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1.2.0 • Public • Published


A Node-based mock STOMP message broker with hooks for easy testing of your STOMP clients. Supports TypeScript.


npm install --save-dev mock-stomp-broker

Usage example

import MockStompBroker from "mock-stomp-broker";
import MyUpdateableTable from "./MyUpdateableTable";
describe("MyUpdateableTable", () => {
  it("should add rows to the table when row data is pushed via STOMP", async () => {
    const broker = new MockStompBroker();
    const rowData = {
      id: 1,
      name: "Jane Doe"
    const wrapper = mount(
      <MyUpdateableTable websocketPort={broker.getPort()} rows={[]} />
    const [sessionId] = await broker.newSessionsConnected();
    await broker.subscribed(sessionId);
    const messageId = broker.scheduleMessage(`topics/my-topic`, rowData);
    await broker.messageSent(messageId);
  it("should clean up the websocket connection when table is unmounted", async () => {
    const broker = new MockStompBroker();
    const wrapper = mount(
      <MyUpdateableTable websocketPort={broker.getPort()} rows={[]} />
    const [sessionId] = await broker.newSessionsConnected();
    await broker.disconnected(sessionId);


The MockStompBroker can take a config object as a constructor arg. The config object and all its fields are optional.

Field Default Effect
port N/A Sets a specific port for the broker to start up on. Overrides portRange.
portRange [8000, 9001] When provided, the broker will choose a random port number in the provided range to start up on (useful when running multiple tests in parallel). Will only take effect if port is not provided.
endpoint /websocket Sets the websocket endpoint exposed by the broker. This is where your clients should connect.


Method Args Returns Effect
getPort N/A number Returns the broker's port. Use this to point your client(s) at the right port when generating random ports (either with portRange or the default behavior).
newSessionsConnected N/A Promise<string[]> Resolves to an array of session IDs for sessions that were created since the last time you called this method. Rejects after 2000ms.
subscribed string Promise<void> Resolves when a STOMP subscription has been established for the given session ID. Use this to ensure a session has an active subscription before trying to send messages. Rejects after 2000ms.
scheduleMessage string, any, {}? string Schedule a STOMP message with a given payload to be asynchronously sent by the broker to all subscribers to a given topic. Can customize the message headers in the optional third argument. Returns a message ID for the scheduled message.
messageSent string Promise<void> Resolves when a scheduled STOMP message with a given message ID has been sent by the broker. Use this to ensure message delivery to your clients before asserting on the outcome of receiving a message. Rejects after 2000ms.
disconnected string Promise<void> Resolves when a session with a given session ID has disconnected. Use this to test your client cleanup logic. Rejects after 2000ms.
kill N/A void Shut down the broker. You'll want to call this after every test case (or in an afterEach) to ensure your ports are cleaned up.

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  • rufusraghunath