A simple little reporter that detects slow tests in Mocha, and prints a list of the name and time, ordered by slowest first.
npm install --save-dev mocha-slow-test-reporter
mocha --reporter mocha-slow-test-reporter
By default, all test slower than 75 milliseconds will be listed. You can configure that using the --slow
tag, as such:
mocha --reporter mocha-slow-test-reporter --slow 20
Here's a sample of the output.
Slow test count: 6
514ms [slow test long name] 512ms pariatur laboris laborum sint aliqua
fugiat sint ipsum tempor esse mollit aliqua et ad enim exercitation
laborum in anim labore mollit enim officia proident fugiat commodo
proident velit et reprehenderit labore dolore mollit nulla laboris
voluptate officia aute cupidatat qui incididunt anim ipsum aliquip
elit esse eu est veniam in aliqua consequat
512ms [slow tests] 512ms
257ms [slow tests] 256ms
257ms [slow test long name] 256ms in aute Lorem mollit veniam in nostrud
quis anim non laboris nostrud labore cupidatat in magna officia et
officia id elit duis nulla aliqua eu cillum
129ms [slow tests] 128ms
128ms [slow test long name] 128ms laborum ad nisi est minim non duis
deserunt est id ullamco id anim