
4.8.4 • Public • Published


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This is the incipient new version 2 of moonriver; install v1 for the functionally more complete previous version (also see documentation for v1).

Async Pipelines

Can return new Promise() from (formally sync) function:

demo_3 = ->
  { Pipeline
    Async_pipeline }  = require '../../../apps/moonriver'
  p = new Async_pipeline()
  p.push [ 1, 2, 3, ]
  p.push ( d ) -> whisper '', rpr d
  p.push ( d, send ) -> send new Promise ( resolve ) -> GUY.async.after 0.1, -> resolve d * 3
  p.push ( d ) -> whisper '', rpr d
  info '^98-6^', await # [ 3, 6, 9, ]
  return null

Can use async function using await:

demo_3b = ->
  echo '—————————————————————————————————————————————'
  { Pipeline
    Async_segment } = require '../../../apps/moonriver'
  after  = ( dts, f  ) => new Promise ( resolve ) -> setTimeout ( -> resolve f() ), dts * 1000
  p = new Async_pipeline()
  p.push [ 1, 2, 3, ]
  p.push show_2 = ( d ) -> whisper '', rpr d
  p.push mul_3b = ( d, send ) -> send await after 0.1, -> d * 3
  p.push show_2 = ( d ) -> whisper '', rpr d
  info '^24-7^', p
  info '^24-8^', await # [ 3, 6, 9, ]
  return null


  • fitting: a value that may be used as (the central part of) a transform in a pipeline. This may be a function of arity 2 (a transducer), a list (a source) &c.
  • segment: one of the serial elements that constitute a pipeline. Each segment has a function called
  • a transform. transforms have a type attribute which takes one of the following values:
    • An activator is a transform that provides data items for the pipeline. There are two kinds of activators:
      • producers are (synchronous or asynchronous) nullary functions that return a source when called.
      • sources in turn are all values whose type (as returned by type = pipeline.types.type_of x) is recognized by the segment class (i.e. for which there is a method named Segment::_source_transform_from_$type()). Sources include lists, strings, generators, generator functions, maps, sets and so on.
    • ducts are fittings that are called if and when a data item is delivered to their position in the pipeline:
      • an observer is a function f1 = ( d ) -> that takes one argument (d, the current data item) and does not send any values into the pipeline; the value an observer gets called with will be the same value that the next transformer will be called with. Note that if an observer receives a mutable value it can modify it and thereby affect one data item at a time.
      • a transducer is a function f2 = ( d, send ) -> that takes two arguments: the current data item d and a send function that can be used any number of times to send values to the next transform down the line.

Without there being an activator, a pipeline will immediately finish without any results when its run() method is called; this is the reason producers and sources are called activators—without them, a pipeline will not do anything. That said, all pipelines do have a send() method which can be called with data which will be buffered until walk() or run() are called.

List of Implemented Transforms

  • (async)functions:
    • nullary (async)function: a repeatable source; its return value must be a proper source.
    • unary (async)function: an observer, to be called as fn d, where d is the current data item.
    • binary (async)function: a transducer, to be called as fn d, send, where send() is a function to be called by the transducer any number of times with any kind of values (but with exactly one value each time).
  • text (i.e. String): adds the text's codepoints to the stream.
  • list (i.e. Array): adds the list's elements to the stream.
  • (async)generatorfunction: will be called once to obtain an (async)generator, for which see below.
  • (async)generator: adds the generator's yielded values to the stream.
  • set: adds the set's elements to the stream.
  • object: adds the object's attributes as [ key, value, ] pairs to the stream.
  • map: adds the map's entries as [ key, value, ] pairs to the stream.
  • writestream: adds like an observer with the side effect that data is written to the stream (and hence a file in case the wtream was created using node:fs.createWriteStream() or something similar). Observe that no effort will be made to convert data items to comply with the requirements of a NodeJS writestream and, in general, only texts, buffers and uint8arrays are acceptable inputs for transforms derived from a writestream.
    • (An implementation detail: the role of a segment derived from a writestream is observer, not something like sink, a concept that exist only informally in MoonRiver; a transform that writes to a file or some other receiver might as well be implemented as a transducer that modifies or holds back data should that make sense for the application at hand.)
  • readstream: a stream created with something like node:fs.createReadStream() can act as a source in MoonRiver pipelines.
  • instances of Pipeline can be used as transforms; the current implementation will add all transforms of the push()ed pipeline to the target.
    • Invariant: en empty pipeline's output always equals its input; likewise, an empty pipeline used as a transform in another pipeline is a no-op that does not modify, add or subtract any data

Synchronous and Asynchronous Pipelines

Any pipeline that contains one or more explicitly or implicitly asynchronous segments must be created as p = new Async_pipeline() and run as await or for await d from p.walk(). Asynchronous segments include all segments derived from asyncfunctions, asyncgeneratorfunctions, asyncgenerators, readstreams, writestreams, and all functions that return a Promise.

