Search results
58 packages found
crypto; from kruptein to hide or conceal
- crypto
- cryptography
- cryptr
- crypter
- encryption
- decryption
- encrypt
- decrypt
- authenticated
- authenticate
- unicode
- symmetric
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An ESnext spec-compliant `Set.prototype.symmetricDifference` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3
- javascript
- ecmascript
- polyfill
- shim
- Set
- symmetricDifference
- symmetric
- difference
- Set.prototype.symmetricDifference
- es-shims
- es-shim API
High-level cryptographic functions that are interoperable between NodeJS and PHP 7.1+.
- encryption
- decryption
- encrypt
- decrypt
- AES-256
- AES256
- AES-256-GCM
- bcrypt
- md5
- sha1
- sha256
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A library to generate hmac and symmetrically encrypted payloads
A module to provide an easier symmetric crypto.
An easy way to use symmetric keys in browsers or node
Uniform distribution probability density function (PDF).
Natural logarithm of the probability mass function (PMF) for a discrete uniform distribution.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- probability
- pmf
- uniform
- discrete
- symmetric
- univariate
- logpmf
- log
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Discrete uniform distribution quantile function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- probability
- cdf
- inverse
- icdf
- discrete
- symmetric
- univariate
- uniform
Uniform distribution logarithm of probability density function (PDF).
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- probability
- uniform
- continuous
- symmetric
- univariate
- logarithm
- log
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Uniform distribution quantile function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- probability
- cdf
- inverse
- icdf
- continuous
- symmetric
- univariate
- uniform
Discrete uniform distribution probability mass function (PMF).
Wilcoxon signed rank test.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- summary
- nonparametric
- signed
- paired
- difference
- median
- symmetric
- distribution
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Cryptographic utility for encrypting and decrypting data using AES-GCM 256 algorithm. Fully optimized for Next.js. Based on built-in API crypto.subtle.* methods.
- cryptography
- crypto
- AES-GCM-256
- symmetric
- encryption
- decryption
- encrypt
- decrypt
- iv-generator
- cipher
- authorization
- security
- nextjs
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Test if a value is a symmetric matrix.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- is
- isndarray
- ndarray
- ndarray-like
- matrix
- ismatrix
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Test if a value is a skew-centrosymmetric matrix.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- is
- isndarray
- ndarray
- ndarray-like
- matrix
- ismatrix
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Test if a value is a non-symmetric matrix.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- is
- isndarray
- ndarray
- ndarray-like
- matrix
- ismatrix
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Test if a value is a skew-symmetric matrix.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- is
- isndarray
- ndarray
- ndarray-like
- matrix
- ismatrix
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Test if a value is a skew-persymmetric matrix.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- is
- isndarray
- ndarray
- ndarray-like
- matrix
- ismatrix
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Test if a value is a centrosymmetric matrix.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- is
- isndarray
- ndarray
- ndarray-like
- matrix
- ismatrix
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