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MongoDB Ingest CLI

The MongoDB Ingest CLI ingest content into a MongoDB collection that you can use for retrieval augmented generation (RAG) applications.

You can use the Ingest CLI to ingest data into RAG applications built with the MongoDB Chatbot Framework.


To learn more about the MongoDB Ingest CLI, refer to the documentation.

System Overview

    B[Pages command]
    C[Embed command]
    B --> D(fetch pages from source)
    D --> E(store pages in Atlas)

    C --> F(fetch pages from Atlas)
    F -- for pages marked\n 'created' or 'updated' --> G(make embeddings)
    G --> H(store embeddings in Atlas)
    F -- for pages marked 'deleted' --> I(delete embeddings\nfor page)

The ingest tool has two major commands: pages and embed. These commands represent the two stages of ingesting content.

Stage 1: Pages

The pages command fetches pages from data sources and stores them in Atlas with a last updated timestamp. A "page" is some text with a URL. A data source is an arbitrary collection of pages. You can create a new data source by implementing DataSource.

For each given data source, the pages command compares the pages with those already stored in the database and only updates those that are new, have changed, or have been deleted. The command does not actually delete documents from the database, but instead marks a page as "deleted", so that the next stage knows to delete the corresponding embeddings.

Stage 2: Embed

The embed command creates embeddings for pages that have been updated since a given date. For pages that have been deleted, the command deletes any corresponding embeddings in the database. If a page is new or has been updated, the command regenerates the corresponding embeddings for that page.


To configure the ingest tool, provide an ingest.config.js file. The default export of this file must be a Config object. See Config.ts for details.


Build & Run

Set up the project monorepo. Refer to the Contributor Guide for more info on monorepo setup.

Make sure you set up the .env files in both the mongodb-rag-ingest and mongodb-rag-core projects.

To use the ingest CLI locally, run:

# See all available commands
node .

# Run specific command
node . <command> <options>

A few things to keep in mind when developing in the mongodb-rag-ingest project:

  1. You must recompile the mongodb-rag-ingest project with npm run build before running it from the CLI for changes to take effect. Therefore, when testing CLI commands locally, it can be convenient to run compilation and the command as a one-liner:

     npm run build && node . <command> <options>
  2. You must also recompile mongodb-rag-core with npm run build every time you make changes to it for the changes to be accessible to mongodb-rag-ingest or any other projects that depend on it.

    cd ../mongodb-rag-core
    npm run build
    cd ../ingest
    # do stuff

Add Commands

Add commands to src/commands/. The CLI automatically picks up any non-test .ts file that default-exports a yargs.CommandModule. See existing commands for example.


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