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1.2.15 • Public • Published

NativeScript Parley plugin

NativeScript plugin for Parley messaging. You need an appSecret to use this plugin. The appSecret can be obtained on


  • Android API Level 17+
  • iOS 9+
  • NativeScript 4.0.0


V1.2.15 (14 June 2019)

  • PARLEY-250 Updated demo and iOS dependency.

V1.2.14 (12 June 2019)

  • PARLEY-247 Updated demo and Android dependency.

V1.2.13 (3 June 2019)

  • PARLEY-247 Updated demo and iOS dependency.

V1.2.12 (27 May 2019)

  • PARLEY-246 Updated Android dependency for adding custom headers when loading images.

V1.2.11 (24 May 2019)

  • PARLEY-245 Updated demo and iOS dependency.

V1.2.10 (24 April 2019)

  • PARLEY-240 Updated Android and iOS dependency.

V1.2.9 (24 April 2019)

  • Unpublished change.

V1.2.8 (1 April 2019)

  • PARLEY-234 Removed before-prepare remove-firebase-podfile.js instructions.
  • PARLEY-234 Margin top issue fixed.

V1.2.7 (18 March 2019)

  • PARLEY-233 Fix for keyboard accessory view in iOS.

V1.2.6 (18 March 2019)

  • PARLEY-232 Upgraded to NativeScript 5.2.2 and updated README.MD with instructions (Step 1.2.1) to bypass the GoogleService-Info.plist check by the nativescript-plugin-firebase package.

V1.2.5 (18 February 2019)

  • PARLEY-231 Fix push enabled check always being true when background app refresh is on.

V1.2.4 (1 February 2019)

  • PARLEY-228 Changed intent flags for Android push notifications.

V1.2.3 (31 January 2019)

  • PARLEY-223 Fixed dots for is typing functionality not being colored for Android.

V1.2.2 (23 January 2019)

  • PARLEY-228 The Android activity that should be opened via push messages can now be set by using Parley.getInstance().setNotificationTarget(notificationTarget: string)

V1.2.1 (23 January 2019)

  • PARLEY-227 Compatibility fixes for Android API 18.

V1.2.0 (22 January 2019)

  • PARLEY-219 Added support for sticky messages.
  • PARLEY-216 Added a new balloon style.
  • PARLEY-224 Better backwards compatibility for messages.

V1.1.4 (11 January 2019)

  • PARLEY-223 Bugfix for push messages when app is in background.

V1.1.3 (21 December 2018)

  • PARLEY-215 Bugfix for using the library without SSL-pinning.

V1.1.2 (4 December 2018)

  • PARLEY-209 Changed polling interval to 20 seconds (polling is only used when push is off or disabled).

V1.1.1 (16 October 2018)

  • PARLEY-206 Configuring the base url and path is now working correctly.

V1.1.0 (27 September 2018)

  • PARLEY-205 Added support for using custom headers.

V1.0.15 (21 August 2018)

  • PARLEY-202 Supporting transparent background.
  • PARLEY-202 Added gradient background in the demo app.

V1.0.12 (15 May 2018)

  • PARLEY-187 Disabled tool- and navigationbar manipulation.

V1.0.0 (23 April 2018)

  • PARLEY-179 Release on GitHub and npm.

Getting started

The plugin offers a singleton called Parley and a view called ParleyView. The Parley singleton is the connection between your application and the plugin. The ParleyView represent a native Android and iOS view.

Step 1: Prepare your project for the plugin

1.1 Android

Step 1.1.1: Create an AppCompatActivity

The plugin needs an AppCompatActivity to work. Create the file app/ and add the following:

import {setActivityCallbacks, AndroidActivityCallbacks} from "tns-core-modules/ui/frame";
declare const com: any;
class MainActivity extends {
    private _callbacks: AndroidActivityCallbacks;
    protected onCreate(savedInstanceState: android.os.Bundle): void {
        if (!this._callbacks) {
        this._callbacks.onCreate(this, savedInstanceState, super.onCreate);
    protected onSaveInstanceState(outState: android.os.Bundle): void {
        this._callbacks.onSaveInstanceState(this, outState, super.onSaveInstanceState);
    protected onStart(): void {
        this._callbacks.onStart(this, super.onStart);
    protected onStop(): void {
        this._callbacks.onStop(this, super.onStop);
    protected onDestroy(): void {
        this._callbacks.onDestroy(this, super.onDestroy);
    public onBackPressed(): void {
        this._callbacks.onBackPressed(this, super.onBackPressed);
    public onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: number, permissions: Array<String>, grantResults: Array<number>): void {
        this._callbacks.onRequestPermissionsResult(this, requestCode, permissions, grantResults, undefined /*TODO: Enable if needed*/);
    protected onActivityResult(requestCode: number, resultCode: number, data: android.content.Intent): void {
        this._callbacks.onActivityResult(this, requestCode, resultCode, data, super.onActivityResult);

Replace __PACKAGE__ by your package name

Step 1.1.2: Configure AppCompatActivity in the AndroidManifest

Open the AndroidManifest (located in App_Resources/Android/AndroidManifest.xml) and replace com.tns.NativeScriptActivity by __PACKAGE__.MainActivity.





