Library for implementation of certain patterns (motifs) like the following.
Caching Pattern
- Memory using node-cache
- Redis using redis
export interface ICacher {
setItem (key: string, val: unknown, expiryMs: number): Promise<boolean>;
getItem<T= unknown> (key: string) : Promise<T>;
delItem (key: string) : Promise<boolean>;
getItemsLike<T = unknown>(keyPrefix: string) : Promise<Record<string, T>>;
getKeys (search: string) : Promise<string[]>;
Observer (Message Listener) Pattern
We are expecting to listen to a channel and messages will be sent in a particular type.
export interface IListener<T = unknown> {
channelId: string;
em : Emittery; // internal event manager
listen(): Promise<void>;
onMessage(handler: IListenerMessageHandler<T>): void;
onError(handler: IListenerErrorHandler): void;
export interface IListenerMessageHandler<T = unknown> {
(msgObj: T): Promise<void>;
export interface IListenerErrorHandler {
(err: unknown): Promise<void>;
Repository Pattern
- Memory using node-cache
- Redis using redis
We are expecting to run simple CRUD operations on a "collection" of objects, table of records or document store.
export interface IRepo<T extends IBaseDto = IBaseDto> {
name: string;
em : Emittery; // internal event manager
findMany (conditions: IFlatObject) : Promise<T[]>;
create (dto: Partial<T>) : Promise<T>;
retrieve (id: string) : Promise<T>;
update (id: string, dto: Partial<T>): Promise<T>;
delete_ (id: string) : Promise<boolean>;
Sample usage for cacher, repo and listener/observer:
import express from 'express';
import { IBaseDto, makeCacher, makeListener, makeRepo, MotifsErrorNotFound } from 'motifs';
async function main() {
const app = express();
const cacheExpiry10Mins = 10 * 60 * 1000;
const contactCacher = await makeCacher({ kind: 'memory' });
const contactRepo = await makeRepo<IContact>({ kind: 'memory', name: 'contacts' });
contactRepo.em.on('contacts.create.after', async ({ dto }) => {'contact created', dto);
const contractListener = await makeListener<IAlienContactCreated>({ channelId: 'mars', kind: 'kafka', kafka: { url: 'localhost:9092' } });
contractListener.onMessage(async (msg: IAlienContactCreated) => {'new contact', msg);
contractListener.listen();'/contacts', (req, res) => {
const contact: IContact = req.body as IContact; // TODO: avoid pretending, validate
const data = await contactRepo.create(contact);
res.json({ data });
app.get('/contacts/:id', (req, res) => {
const { id } = req.params;
const key = `contacts/${id}`;
try {
const cached = await contactCacher.getItem<IContact>(key);
return res.json({ data: cached });
} catch (err) { // cache miss?
try {
const contact = await contactRepo.retrieve(id);
await contactCacher.setItem(key, contact, cacheExpiry10Mins); // cache aside
res.json({ data: contact });
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof MotifsErrorNotFound) {
res.status(404),json({ error: 'not found' });
} else {
res.status(500).json({ error: 'server error' });
interface IContact extends IBaseDto {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
dob: string;
interface IAlienContactCreated {
id? : string;
planet?: string;