Usage Patterns


remit (v.) late 14c., remitten, [...] from Latin remittere "send back [...]" from re- "back" (see re-) + mittere "to send"—Etymonline

  • a remitter is a higher-order function that, when called, returns a stream transform
  • often practical to configure a transform's behavior and/or to provide it with a closure to preserve state
  • conventianlly marked with a dollar sign $ sigil

Iterate over Lines of a File

  • Can use GUY.fs.walk_lines() which gives you a synchronous iterator over lines of a (UTF-8-encoded) file:
p = new Pipeline()
p.push GUY.fs.walk_lines __filename
p.push $do_something_with_one_line()
  • using a NodeJS ReadableStream with Transform $split_lines():
FS                  = require 'node:fs'
{ Async_pipeline, \
  transforms: T,  } = require '../../../apps/moonriver'
p = new Async_pipeline()
p.push FS.createReadStream __filename # , { highWaterMark: 50, }
p.push T.$split_lines()
p.push show = ( d ) -> whisper '', rpr d

NB this stream is asynchronous because of the ReadableStream; $split_lines() is synchronous.

Multi-Pipeline Processing

Multi-Pipeline Processing is a form of processing that allows to iterate over results from multiple interconnected pipelines. The iteration happens in a piecewise fashion so as to avoid accumulation of data items in the input or output buffers.

p_1 = new Pipeline()
p_2 = new Pipeline()
p_1.push [ 0 .. 5 ]
p_1.push $ { first, last, }, ( d, send ) -> send d
p_1.push show = ( d ) -> whisper 'input', d
p_1.push do ->
  count = 0
  return ( d, send ) ->
    if count %% 2 is 0 then return p_2.send d
    send d
p_1.push show = ( d ) -> urge 'p_1', d
p_2.push show = ( d ) -> warn 'p_2', d
result        = { even: [], odd: [], }
for d from Pipeline.walk_named_pipelines { odd: p_1, even: p_2, }
  info d
  result[ ].push
# result is now { even: [ 0, 2, 4, last ], odd: [ first, 1, 3, 5 ] }

Implementation Details

Avoidable Code Duplication for Sync, Async Pipelines?

Perusing the implementation of the synchronous and asynchronous Pipeline and Segment classes, one will come accross apparent code duplication like

class Pipeline
  process: ->
    for segment, segment_idx in @segments
    return null

#———————————————————— vs ————————————————————

class Async_pipeline extends Pipeline
  process: ->
    for segment, segment_idx in @segments
      await segment.process()
    return null

which are identical save for the addition of await in the latter. Given that JS accepts calls to sync functions with await with seemingly no difference in functionality, wouldn't it be better to define these methods just once and just live with the fact that although some methods are asyncfunctions they can still be called without await by the user?

Unfortunately this is not at all the case. A quite simple-minded benchmark shows a staggering difference in performance: when dealing with small (i.e. dozens) of loops over plain calls vs (synchronous, to be sure) function calls with prefixed await, there's no discernible effect. But already when the loop count is in the 100s or 1,000s, the performance of the code with await only reaches 25% to 20% of the identical same code called without await, and the figures only get (much, much) worse: with a million loops, we're looking at a performance degradation from 100% for the await-less code vs <1% for the code with await. So there's a big incentive to always avoid extraneous await in one's code.

But of course the code duplication is still real, and somewhat annoying. There have been efforts like gensync introduced in a blog post titled Optionally async functions in JavaScript) which (as far as I understand) seems to tackle the problem, but I haven't tested and benchmarked that solution. That said, I'd also be happy with a code transformation step for this, but then again maybe even more code transformations should be avoided in JS.


  • four modifiers:

    • start: to be sent once when the pipeline's walk() (or run()) method is called for the first time
    • first: to be sent whenever the pipeline's walk() (or run()) method is called
    • last: to be sent whenever the pipeline's walk() iterator is exhausted (or run() returns)
    • stop: to be sent when the pipeline's stop_walk() method is called
  • any value for the modifiers is appropriate, including undefined and null

  • stop_walk() is necessary if you want to call the pipeline in a piecemeal fashion, e.g. when feeding it the output of another generator. Under these circumstances, only the user can know when an iteration should be considered finished

first = Symbol 'first'
last  = Symbol 'last'
$ { first, last, }, ( d ) -> ...
$ { first, last, }, ( d, send ) -> ...
  • modifiers to be compared with the JS triple-equal-signs operator == (CS: ==, is), which boils down to equality for primitive types (numbers, texts, booleans, null, undefined) but identity for lists, objects, and symbols

  • to prevent misidentification, modifiers should always be set to a private Symbol, never to a primitive value

  • in case one wants to inject a first and last value into a stream, do not:

    first = 0
    last  = 999
    $ { first, last, }, ( d, send ) -> send d

    but rather

    first = Symbol 'first'
    last  = Symbol 'last'
    $ { first, last, }, ( d, send ) ->
      return send 0    if d is first
      return send 999  if d is last
      send d
  • this is especially relevant for observers used in conjunction with first and last. Be aware that if one uses a primitive value like 42 for a modifier in an observer, the value 42 will not appear immediately downstream from that observer, whether it originated as a modifier or came from an upstream segment.

