
0.4.1 • Public • Published


👉 中文文档

Mocor is the most convenient API mocking tool.

  • Extremely easy to use.
  • Automatically generates API documentation.
  • Works even better when combined with AirCode.

Getting started

  1. Can be integrated locally with Koa:
const Koa = require('koa');
const {bodyParser} = require("@koa/bodyparser");

const {Mock} = require('mocor');

const app = new Koa();

const mock = new Mock();

  hello: 'mocor',
}, {
  allowMethods: ['GET','POST']

  .use(async (ctx) => {
    const params = ctx.method === 'GET' ? ctx.query : ctx.request.body;
    const result = await mock.execute(params, ctx);
    if(ctx.response.headers['content-type'] === 'application/json') {
      ctx.body = JSON.stringify(result);
    } else {
      ctx.body = result;


Accessing http://localhost:3000 will allow you to see the API page.

  1. With AirCode (recommended):
// @see
const aircode = require('aircode');
const {Mock} = require('mocor');

const mock = new Mock('hello', 'This is a demo api generated by mocor.');{
  message: 'Hi, Mocor',

module.exports = mock.compile();

Data Mocking API

Mocor provides powerful API generation helper functions to generate various types of data. Here are the built-in helper functions in Mocor:

  • randomFloat(from = 0, to = 1)
    • Generates a random floating-point number within a specified range.
  • randomInteger(from = 0, to = 1000)
    • Generates a random integer within a specified range.
  • randomString(len = 16)
    • Generates a random string with a specified length.
  • randomUUID()
    • Generates a random UUID string.
  • randomDate(from = new Date(0), to = new Date())
    • Generates a random date within a specified time range.
  • repeat(schema, min = 3, max = min)
    • Repeats a specified schema a certain number of times and generates a list.
  • join(list, joint = '')
    • Joins a list of elements into a string with a specified separator.

These helper functions can be used within Mocor to generate dynamic data for your API endpoints.

Example 1

The following example generates 5 to 10 student records, including their names, IDs, and grades.

// @see
const aircode = require('aircode');
const {Mock, repeat, randomInteger, randomUUID} = require('mocor');

const mock = new Mock('random list', 'This is a demo api generated by mocor.');

const genName = () => {
  let i = 0;
  return () => `student${i++}`;

  name: genName(),
  score: randomInteger(0, 101),
  id: randomUUID(),
}, 5, 10), {
  allowMethods: ['GET', 'POST'],

module.exports = mock.compile();
  • randomLatinLetter()
    • Generates a random Latin (English) letter.
  • randomLatinWord(minLetters = 3, maxLatters = 12)
    • Generates a word with a specified range of letter counts.
  • randomLatinParagraph(minWords = 10, maxWords = 40)
    • Generates a paragraph consisting of a certain number of words.
  • randomLatinArticle(minParagraph = 3, maxParagraph = 10)
    • Generates an article with a certain number of paragraphs.
  • randomChineseName()
    • Generates a random Chinese name.
  • randomChineseParagraph()
    • Generates a random Chinese paragraph.
  • randomChineseArticle(min = 200, max = 800)
    • Generates a random Chinese article with a specific number of characters.

Example 2

The following example generates Chinese student information:

// @see
const aircode = require('aircode');
const {Mock, repeat, randomInteger, randomUUID, randomChineseName, randomChineseArticle} = require('mocor');

const mock = new Mock('chinese students', 'This is a demo api generated by mocor.');

  name: randomChineseName(),
  scores: repeat(randomInteger(50, 101), 5),
  id: randomUUID(),
  comment: randomChineseArticle(),
}, 5, 10), {
  allowMethods: ['GET', 'POST'],

module.exports = mock.compile();
  • param(name, type = 'any', defaultValue = null, info = ' ')
    • Generates data based on the passed parameter.
  • randomPick(...list)
    • Retrieves a random value from an array with equal probability.
  • randomPickWeight(...list)
    • Randomly retrieves a value based on the weight assigned to each item.
  • poll(...list)
    • Cycles through the values in an array.

Example 3

The following example returns different data based on different parameters:

// @see
const aircode = require('aircode');
const {Mock, param} = require('mocor');

const mock = new Mock('params', 'This is a demo api generated by mocor.'); => {
  const type = param('type', 'string', 'odd', 'get numbers even or odd')(args);
  if(type === 'odd') return [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
  return [0, 2, 4, 6, 8];

module.exports = mock.compile();

Example 4

The following example simulates 32 pagination data entries and returns different data items based on the value of the page parameter:

// @see
const aircode = require('aircode');
const {Mock, param, repeat, randomChineseName, randomInteger} = require('mocor');

const mock = new Mock('params', 'This is a demo api generated by mocor.'); => {
  const total = 32;
  const pn = param('pn', 'number', 1, 'the page number')(args);
  const n = Math.min(10, Math.max(0, total - (pn - 1) * 10));
  return repeat({
    name: randomChineseName(),
    score: randomInteger(),
  }, n);

module.exports = mock.compile();

Example 5

The following example simulates an error with a certain probability:

// @see
const aircode = require('aircode');
const {Mock, repeat, randomChineseName, randomInteger} = require('mocor');

const mock = new Mock('Random error', 'This is a demo api generated by mocor.');{context}) => {
  if(Math.random() > 0.5) {
    return {
      error: 'fatal error',
  return repeat({
    name: randomChineseName(),
    score: randomInteger(),
  }, 5);

module.exports = mock.compile();

Advanced Usage

If you want to debug using mock data first and then switch to the production environment seamlessly in AirCode, you can follow these steps:

First, create a mock environment cloud function named student-mock.js in AirCode.

// @see
const aircode = require('aircode');
const {Mock, repeat, randomInteger, randomUUID, randomChineseName, randomChineseArticle} = require('mocor');

const mock = new Mock('chinese students', 'This is a demo api generated by mocor.');

  name: randomChineseName(),
  scores: repeat(randomInteger(50, 101), 5),
  id: randomUUID(),
  comment: randomChineseArticle(),
}, 5, 10), {
  allowMethods: ['GET', 'POST'],

module.exports = mock.compile();

Then, create the production environment file student.js using the following code:

// @see
const aircode = require('aircode');
const {mocking} = require('mocor');

module.exports = mocking(require('./student-mock.js'),
  async function (params, context) {
    console.log('Received params:', params);
    return {
      message: 'Hi, AirCode.',

So accessing the production API can be done by setting the HTTP request header x-motor to a value of 1, which will allow you to use mock data. If the x-motor header is not set, the API will return real data.

Meanwhile, you can still access the API documentation through the cloud function that generates mock data.


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