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1.0.2 • Public • Published

Nano Event Bus

This is a simple and tiny event emitter library for JavaScript/Typescript, motivate from this library nano-events. This library have a mechanism to listen event lately, it means an event is emitted before to mainly support for Micro Frontend projects.

  const user = {
    id: '1',
    name: 'John'

  emit('user.update', user);

  on('user.update-user', 'client.user.update-user', (event) => {
  }, true);
  // => { lifecycle: 'initialized', value: { id: '1', name: 'John' } }

Micro Frontend example

Overcoming difficulties in event listening between remote and host apps due to the delayed loading of the remoteEntry file.

Consider the scenario where the host loads first, and subsequent Products remote apps load later. The host immediately triggers an event host.router.update meant for a Product app that is still in the loading process, the Product app may fail to capture the event. Flow Solution: To mitigate this, a mechanism has been developed to store emitted events and re-emit them once the remote app successfully loads. At this time, Product app still get information of event host.router.update from host app at initialize lifecycle state, and continue to handle next step.

Micro Frontend Repository

Table of Content


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Create Event Bus

const eventBus = createNanoEventBus()

Add Listener

Use on method to add listener for specific event:

eventBus.on('test', 'listener', (event) => {
  // Do something

eventBus.emit('do-something', { test: 10 });

Different with other libraries, when using on method to listen event, have to define listenerName, it will use listenerName to cache handler and some other information instead of using reference value of handler method like other libs.

Listen emitted event late

Pass true value for isLateListening param of on method

eventBus.emit('do-something', { test: 10 });

eventBus.on('test', 'listener', (event) => {
  console.log(event) //  => { lifecycle: 'initialized', value: { id: '1', name: 'John' } }
}, true);

When applying late listening to the emitted event, the first listening will have the lifecycle is initialized, the next one will be emitted.

When not applying late listening, this lifecycle is always initialized.

Remove listeners and events

const removeListener = eventBus.on('test', 'listener', (event) => {
  // Do something

const removeEvent = eventBus.emit('do-something', { test: 10 });


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  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.1

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