
0.8.1 • Public • Published

Plugin Overview

Adds a recursive upsert capability to a mongoose model.

The capability is enabled as a mongoose plugin, and can be used as a static method against the schema.


While you can use findOneAndUpdate with the upsert option, unfortunately it doesn't trigger mongoose Middleware.

I created the plugin because upsert is something I use a lot, but I rely heavily on Mongoose middleware for things like generating short id's, generating the virtual id field, generating other virtual fields etc.

Note this performs 2 separate, non-atomic DB operations:

  1. findOne to retrieve the document.
  2. Separately saves to update or create the document.


npm install mongoose-recursive-upsert

To use

First set up the plugin on your schema. Refer to the mongoose instructions how to do this.

const mongooseRecursiveUpsert = require('mongoose-recursive-upsert');
const MySchema = new Schema({...});

Alternatively set it up for all schemas

const mongooseRecursiveUpsert = require('mongoose-recursive-upsert')
const mongoose = require('mongoose');

With the plugin set up you can now use upsert static method set up on your Schema. The method returns a Mongoose Promise. Refer to the Mongoose documentation for setting up an alternative promise library.

const Model = mongoose.model('MyModel');
const newObject = {title: 'hello world'};
Model.upsert({_id:}, newObject)
  .then((object) => {
    console.log('saved object');

Or an existing object:

const Model = mongoose.model('MyModel');
const update = {
    _id: '12345'
    title: 'Update'
Model.upsert({_id: update._id}, update)
  .then((updatedDoc) => {
    // here is the document
  .catch((err) => {
    // handle any save errors here

Note you do not need to use id for the query, as long as it resolves a single document any query will be fine. The query is passed verbatim to Mongoose's findOne query.

e.g. Model.upsert({'identifier': 'UniqueIdent'}, upsertDoc); // will work

Change Log

Version 0.8 (19/2/2017)

  • Initial Release
  • Tested Version 4


Dependency Description
Lodash Used for iterating and merging the object properties.
Mongoose Required as a peer dependency. Tested with v4 of Mongoose.

Testing and Development

Unit test dependencies:

  1. Mongoose
  2. Should.js
  3. Mocha
  4. MongoDB

Set up ./conf.js with your Mongo details.

Run npm test or mocha ./tests/upsert.tests.js directly.

Need changes? Submit an issue or better yet a pull-request on the Github repository:


MIT License


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