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This react notification library is a gold. It is easy to use and undestand because it is uniquely engineered and it don`t need a complicated set-up for container and trigger like the majority does. This library set-up feels normal component and handy to understand which makes it unique, it can be render in any functions as component which allow developer to use customize component as templates. and plus it is just 6kb gzip minified, it is so light it can make the tree shaking and feather flying with no regrets.



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How to use

import to your project

import { Notification, Render, RenderHasId } from 'myt-react-notify';

Normal Usage

Notification has a default template stylesheet that can be use/imported when using template option, if not using template and use your own template don`t import it.

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import "myt-react-notify/template.css"
<button className="btn" onClick={() => {
        title: "success!",
        message: "myt react notify",
        variant: "success",
        dismissible: false,
Show Notification

Customize Template Usage

You can make template of your own.

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import { Alert, Button } from 'react-bootstrap';
    onClick={() => {
            <Notification placement='bottom-left'>
                {(notificationShow) => (
                        onClose={() => notificationShow(false)}>
                        <Alert.Heading>Oh snap!!</Alert.Heading>
                        <p>I can use bootstrap</p>
    Show Alert

Animation Usage

You can use a custom animation class using @keyframe for this component.
animate.css for cool animations.

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    onClick={() => {
                    title: 'Animated!',
                    message: 'that is so cool',
                    variant: 'primary',
                    dismissible: false
                    enter: 'animated bounceInLeft',
                    exit: 'animated fadeOutDown'
    Show Animated Notification

Remaining Notification Usage

You can remove the timeout of the notification by setting delay as 0.

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    onClick={() => {
                    title: 'Hey!',
                    message: 'I`m not closing unless 👉',
                    variant: 'warning',
                    dismissible: true
                    enter: 'animated bounceInLeft',
                    exit: 'animated fadeOutDown'
    Show No Timeout Notification

Customize Default Template Usage

You can customize the default template as well.

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    onClick={() => {
                    message: (
                            style={{ textDecoration: 'none' }}>
                                <span style={{ padding: '10px 15px' }}>hey check me out</span>
                    variant: 'primary',
                    dismissible: true
                    enter: 'animated bounceInLeft',
                    exit: 'animated fadeOutDown'
    Customize Default Template

Updating Notification Usage

You can update or change notification anytime and anywhere using id which must be unique. but cannot be updated the Notification property timing, placement and delay.

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    onClick={() => {
                    title: 'Hey!',
                    message: 'what is up?',
                    variant: 'primary'
                onEntered={() =>
                                title: 'Pal!',
                                message: 'wooow I can change',
                                variant: 'success'
                onExit={() =>
                                title: 'Yo!',
                                message: "I'am going now bye",
                                variant: 'danger'
    Updating Notification

Cancel Notification Usage

You can close or cancel immidiately notification by updating the identified notification cancel as true.

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<button className="btn" onClick={() => {
        title: "Hey!",
        message: "I`m not closing unless you cancel",
        variant: "warning",
        dismissible: false,
        enter: "animated bounceInLeft",
        exit: "animated fadeOutDown"
Persistent Notification
<button className="btn" onClick={() => {

RenderHasId Usage

You can check the identified notification if it is already rendered.

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    onClick={() => {
            RenderHasId('check-me') ? (
                        title: 'Heeee..',
                        message: 'I`m already rendered',
                        variant: 'danger',
                        dismissible: true
            ) : (
                        title: 'Yo!',
                        message: 'I just got rendered',
                        variant: 'success',
                        dismissible: false
    Click Again If Rendered


All properties that is supported by Notification Component.
The datatypes with "*" means it is required.

id string   It is to identify the notification you want to update and cancel
template {
  title: string,
  message: string,
  variant: "success"
  dismissible: boolean
  It is the properties of default template. if using default templating you must import the stylesheet import "myt-react-notify/template.css".
default { title: null, message: "", variant: "default", dismissible: true }
animation object   you can set a customize animations.
default { enter: "fade-notify-in", exit: "fade-notify-out" }
timing number 1000 It is the duration of each animation
delay number 5000 It is the duration of notification will last. if the delay is set 0 it will remain forever unless dismiss
placement top-left|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-right bottom-right the placement where the notification will remain
children function   It enables you to make a customize template
cancel boolean false It is to cancel or close the certain identified or with id notification
onEnter function   it is invoke when the animation is started to enter
onEntering function   it is invoke when the animation is entering
onEntered function   it is invoke when the animation is fully entered
onExit function   it is invoke when the animation is started to exit
onExiting function   it is invoke when the animation is exiting
onExited function   it is invoke when the animation is fully exited
onMounted function   it is invoke when the component is mounted


you can remove notification in mobile using swipe from left to right.


MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Mytabworks 2020.

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