TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.10 • Public • Published


DI Transpiler for Angular

Npm Npm Downloads Licence

This is still in early stages but fully functional already.

What and Why?

See this.


$ npm install ng-di-transpiler --save



  1. Fist you need to define interface of all platform tokens required in your app.
    To do so create interface that extends from TokenProviders from this library.
    Extending is necessary because that's how library will know where to get tokens.

  2. Create classes for each token extending from TokenProvider<T> and providing interface that real entity should implement by replacing T.

  3. Set properties to interface created in step #1 with types created in step #2.
    In this way you will guarantee correctness of provided tokens for each platform.

  4. Create as many providers.%platform%.ts files as you need and export from there const of type interface you created in step #1 and provide all tokens for platform.

  5. Load platform specific file providers.%platform%.compiled.ts into your application providers.

You can always customize which files to transpile and what postfix for transpiled files to use.


Via CLI available as ngdt.

To integrate with your build run this command just before build begins.

By default it will look and transpile file matching globe src/**/providers.*.ts.
Generated files will live along originals but named %file_name%.compiled.ts.

For CLI usage run ngdt -h.

You can also customize transpiler by providing ngdtOptions in your tsconfig.json:

  "ngdtOptions": {
    "files": string[],
    "postfix": string

Example use-case

Suppose your app requires some interfaces to be provided to different platforms.
We will start off be specifying wich providers should be provided and what interfaces they should implement:

// ./src/core/platform/platform-tokens.ts
import { TokenProviders, TokenProvider } from 'ng-di-transpiler';
import { CONSOLE_TOKEN, ConsoleInterface } from './console'; // <-- Here are some definitions
import { STORAGE_TOKEN, StorageInterface } from './storage'; // <-- of interfaces and tokens to provide

export interface PlatformTokens extends TokenProviders {
  console: ConsoleProvider;
  storage: StorageProvider;

export class ConsoleProvider extends TokenProvider<ConsoleInterface> {
  provider: CONSOLE_TOKEN; // <-- This might be instance of `OpaqueToken`

export class StorageProvider extends TokenProvider<StorageInterface> {
  provider: STORAGE_TOKEN; // <-- This is yet another instance of `OpaqueToken`

Now it's time to provide real implementations for each specific platform. Let's do first for Browser:

// ./src/core/platform/providers.browser.ts
import { PlatformTokens, ConsoleProvider, StorageProvider } from './platform-tokens';
import { ConsoleLogger } from './browser/console-logger'; // <-- Get platform specific
import { LocalStorage } from './browser/local-storage';   // <-- implementations

export const TOKENS: PlatformTokens = { // <-- Type is important here: 1. For type based analysis; 2. To detect right variable to compile
  console: new ConsoleProvider(ConsoleLogger);
  storage: new StorageProvider(LocalStorage);

Now let's provide implementations maybe for mobile:

// ./src/core/platform/
import { PlatformTokens, ConsoleProvider, StorageProvider } from './platform-tokens';
import { MobileLogger } from './mobile/logger';   // <-- Get platform specific
import { MobileStorage } from './mobile/storage'; // <-- implementations

export const TOKENS: PlatformTokens = { // <-- Same interface here will remind us to provide everything our app needs and with right implementations!
  console: new ConsoleProvider(MobileLogger);
  storage: new StorageProvider(MobileStorage);

Thanks to this structure we can easily manage large amount of tokens for different platforms ae we will get static analisys of our tokens.

If we will run ngdt against this files above, we will have next files generated:

  • ./src/core/platform/providers.browser.compiled.ts (from providers.browser.ts)
  • ./src/core/platform/ (from

So we can safely include one of them depending for which platform we compiling our app.
We can keep our target platform in global variable TARGET and provide it at compile time via Webpack's DefinePlugin or some similar technique and create next final file for platform tokens:

// ./src/core/platform/index.ts

if (TARGET === 'browser') {
  PLATFORM_TOKENS = require('./providers.browser.compiled.ts').TOKENS || [];
} else if (TARGET === 'mobile') {
  PLATFORM_TOKENS = require('./').TOKENS || [];


NOTE: We could use import statements here but Webpack would not eliminate those unused imports so require will make sure that our final bundle will have only neccessary tokens for selected platform.

And then we just consume our providers as usual in our AppModule:

// ./src/app.module.ts
import { PLATFORM_TOKENS } from './core/platform';

  // ...Other config
  providers: [
    // ...Other providers
export class AppModule { }


To build project run:

$ npm run build

No tests yet and so no coverage and no travis - so no automatic deployment =)
Just yet!


MIT © Alex Malkevich


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