindValue]="'id'" #ngSuperSelect1 [addNewRecordRequired]="true" (addNewRecord)="addNewRecord($event, 1)"
  [isDataObject]="true" (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>
<!-- Example for single selectable & array of object -->
<ng-super-select #ngSuperSelect2 [isSearchable]="true" [optionArray]="example2" [isMultiSelectable]="false"
  [bindName]="'name'" [bindValue]="'id'" [addNewRecordRequired]="true" (addNewRecord)="addNewRecord($event, 2)"
  [isDataObject]="true" (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>
<!-- Example for single selectable & array of string/number -->
<ng-super-select [isSearchable]="true" [optionArray]="example3" [isMultiSelectable]="true" [addNewRecordRequired]="true"
  (addNewRecord)="addNewRecord($event, 3)" [isDataObject]="false"
<!-- Example for single selectable & array of string/number -->
<ng-super-select [isSearchable]="true" [optionArray]="example4" [isMultiSelectable]="false"
  [addNewRecordRequired]="true" (addNewRecord)="addNewRecord($event, 4)" (addNewRecord)="addNewRecord($event, 4)"
  [isDataObject]="false" (changeSuperSelect)="changeEmployee($event)"></ng-super-select>



Input Type Default Required Description
placeholder string if searchable then Type here to search otherwise Please select a option no What label you want to show
preSelectData number[] or string[] or string or number null if isMultiSelectable true otherwise [] no If you want to pre select any option(s)
noOptionMessage string No data available no If there is no data in then what message you wnat to show
optionArray array [] no To show options
isSearchable string false no Is search required for the select or not
bindValue string null yes (if you didn't pass isDataObject or isDataObject=true) What value you want, after select the data
bindName string null yes (if you didn't pass isDataObject or isDataObject=true) What value you want to display in option
isMultiSelectable boolean false no More than one option can be choosen
isDataObject boolean true false If your arary is array of object then pass true or leave it otherwise pass false
showDoneButton boolean true no It will shown only for multi selectable dropdowns and if you want to hide then pass false
disable boolean false no It will make the select disable
apiUrl string no If you provide this parameter then option will shown based on the api response
responseKey string no Provide if you are using apiUrl & array is coming inside the object in api response
apiOnSearch boolean false no If you want api call only one time then use false or didn't pass it and if you want api call on search(Typing) then pass true
delay number 400 no How much time(milisecond) it should wait to check whether typing is complete or not
addNewRecordRequired string false no To show add new record option instead of no record option
addNewRecordLabel string Add new record: no To give custom label


Output Description
(changeSuperSelect) This will triggered when selection value will change & you get the selected value(s)
(addNewRecord) This will triggered when you clicked on the add new record option it will also provide the searched value as a parameter


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