
0.8.1 • Public • Published


This is a small helper library to make Mocha testing easier. It provides a TestCase class, which you use as a base class for defining your own tests. The TestCase class has a bunch of convenience arguments for doing things like calling a function with known-good arguments, easily modifying default arguments, or calling a function with bad arguments and making sure it fails.

Note that this library assumes the use of JavaScript ES2015 (aka - ES6).



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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Example: Defining Your Test

Below is an example of defining a test class for the browser's IndexedDB interface, specifically the open method of that interface:

class IndexedDbOpenTest extends TestCase {
    constructor() {
        // call the TestCase constructor
        // note that the TestCase constructor requires the assert and test functions to be used
        super(assert, it);
        // the function to be tested
        this.testFunction =;
        // the default arguments for the function
        this.testObject = {name: "testdb", version: "1"};
        // the order of the arguments for the test function
        this.argOrder = ["name", "version"];
        // the context to use for the test function
        this.ctx = window.indexedDB;
        // enable the constructor to modify the default testObject
        if (arguments.length) this.modify(...arguments);

Example: Using Your Test

// passes with default arguments
new IndexedDbOpenTest().test();
// constructor modifies default arguments so that "name" is null, and version is still 1
// test passes since `` will throw a `TypeError`
new IndexedDbOpenTest("name", null).testBadArgs("Database open: name cannot be null");
// constructor modifies default arguments so that "name" is still "testdb", and version is 0
// test passes since `` will throw a `TypeError`
new IndexedDbOpenTest("version", 0).testBadArgs("Database open: version cannot be zero");
// delete all default args to pass no arguments
// test passes since `` will throw a `TypeError`
new IndexedDbOpenTest({[
        {path: "name", value: undefined},
        {path: "version", value: undefined}
        ]}).testBadArgs("Database open: requires at least one argument");

TestCase Configuration

The TestCase constructor (called via super() -- see examples above) requires two arguments: assert and test. Assert can be any assert function that takes the arguments bool (true for passing assertion, false for failing assertion); and message. Test is a mocha function, such as it that takes two arguments: test description and function where function runs the test.

The following are the properties of the TestClass class that your class will need to override (see the example above).


The function that will be tested.


The arguments to the function to be tested, as an object. For example:

testObject = {
    arg1: "value",
    argTwo: 3.14159,
    arg3: { foo: "bar" }


The order to pass the arguments in testObject to testFunction, as an array of strings. For example:

argOrder = {


A function to validate the return value of testFunction. Returns true if validation passes, and false if validation fails.


When calling testFunction, ctx will be the this object.

TestCase Methods


Run a single instance of testFunc with testObject as the argument(s) and expects it to pass.

  • desc - a human description of what the test does


Run a single instance of testFunc with testObject as the argument(s) and expects the test to fail by throwing a TypeError.

  • desc - a human description of what the test does


Run a single instance of testFunc with testObject as the argument(s). No assertions or testing performed.

fuzz(count) (coming soon!)

Run count number of fuzzing tests, using js-fuzzing to generate or mutate testObject

  • count - the number of fuzzing tests to perform


See the Modifying Default Arguments section below for a description.

Modifying Default Arguments

The testObject that will be used as the argument to testFunction can be modified by calling the modify method. Note that any arguments to the constructor can be passed through to modify to make the constructor an easy modifier.

Passing arguments to the constructor is the same as passing arguments to modify. Modify is similar to lodash's set() method, and will create properties if they do not already exist.

// testObject defined in the constructor (see examples above)
testObject = { name: "Adam",
               address: {
                   street: "123 Main St",
                   city: "San Jose",
                   zipcode: 94123
               children: [
                   {name: "Jack", age: 4},
                   {name: "Jill", age: 6}
// default modify method of TestCase
modify ("name", "Sara"); // changes "name" from "Adam" to "Sara"
modify ("address.street", "599 S Bascom Ave"); // changes "123 Main St" to "599 S Bascom Ave"
modify ([
        {path: "", value: "Milpitas"}
        {path: "address.zipcode", value: 95035}
        ]) // changes "San Jose" to "Milpitas" and zipcode from 94123 to 95035
// entire object
// insert property
// change one array
// add to array

There are three ways to modify the default arguments object.

Type 1: path and value as two arguments

modify ("", value)

Most convenient usage, especially for lots of tests to small changes in default arguments.

Type 2: path and value in an object

modify ({path: "", value: value})

Especially useful where value is undefined, which has the effect of deleting properties.

Type 3: an array of path / value objects

modify ([{path: "", value: value}
         {path: "", value: value2 }

Especially useful for modifying lots of default values.

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