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Simple module for Node.js to use equivalent translated string, Specify language on function call as optional argument or just specify it with config file, switch between any translation with just use function lang argument.

Persian version of readme is on my blog

Simple example

A simple example with default configuration and demo lang.json file. (More info)
In this example we use sample lang.json file is in this page

const __ = require('multi-lang')();
console.log('Hello'); // output: Hello
console.log(__('Hello')); // output: Hello
console.log(__('Hello', 'fr')); // output: Bonjour
__.config.lang = 'en';
console.log(__('name-prompt')); // output: Enter your name please
console.log(__('name-prompt', 'fa')); // output: لطفا نام خود را وارد نمایید
console.log(__('name-prompt', 'fr')); // output: Entrez votre nom s'il vous plaît
// Use placeholder
let introMarty = __('intro', {name: 'Marty', age: 10}); // introMarty = "Hello my name is Marty, I'm 10 years old!"
let introAlex = __('intro', {name: 'Alex', age: 11}); // introAlex = "Hello my name is Alex, I'm 11 years old!"
let introEmpty = __('intro', 'fa'); // introEmpty = "سلام اسم من است، سن من " , because there is no data object send to it the placeholders removed and just text returned
let memlanInfo = {
  name: 'Melman',
  age: '12'
let introMelmanFa = __('simpleIntro', melmanInfo, 'fa');  // introMelmanFa = "سلام اسم من melman "
let introMelmanFr = __('simpleIntro', melmanInfo, 'fr');  // introMelmanFr = "simpleIntro" , because there is no fr defined in lang.json file

How to use

  1. Create a valid lang.js file
  2. Import module
  3. Set config.lang to your selected language
  4. Call __('Your text') to get translated text


with npm:

$ npm install --save multi-lang    

or with yarn:

$ yarn add multi-lang

Language file

First of all you have to create a lang.json file to keep all translations on it.

  • You can use your full text as key to access translated or the same text.
  • You can add a simple specific text as key to get translated text.(Recommended)
  • you can use %{object-key-name} as a placeholder on the key or any of translations texts, if you do this you can pass data on function call to populate the string and get a formated text with data.(Recommended)

A simple lang.json file:

  "simpleIntro": {
    "en": "Hello I'm %{name}",
    "fa": "سلام اسم من %{name}"
  "intro": {
    "en": "Hello my name is %{name}, I'm %{age} years old!",
    "fa": "سلام اسم من %{name}است، سن من %{age}"
  "name-prompt": {
    "en": "Enter your name please",
    "fa": "لطفا نام خود را وارد نمایید",
    "fr": "Entrez votre nom s'il vous plaît"
  "Welcome": {
    "fa": "خوش آمدید",
    "fr": "Bienvenue"
  "Hello": {
    "fa": "سلام",
    "fr": "Bonjour"

Note: Language file name is optional you can name it anything else but have to specify it on require module. (More info)


You can use __(double underscore) to have simple access or any other name you like on loading module into your script like other node modules, you can pass language.json file as argument to module when importing it.
You can also set the default language and show error flag on this section.
Note: lang.json file path is relative to root of start script in project

const __ = require('multi-lang')(); // Import module with default lang.json file
const __ = require('multi-lang')('your-lang-file.json'); // Import module with your-lang-file.json file
// Import module with your-lang-file.json file, set default lang to fa and set showError flag to false
const __ = require('multi-lang')('your-lang-file.json', 'fa', false);

Note: language file have to be a valid json file like above example.


Change all config fields together.
Note: Don't use this if you wan't to change just one field, because all fields are required.

__.config = {
  lang: 'default',
  showError: true

Change just one field(Change language from default one to fa):

__.config.lang = 'fa';

Get translated text with __(text[data, lang])

__('Hello') // return the same text because of default language
__('Hello', 'fa') // return the translated text
__('intro', {name: 'Gloriya'}, 'en')  // return intro text with replaced name placeholder with name passed as data  
__.config.lang = 'fa';
__('Hello') // return the translated text because global lang is set to fa

Note: If the text or requested lang does not exists in lang.json file, the same text will be returned
Note: To use original text instead of translations text you have to set lang argument to default


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