Sample & Eazy, Strait forward way to secure important data. Library to help you secure passwords , pincode and important data.
Download and Install nodejs from here or alternative download nodejs from package manager
to install movocrypt just run this code
npm install movocrypt
make sure you install latest version of library.
Running and usage
Explain methods in library.
This method use for encrypt your important data.
[dataForEncrypt] data that you need to encrypt data.
[algorithm] algorithms choose one : 'aes128' or 'aes192' or 'aes256'
[secretKey] key for encryption.
[result] encrypted data.
var movocrypt = ;//dataForEncrypt plain data (number , float , string , json) that you need to encrypt data.//algorithm choose one 'aes128' or 'aes192' or 'aes256'// or leave it null to use default algorithm 'aes256'//secretKey key for encryption.movocrypt
This method use for decrypt your important data.
[dataForDecrypt] data that you need to decrypt data.
[algorithm] algorithms choose one : 'aes128' or 'aes192' or 'aes256'
[secretKey] key for encryption.
[result] plain data.
var movocrypt = ;//dataForDecrypt this is data that you need to decrypt data.//algorithm choose one 'aes128' or 'aes192' or 'aes256'// or leave it null to use default algorithm 'aes256'//secretKey key for encryption.movocrypt
This method use for hash your important data using sha256 algorithm.
[dataForHash] data that you need to hash.
[result] true/false
var movocrypt = ;//dataForHash is a plain data (number , float , string , json) for hashmovocrypt
Compare Hash
This method use for verify and compare your encrypted important data using sha256 algorithm.
[compareHash] data that you need to compare with hash.
[result] true/false
var movocrypt = ;//plainData is a plain data (number , float , string , json) for hash//dataHashed hash that you need to compare of verify datamovocrypt