Step 1.1.3: Define support and firebase versions in app.gradle

To avoid conflicts when compiling the Android application we need to set the right supportVersion and firebaseVersion. Open app/App_Resources/Android/app.gradle and add:

android {
  project.ext {
    supportVersion = '27.1.1'
    firebaseVersion = '12.0.1'
Step 1.1.4: Configure Firebase Cloud Messaging

The plugin uses remote messages to update the chat. You need to implement Firebase Cloud Messaging to receive remote messages in Android.

Step Create a project in the firebase console

Firebase needs a to work. You can retrieve this by creating a project on

Add the generated to app/App_Resources/Android.

Step Install the NativeScript Firebase plugin
tns plugin add nativescript-plugin-firebase

Only enable Android and Firebase Messaging when installing the plugin.

Step Define Firebase Cloud Messaging services in the AndroidManifest

Open the AndroidManifest (located in App_Resources/Android/AndroidManifest.xml) and add the following Firebase Cloud Messaging services:

<manifest ... >
    <application ... >
        <service android:name="org.nativescript.plugins.firebase.MyFirebaseInstanceIDService">
                <action android:name=""/>
        <service android:name="org.nativescript.plugins.firebase.MyFirebaseMessagingService">
                <action android:name=""/>

1.2 iOS

Step 1.2.1: Create GoogleService-Info.plist to bypass a check by the nativescript-plugin-firebase package.

The NativeScript Firebase plugin checks by default if the file GoogleService-Info.plists exists. Firebase is not needed for iOS because Parley uses APNs to receive Remote Messages. To bypass this, create the file App_Resources/iOS/GoogleService-Info.plist with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Step 1.2.2: Configure Remote messages

To receive remote messages in iOS the application needs to add an app.entitlements file.

Create the file app/App_Resources/iOS/app.entitlements and add the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Then install nativescript-custom-entitlements to copy the app.entitlements file when compiling the iOS project:

npm install nativescript-custom-entitlements --save-dev

Step 2: Install the plugin

npm install nativescript-parley --save-dev

Step 3: Register device and configure remote messages

Step 3.1: Remove app/app.ts

To handle remote messages we need a platform specific configuration, so remove the file app/app.ts.

3.2 Android

Step 3.2.1: Create Android specific app

Create the file app/ and add the following:

import * as application from 'tns-core-modules/application';
const firebase = require("nativescript-plugin-firebase");
import {Message} from "nativescript-plugin-firebase";
import {Parley} from "nativescript-parley";
    onMessageReceivedCallback: (message: Message) => {
        console.log("onMessageReceivedCallback: ",;
        // Optional: Set the target activity to open when the notification is being clicked
    onPushTokenReceivedCallback: function(token) {
        console.log("onPushTokenReceivedCallback: ", token);
application.start({ moduleName: "main-page" });

3.3: iOS

Step 3.2.1: Create an AppDelegate

Create the file app/app-delegate.ts and add the following:

import {Parley} from "nativescript-parley";
export class AppDelegate extends UIResponder implements UIApplicationDelegate {
    public static ObjCProtocols = [UIApplicationDelegate];
    applicationDidFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError(application: UIApplication, error: NSError): void {
        console.log("Failed to register for remote notifications");
    applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification(application: UIApplication, userInfo: NSDictionary<any, any>): void {
    applicationDidRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken(application: UIApplication, deviceToken: NSData): void {
        let deviceTokenString = deviceToken.description;
    applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions(application: UIApplication, launchOptions: NSDictionary<any, any>): boolean {
        return true;

Step 3.2.1: Create iOS specific app

Create the file app/app.ios.ts and add the following:

import * as application from 'tns-core-modules/application';
import {AppDelegate} from "./app-delegate";
application.ios.delegate = AppDelegate;
application.start({ moduleName: "main-page" });

Step 4: Implement the Parley plugin in a Page (Finally 🎉)

4.1: Configuring and using Parley

The Parley library provides listeners to notify the application. The configuration of Parley can be customised, such as modifying the base url and using SSL pinning.

The application itself is responsible for showing the chat when it is ready. This can be done by calling parleyView.showChat() when receiving the onDeviceRegistrationSuccess callback.

Note: It is required to register the device before showing the chat. This means that the application is responsible for ensuring that the push token is set before attempting to initialise and use the Parley plugin.

Step 4.2.1: Create ChatViewModel

Create the file app/chat-view-model.ts and add the following:

import {Parley, ParleyListener, ParleySslPinningListener, ParleyView} from "nativescript-parley";
import {Observable} from "tns-core-modules/data/observable";
export class ChatViewModel extends Observable implements ParleyListener {
    private parleyView: ParleyView;
    constructor() {
        Parley.init(this, "appSecret");
        // Add optional custom configuration here
    setParleyView(parleyView: ParleyView): void {
        this.parleyView = parleyView;
    // ParleyListener
    onConfigureFailed() {
    onConfigureSuccess() {
    onDeviceRegistrationFailed() {
    onDeviceRegistrationSuccess() {
    onUserUnauthorized() {
    onChatMessageSend() {

Replace appSecret by your appSecret. You can obtain an appSecret on

Step 4.2: Configure chat view

Open the xml view for the chat and add xmlns:Parley="nativescript-parley" to the Page tag.

