
1.0.8 • Public • Published

🦊 newton

A CLI that creates your API documentation for you with AI

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Node.js (Express) project

[showing input and outputs]

  • index.js as source (input) file:
    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();'/users', (req, res) => {
        const { username, email } = req.body;
        res.status(200).json({ message: 'User created successfully', username, email });
        if (!username || !email) {
            res.status(400).send('Missing required arguments');
    [full source in examples/express-app/index.js]
  • npx newton exported (output) to Next.js site:
    Preview page here:
    Light Dark
  • npx newton exported to simple HTML page [source, preview]
  • npx newton exported to Markdown [preview]
  • npx newton exported to JSON [source]
  • Set up


    1. Install newton globally:
    npm install -g newton-aidocs
    1. Perform first time set up by configuring newton with an OpenAI API key that has billing set up:
    npx newton

    Note: This creates a .newton file in your home directory where this API key, along with any other future customizable newton configurations, is stored.


    1. Check the version you have installed:
    npx newton --version
    1. If it is not equivalent to the latest version:
    npm update -g newton-aidocs


    To start an interactive prompt to provide newton with the details to generate the documentation for your API:

    npx newton

    If you have an existing api-documentation.json file previously generated by newton and want to export it to another newton format (i.e. Markdown, HTML, Next.js):

    npx newton -t


    • 1.0.8
      • in default mode, validate filepath as it is input to ensure that it exists and is of the expected .js or .py format
    • 1.0.7
      • updated interactive prompts for enhanced reliability and user flexibility:
        • in default mode, now directly prompts for entrypoint filepath rather than project directory
        • in transmogrify mode, now directly prompts for the newton-generated JSON filepath rather than project directory
        • in transmogrify mode, validate filepath as it is input to ensure that it exists and is of the expected .json format
      • fixes for Next export:
        • added a prompt for base URL in transmogrify mode as it previously resulted in an undefined value
        • modified code block for copy button to remain static while scrolling
        • increased font size for endpoint titles
    pre-releases (beta)
    • 1.0.6
    • 1.0.5
    • 1.0.4:
      • add search functionality on Next generated site, searching by endpoint title
      • add dark color scheme as an option for exporting Next generated site
      • add npx newton -t option to allow converting of previously generated or existing newton-generated JSON to other export options
    • 1.0.3
    • 1.0.2:
      • add functionality to export generated documentation to responsive Next.js site
      • add tab autocompletion for specifying project directory path
    • 1.0.1:
      • add support for Flask (Python) projects
      • allow user to specify their own OpenAI API key for saved locally for persistent use
    • 1.0.0:
      • add functionality to generate documentation in JSON, Markdown, and HTML for Express.js (Node.js) APIs using GPT-3.5 Turbo


    1. For Express.js (Node.js) projects, newton works best when:
    • the input file contains Express.js routes, e.g. where each route begins on a new line with app.{get, post, put, delete}:
    const express = require('express')
    const app = express()
    const port = 80
    app.use(express.json());'/api/auth', async (req, res) => {
      const uid = req.body.uid;
      const user = db.collection('users').doc(uid);
      await user.set({
        uid: uid,
      res.send('Logged in user with uid ' + uid);
    1. For Flask (Python) projects, newton works best when:
    • the input file contains the Flask routes, e.g. where each route begins on a new line with @app.route:
    from flask import Flask, request
    app = Flask(__name__)
    @app.route("/user/metadata", methods=['GET'])
    def get_user():
        email = request.args.get('email')
        user = users.get_user(email)
        return user, 200
    @app.route("/user/create", methods=['POST'])
    def create_user():
        email = request.args.get('email')
        role = request.args.get('role')
        if role not in ["staff"]:
            return "Invalid role", 400
        user_created = users.create_user(email, role)
        return user_created, 200

    Note: The files mentioned above are provided for illustrative purposes only and do not guarantee functionality. However, their formats served as a guideline for Newton's parsing functionalities.

    What is transmogrify?

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