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Neutron HTML5 Parser

Here is a small pure-JavaScript HTML5 parser that can run on browsers as well as NodeJS with jsdom.

Credit goes to John Resig for his code written back in 2008 and Erik Arvidsson for his code written piror to that. This code has been updated to work with HTML 5 to fix several problems.

Use case

For parsing templates on both client and server side. This library may soon be used internally in htmlizer.

For only server-side use case, you may like to use htmlparser2 or high5. Note: DOCTYPE gets ignored by htmlparser2.

For only client-side use case, you can look into jQuery.parseHTML() or native DOMParser (IE10+).


Add htmlparser.js to head tag or require with nodejs.

DOM Builder

//Returns DocumentFragment.
var documentfragment = HTMLtoDOM("<p>Hello <b>World");

//If doctype is given then returns HTMLDocument
var doc = HTMLtoDOM("<!DOCTYPE html><htm><body>test</body></html>");

//on NodeJS
var factory = require('neutron-html5parser'),
    jsdom = require('jsdom'),
    HTMLtoDOM = factory(jsdom.jsdom('').parentWindow);

While this library doesn’t cover the full gamut of possible weirdness that HTML provides, it does handle a lot of the most obvious stuff. All of the following are accounted for:

Unclosed Tags:

HTMLtoDOM("<p><b>Hello") == '<p><b>Hello</b></p>'

Empty Elements:

HTMLtoDOM("<img src=test.jpg>") == '<img src="test.jpg">'

Block vs. Inline Elements:

HTMLtoDOM("<b>Hello <p>John") == '<b>Hello </b><p>John</p>'

Self-closing Elements:

HTMLtoDOM("<p>Hello<p>World") == '<p>Hello</p><p>World</p>'

Attributes Without Values:

HTMLtoDOM("<input disabled>") == '<input disabled="disabled">'

Following should be supported again in future: A couple points are enforced by this method:

- There will always be a html, head, body, and title element. - There will only be one html, head, body, and title element (if the user specifies more, then will be moved to the appropriate locations and merged). link and base elements are forced into the head.

Advanced: SAX-style API

Handles tag, text, and comments with callbacks. For example, let’s say you wanted to implement a simple HTML to XML serialization scheme – you could do so using the following:

var results = "";

HTMLtoDOM.Parser("<p id=test>hello <i>world", {
  start: function( tag, attrs, unary ) {
    results += "<" + tag;

    for ( var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++ )
      results += " " + attrs[i].name + '="' + attrs[i].escaped + '"';

    results += ">";
  end: function( tag ) {
    results += "</" + tag + ">";
  chars: function( text ) {
    results += text;
  comment: function( text ) {
    results += "<!--" + text + "-->";

results == '<p id="test">hello <i>world</i></p>"


Benchmark done using htmlparser-benchmark.

htmlparser2         : 3.77256 ms/file ± 2.29339
high5               : 4.96011 ms/file ± 2.71494
neutron-html5parser : 5.41695 ms/file ± 3.26307
htmlparser2-dom     : 6.43134 ms/file ± 3.63845
libxmljs            : 7.37534 ms/file ± 9.60274
parse5              : 12.2405 ms/file ± 7.82065
html-parser         : 12.6268 ms/file ± 8.30923
hubbub              : 15.0666 ms/file ± 7.80456
htmlparser          : 28.7801 ms/file ± 178.500
gumbo-parser        : 29.8096 ms/file ± 15.5291
html5               : 196.083 ms/file ± 248.159
sax                 : <Error>


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