For example:

<Page xmlns="" loaded="pageLoaded" class="page" xmlns:Parley="nativescript-parley">

Then add the ParleyView inside for example a StackLayout.

<Parley:ParleyView id="parleyView" width="100%" height="100%"/>
Step 4.3: Configure chat page

Open the page typescript file for the chat and add the following imports:

import {Page} from "tns-core-modules/ui/page";
import {ChatViewModel} from "~/chat-view-model";
import {ParleyView} from "nativescript-parley";

After that add the following to your pageLoaded method:

let initialised = false;
export function pageLoaded(args: EventData) {
    if (initialised) return;
    let page: Page = <Page>args.object;
    let parleyView: ParleyView = page.getViewById("parleyView");
    let chatViewModel = new ChatViewModel();
    page.bindingContext = chatViewModel;
    initialised = true;

Custom configurations

Parley allows the use of custom configurations, such as specifying the base url and enabling SSL pinning. Pay attention: configuring is always done after the init() method and before the configure() method.

The available configuration methods are as follows:

Parley.init(this, "0W4qcE5aXoKq9OzvHxj2");
Parley.getInstance().registerUser("ZGFhbnw5ZTA5ZjQ2NWMyMGNjYThiYjMxNzZiYjBhOTZmZDNhNWY0YzVlZjYzMGVhNGZmMWUwMjFjZmE0NTEyYjlmMDQwYTJkMTJmNTQwYTE1YmUwYWU2YTZjNTc4NjNjN2IxMmRjODNhNmU1ODNhODhkMmQwNzY2MGYxZTEzZDVhNDk1Mnw1ZDcwZjM5ZTFlZWE5MTM2YmM3MmIwMzk4ZDcyZjEwNDJkNzUwOTBmZmJjNDM3OTg5ZWU1MzE5MzdlZDlkYmFmNTU1YTcyNTUyZWEyNjllYmI5Yzg5ZDgyZGQ3MDYwYTRjZGYxMzE3NWJkNTUwOGRhZDRmMDA1MTEzNjlkYjkxNQ"); // Optional -- Read the user registration custom configuration!
Parley.getInstance().setBaseUrl(""); // Optional
Parley.getInstance().setBasePath("/clientApi/v1.2/"); // Optional
Parley.getInstance().enableSslPinning(this , "N9YyJf13LbHgGv1kn9/YEXGFLJbleikrcpDORa896ok=", "aR6DUqN8qK4HQGhBpcDLVnkRAvOHH1behpQUU1Xl7fE="); // Optional -- Read the SSL pinning custom configuration!

(The values shown are the default values, modify them to your needs)

Custom headers

Parley supports the use of custom headers. These can be updated before and after configuring the instance.

Note that Parley will override values in case the header has the same name. Also, the headers of Parley cannot be removed via this method.

Parley.getInstance().addHttpHeader("custom-company", "Webuildapps");

Enable SSL pinning

To enable SSL pinning you must have a security config.

SSL pinning can be enabled by using the following configuration method: enableSslPinning(listener: ParleySslPinningListener, publicKeyOne: string, publicKeyTwo: string). Example:

// Parley.init(...);
Parley.getInstance().enableSslPinning(this , "N9YyJf13LbHgGv1kn9/YEXGFLJbleikrcpDORa896ok=", "aR6DUqN8qK4HQGhBpcDLVnkRAvOHH1behpQUU1Xl7fE="); // Default Parley keys
// Parley.getInstance().configure();

The first parameter expects a ParleySslPinningListener. This is used to receive the callbacks of the SSL pinning status and consists of the following methods:

ParleySslPinningListener {
    public onEnableSslPinningSuccess()void;
    public onEnableSslPinningFailed(messagestring )void;

The configuration above is enough for iOS. Android needs a network security config. Create the file app/App_Resources/Android/xml/network_security_config.xml and add a network security config.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <domain includeSubdomains="false"></domain>
        <pin-set expiration="2018-05-31">
            <pin digest="SHA-256">N9YyJf13LbHgGv1kn9/YEXGFLJbleikrcpDORa896ok=</pin>
            <pin digest="SHA-256">aR6DUqN8qK4HQGhBpcDLVnkRAvOHH1behpQUU1Xl7fE=</pin>

You also need to specify this network security config in the AndroidManifest. Open the AndroidManifest (located in App_Resources/Android/AndroidManifest.xml) and add the network security config as follows:


Register user

Users can be registered to encrypt the data (and unregister when the user logs out). Registering a user requires the UserAuthentication token. Pay attention: registerUser() is always called after the init() method and before the configure() method. This is done by using Parley.getInstance().registerUser(userAuthorization: string); method as follows:

// Parley.init(...);
// Parley.getInstance().configure();

Additionally, a user can be deregistered (for example: when the user logs out). Note that this can be done after initialising. Deregistering can be done as follows:



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