
3.2.3 • Public • Published


Generic AngularJS-based CMS framework

Adding an administrative backend to a dynamic website is almost always necessary, but a lot of work by default. Monad aims to provide a platform agnostic toolkit which allows for easy and quick scaffolding of such a backend, communicating with your site via APIs.

Full documentation:

Read about the history for this project.



$ npm install --save monad-cms

Monad is transpiled to ES5 in the CommonJS format, so assuming you're using Browserify or something compatible you can do this in your admin's main entry point (e.g. ./src/admin/my-awesome-admin.js):

var monad = require('monad-cms');

...or, if you're more into ES6 and transpiling like us:

import monad from 'monad-cms';


$ bower install --save monad

Add a link to the bundled ES5 file in your HTML template:

    <!-- other html... -->
    <script src="bower_components/monad/dist/monad.js"></script> 
    <!-- ...or: -->
    <script src="bower_components/monad/dist/monad.min.js"></script> 
    <!-- now load your own Javascript for the admin: -->
    <script src="my-awesome-admin.js"></script> 

Make sure Monad comes before your own admin scripts. No need to require it now!

Installing dependencies (for development)

If you're going to hack on Monad itself, you'll want to clone or fork the repo instead of installing via NPM.

$ git clone
& cd monad
$ npm install

Note that the NPM package is called monad-cms, but the Bower package and repository are simply named monad. monad was already taken on NPM, that's why.

Monad uses Grunt for building, so in that case you'll want that too:

$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Your own project can use a different task runner like Gulp, or none at all.

Upgrading from 2.x

If you're upgrading from Monad 2.x keep the following in mind:

Plugin architecture

Monad 3.x uses a plugin-based architecture and many functionality has been moved to such a plugin. As such, you'll most likely want to install one or more plugins for your admin to behave like before.

New prefix for components, directives, services etc.

Monad 1.x and 2.x used the mo prefix for these. Monad 3.x uses the slightly more verbose but clearer monad prefix. You should rename them, and also keep in mind that not all 3.x components are 100% backwards compatible.

Including Monad in your project

Until now we don't have anything to load in a browser yet. Let's change that. Pick a public folder (the name doesn't matter, so let's assume /admin/). Using your favourite text editor, add the following index.html there:

<!doctype html>
<html ng-strict-di ng-app="name-of-your-admin-module">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <title>Title of your project admin</title>
        <link href="/path/to/your/admin.css" rel="stylesheet">
        <base href="./">
    <body role="document">
            <div class="theme-showcase" role="main" ng-view></div>
        <!-- optional: bower bundle, see above -->
        <script src="/path/to/your/bundle.js"></script> 

The <meta> tags are optional but usually a good idea, as is ng-strict-di. Note the <base href="./"> tag - this is required for Angular routing to work.

We already added two directives included in the core CMS package: <monad-login> and <monad-footer>. The first shows a login screen if the current user isn't authenticated (which is likely what you'll get when you run this example since we haven't defined authentication yet...), the second shows Monad's default footer with optional logout button and language selection, as well as our copyright notice.

Typically admins are only open to selected users, so usually you'll want to wrap your ng-view directive in monad-login. monad-footer is entirely optional. Please note that the MIT license does require you to include it, so if you write your own implementation please take care of that!

Writing your admin

You now write your admin code in Javascript in whatever way you please! Wait, is that all??? Of course not. As per version 3 Monad uses a plugin based architecture, much like you would include Angular dependencies in a "normal" project. For starters, these are the officially maintained plugins:

Install plugins using NPM or Bower, and require or add script tags for them as needed. Then, add them as an extra dependency for your main module. See the individual plugins for documentation on their usage.

The rest of Monad is "just" an Angular application, so simply define routes using $routeProvider and start coding admin stuff! Speaking of which...


Monad supports multiple levels of authentication out of the box. E.g., all sections of your admin would be available to "root users", but only "writing blog posts" is available to editors. Authentication is explained in the prerequisites section and there's also a more detailed example showing how to identify various roles in your application.


If you installed via NPM you can @import the style.css file from the lib directory (if it's available publicly). When using sass, you can also @import '/path/to/monad-cms/lib/default'.

If you installed via Bower you'll want to add a link to 'bower_components/monad/dist/style.css' to the <head> of your admin's index.html.

Or you could write your own CSS from scratch. That's fine by us. In that case, starting by including Bootstrap will give you a running start.

Monad includes the Bootstrap CSS framework by to get you started quickly, but is also completely customisable if you'd rather rebrand to for your project's own style.

Further reading

You'll notice that up until now we haven't said a word about server side code, database queries etc. That's because Monad doesn't care by design - but you will need them. See the prerequisites section (up next) for some hints on how to actually start administering something.


Bug reports, feature requests etc. should go via Github. If you feel like fixing something yourself (awesome, you!) issue a pull request. In lieu of a formal style guide, please try to be consistent with existing coding styles.

If you've simply created a plugin that you think other people might also find useful (I don't know, e.g. something to easily integrate with Laravel projects), please drop me a line. We'll advertise it as a user contributed plugin (assuming it works properly ;)).


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