
1.7.1 • Public • Published

This project is a fork of the original ng-material-datetimepicker. It adds angular-moment as a dependency.

Angular Material DateTimePicker

Originally designed for Bootstrap Material, this has been modified to work with Angular Material. This is an Android style date-time picker for Angular Material. Some added features include:

  • Double or single click to select date and/or time
  • Swipe left to go to next month or Swipe right to go to previous month
  • Configurable first day of the week
  • Support 24-hour format display
  • Can disable dates, not selectable by user
  • Can disable minutes view
  • Compatible with right-to-left direction


Date Author Description
2017-06-07 dhatawesomedude Adapted plugin for Angular moment
2017-04-26 hexadecy New 24-hour clock face
2017-04-17 hexadecy Single click to select
2017-02-27 hexadecy Can hide minutes view, Month next and prev buttons
2017-02-22 hexadecy Fix for rtl website
2017-02-15 hexadecy Fix inputs are not bluring after selection is made
2017-01-30 hexadecy Add support only for angular 1.5.x - 1.6.x ($onInit)
2015-11-12 logbon72 Adapted plugin for Angular Material


Depends on the following library:

  • AngularJS Material
  • AngularJS Animate
  • AngularJS Aria
  • AngularJS
  • Angular moment
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Installing via npm

npm i ng-material-ng-moment-datetimepicker

Live Example

Click here to see live examples.


Add the plugin module as a dependency to your AngularJS module:

    angular.module('myAwesomeModule', [
      //other dependencies ignored

This plugin exposes a directive which should be used as an attribute for an input element. The directive is mdc-datetime-picker. An example of this is given below:

    <md-input-container flex-gt-md="30">
        <label>Timepicker Only</label>
        <input mdc-datetime-picker date="false" time="true" type="text" id="time" short-time="true"
               format="hh:mm a"

Directive Attributes

The directive accepts several attributes which are described below:

Name Type Description
ng-model (String|Date|Moment Initial Date or model to assign the date to
ng-change Function A function to call when the input value changes.
format String MomentJS Format,defaults to HH:mm for time picker only, YYYY-MM-DD for date picker only and YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm for both timepicker and date picker
short-time Boolean true => Display 12 hours AM|PM (default: false)
min-date (String|Date|Moment) Minimum selectable date
max-date (String|Date|Moment) Maximum selectable date
date Boolean true => Has Datepicker (default: true)
time Boolean true => Has Timepicker (default: true)
minutes Boolean true => Has Timepicker minutes (default: true)
cancel-text String Text for the cancel button (default: Cancel)
today-text String Text for the today button (default: Today)
ok-text String Text for the OK button (default: OK)
week-start Number First day of the week (default: 0 => Sunday)
disable-dates Date[] Dates to be disabled or not selectable by user.
disable-parent-scroll Boolean true => Disable scrolling while the dialog is open (default : false)
auto-ok Boolean true => Single click (default: false)

Date/Time Dialog Service

You can also use the Date Time picker as a service, using the mdcDateTimeDialog service. The dialog returns a promise which is resolved with the selected date-time value and rejected on cancellation.

Example usage:

    someModule.controller('DemoCtrl', function ($scope, mdcDateTimeDialog) {
      $scope.displayDialog = function () {{
          maxDate: $scope.maxDate,
          time: false
          .then(function (date) {
            $scope.selectedDateTime = date;
            console.log('New Date / Time selected:', date);
          }, function() {
            console.log('Selection canceled');

The accepts the same options as the directive.

       date: {boolean} =true,
       time: {boolean} =true,
       minutes: {boolean} =true,
       format: {string} ='YYYY-MM-DD',
       minDate: {strign} =null,
       maxDate: {string} =null,
       currentDate: {string} =null,
       lang: {string} =mdcDatetimePickerDefaultLocale.locale,
       weekStart: {int} =0,
       shortTime: {boolean} =false,
       cancelText: {string} ='Cancel',
       todayText: {string} ='Today',
       okText: {string} ='OK',
       amText: {string} ='AM',
       pmText: {string} ='PM',
       disableDates: {date[]} =[],
       disableParentScroll: {boolean} = false,
       autoOk: {boolean} =false


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  • 1.7.1
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Version History

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Published
  • 1.7.1
  • 1.7.0

Package Sidebar


npm i ng-material-ng-moment-datetimepicker

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  • dhatawesomedude