  • use, and p.stop_run() to obtain lists of results

  • use p.walk_and_stop(), p.run_and_stop() to avoid having to call two methods plus dependent logic for each time when the use case allows this (i.e. each time you have one piece of input data, that represents a complete run for your pipeline, as opposed to each chunk of input data represents a fraction of the complete work)

Transformer: Helper Class for Modular Pipelines

to be rewritten

  • derive pipeline module class from class Transformer
  • on instantiation, the constructor will try to build a list of transforms (in the private property t._transforms) from the class declaration by iterating over all properties, skipping the names constructor and length and all names that start with an underscore _
    • if a property is a JS class, it will be instantiated
    • if a property is a function whose name starts with a dollar sign $ the result of calling that function (in the context of the instance) will become the value for the transform
    • if a property value is a list, the list's elements will be pushed to _transforms
    • to insert a list source into the chain of transforms, declare them as the return value of a $-prefixed function, e.g. $mylist: -> [ 1, 2, 3, ]
  • The ordering of properties is preserved. The inheritance chain will be walked from the most distant ancestor down to the last descendant in order to have derivatives of Transform always add to the end of the chain (making the transforms of the base class come before the transforms of the derived class).
  • For convenience, there is a class method (static method) Transformer.as_pipeline() which will return a pipeline with the class's transforms.

The last two points are demonstrated below. The thing to look out here is that the re-declaration of transform $a2 in derived class B does not override $a2 as defined in the base class, so the result is [ [ '*', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'b1', '!b2!', 'b3' ] ] (one element from the list in $source(), and the other one from each transform that adds its name to the list). This is different from regular inheritance where the re-definition of a method in a derivative will cause the upstream version of the method with the same name inaccessible and has been done because otherwise (1) one can easily overwrite a prior method using such generic transform names as $show(); (2) a pipeline is rather thought of as a sequence of processing steps than a unordered collection of methods; (3) it is not immediately clear whether an overriding method should be placed in its original spot (second in transformer A in this case) or its overriding position (second in transformer B). it has also been felt that (3) since both behaviors would be sort of surprising, an explicit handling of either ('replace this transform with that other one') would be much preferrable.

{ Transformer } = require '../../../apps/moonriver'
class A extends Transformer
  $source: -> [ [ '*', ], ]
  $show: -> ( d ) -> urge '^a@1^', d
  $a1: -> ( d, send ) -> d.push 'a1'; send d
  $a2: -> ( d, send ) -> d.push 'a2'; send d    # <- this transform will not be overridden in B
  $a3: -> ( d, send ) -> d.push 'a3'; send d
class B extends A
  $b1: -> ( d, send ) -> d.push 'b1'; send d
  $a2: -> ( d, send ) -> d.push '!b2!'; send d  # <- this does not override the second transform in class A
  $b3: -> ( d, send ) -> d.push 'b3'; send d
p = B.as_pipeline()
result = p.run_and_stop()
T?.eq result, [ [ '*', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'b1', '!b2!', 'b3' ] ]

To Do

  • [–] documentation
  • [–] move source documentation from Segment._as_transform()
  • [–] implement start() method that will signal all sources (with Symbol 'start') to reset. Compliant sources that can reset themselves to be repeated must respond with Symbol 'ok'; all other return values will be interpreted as an error condition.
  • [–] allow, document how to implement source adapters (@_transform_from_*()), probably by deriving from class Segment
  • [–] does it make sense to implement Tees and Wyes?
  • [–] does it make sense to allow to build pipelines from topologically sorted transforms (using ltsort)
  • [–] review behavior with strings, readstreams, open files: may want to always step over lines instead of codepoints
  • [–] in constructors, use @cfg, @state to separate static, dynamic properties
  • [–] clarify the usability or non-usability of bound methods of Transformer; ensure methods are called with the correct this context
  • [–] a better name for Pipeline_module? Transformatoer?
  • [–] rewrite documentation for pipeline modules, esp. order of transforms in case of inheritance
  • [–] documentation for transforms including $window()

Is Done

  • [+] v2 MVP

  • [+] async sources, transducers

  • [+] implement modifiers first, last (and once_before_first once_after_last?)

  • [+] implement Pipeline.walk_named_pipelines()

  • [+] implement Async_pipeline.walk_named_pipelines()

  • [+] composibility:

    • [+] can we use a pipeline as a segment?
    • [+] can we call the transform function of a segment outside of its use in a pipeline?
  • [+] change $window() transform such that it always sends lists of values, indexed from 0 as usual, so that the receiver can always [ rename, using, destructuring, ] = d

  • [+] implement stop_run() in analogy to stop_walk(); walk_and_stop(), run_and_stop() to avoid having to do two iterations

  • [+] make this:

    p.push window = transforms.$window { min: -2, max: 0, empty: null, }
    p.push add_parbreak_markers = ( [ lookbehind, previous, current, ], send ) ->

    possible in a single transform


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