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Contents Index

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Generate a table of contents index

Creates a list representing the structure of a document as determined by the headings in the document.

To inject the created list into a location in the document place the marker <!-- @toc --> in the source document.

By default it creates anchor links (#) to named anchors on the same page but the link behaviour may be disabled or customized using a destination function, see the api docs.


npm i mktoc --save

For the command line interface install mkdoc globally (npm i -g mkdoc).


Create the stream and write a commonmark document:

var toc = require('mktoc')
  , ast = require('mkast');
ast.src('# Heading\n\n## Sub Heading\n\n')
  .pipe(ast.stringify({indent: 2}))


Create a standalone table of contents:

mkcat | mktoc -s | mkout >

Inject the table of contents into a document containing the <!-- @toc --> marker:

mkcat | mktoc | mkout >

Set an initial heading with the specified level:

mkcat | mktoc --title 'Table of Contents' --level 2 | mkout >

Only include headings for levels 2-4:

mkcat | mktoc -d 2 -m 4 | mkout >

Create an ordered list and set the delimiter:

mkcat | mktoc -o -E '.' | mkout >


Usage: mktoc [options]

  Generates a table of contents index.

  -t, --title=[TITLE]     Set initial heading
  -l, --level=[NUM]       Set level for initial heading
  -d, --depth=[LEVEL]     Ignore headings below LEVEL
  -m, --max=[LEVEL]       Ignore headings above LEVEL
  -p, --prefix=[VAL]      Set link destination prefix to VAL
  -b, --base=[URL]        Base URL for absolute links
  -B, --bullet=[CHAR]     Character for bullet lists
  -E, --delimiter=[CHAR]  Delimiter for ordered lists
  -D, --disable           Disable automatic links
  -o, --ordered           Create an ordered list
  -s, --standalone        Standalone index, discards input
  -h, --help              Display help and exit
  --version               Print the version and exit




toc([opts][, cb])

Generate a document containing a table of contents list.

See Toc for more available options.

Returns an output stream.

  • opts Object processing options.
  • cb Function callback function.


  • input Readable input stream.
  • output Writable output stream.


new Toc([opts])

Create a table of contents index stream.

Note that in order to build a complete index all data must be read so this implementation buffers incoming nodes and flushes them when the stream is ended writing the index nodes where necessary.

When the first child of a heading is a link it is preserved and no automatic link is created, otherwise when creating links inline markup in the heading is discarded.

If the standalone option is given then the incoming data is discarded and the document representing the index is flushed.

When a destination function is specified it is passed a string literal of the heading text and should return a URL, the function is invoked in the scope of this stream.

Typically prefix will be either a /, # or the empty string depending upon whether you want absolute, anchor or relative links. The default is to use # for anchor links on the same page.

If the bullet option is given it must be one of -, + or *.

If the delimiter option is given it must a period . or right parenthesis ).

  • opts Object processing options.


  • standalone Boolean discard incoming data.
  • type String=bullet list output type, bullet or ordered.
  • link Boolean=true whether to create links in the output lists.
  • depth Number=1 ignore headings below this level.
  • max Number=6 ignore headings above this level.
  • destination Function builds the link URLs.
  • prefix String=# default link prefix.
  • base String a base path for absolute links.
  • bullet String=- character for bullet lists.
  • delimiter String=) delimiter for ordered lists.



Created by mkdoc on April 18, 2016

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