Mitto REST API Node.js client
This is the official Node.js client for the Mitto REST API (
npm install mitto-rest-client
Simple SMS sending
var apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY";var testMode = false; // optional; set to true if you want to send a test messages (no delivery, no cost, but visible in your portal) ;
Send flash SMS
var apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY"; ;
Set a client reference
var apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY"; ; // in the Mitto customer portal you can configure a DeliveryReport Callback URL; this will receive the "reference" parameter from above...// alternatively you can support your Account Manager to set the URL for you.
Unicode SMS sending
var apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY"; ;
Inspect response
var apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY"; ;