
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Protect your Next.js + Vercel project with Cloudflare Access including preview deployments.

Getting Started


  • Next.js project you want to protect
    • with AppDir support
  • Vercel account with a project
    • Custom domain configured
  • Cloudflare account
  • Your own domain name on Cloudflare

Install the package

Install next-cf-access package inside your Next.js project.

yarn add next-cf-access

Configure the API route

next-cf-access needs 2 API routes under /.ncfa/.

Create app/.ncfa/authorize/route.ts (or route.js if you prefer JavaScript) with the following content:

export * from 'next-cf-access/app/ncfa/authorize';

Create app/.ncfa/redirect/route.ts (or route.js if you prefer JavaScript) with the following content:

export * from 'next-cf-access/app/ncfa/redirect';

(Optional) If you want to try protecting preview deployments ASAP, deploy the project to Production environment on Vercel once here.

Protect your contents

Change app/layout.tsx (or layout.jsx if you prefer JavaScript) to the following:

import { useAccess } from 'next-cf-access';
import { Redirect } from 'next-cf-access/components';

// Must add `async` on RootLayout
export default async function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
  // Add this line
  const result = await useAccess();

  return (
    <html lang="en">
      {/** Change the contents of <body> to this trinary operator */}
      {/** You must not return contents when `result && result.err` is true */}
      <body>{result && result.err ? <Redirect /> : children}</body>

Configure Cloudflare Access

Login to Cloudflare Zero Trust dashboard.

Create a new application with the custom domain you configured on Vercel. You can configure session duration and other settings as you like. Save the application and get the Application Audience (AUD) tag from Application Configuration.

Additionally, you need to create one more application for well-known endpoints. For this application, you must use the same domain as the previous application, and set path to .well-known. Furthermore, you must add the policy with Action: Bypass and Everyone as Include rules.

Issue Vercel Access Token

Login to Vercel and open Access Tokens page. Create and save a new token. Scope must be Full Account if you are deploying to your personal account.

Configure Environment Variables

You need to set the following environment variables on Vercel. All variables must be exposed to the all environments including Production, Preview, and Development.

  • NCFA_AUD - Application Audience (AUD) tag from Cloudflare Access Application Configuration
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_NCFA_DOMAIN - Custom domain name of your Next.js project on Vercel
  • VERCEL_TOKEN - Vercel Access Token

Deploy to Vercel

Deploy your project to Vercel. Your project will now be protected by Cloudflare Access including Preview Deployments.


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  • 0.1.0

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  • kyori19